Pirate Chest: When to give up

"Pirates took their loot to notorious pirate hang-outs in Port Royal and Torguga. PIRATES DIDN'T BURY THEIR MONEY. They blew it as soon as they could on women and booze"- Cori Convertito, Assistant Curator of Education/
Is Convertito also "just plain WRONG"?

Yes he is "just plain wrong". Do you think this guy knew everything going on? You should reconsider how you obtain your so called "facts". You are losing whatever credibility you think you may have.

" Theory must never contradict empirical fact " - Albert Einstein

If there is one thing I have learned in my time on this earth so far is...
Just because someone wrote it...
Does not make it so.

Is your hand tired Bigdogdad.
Keep digging, Keep believing.

Here is how ECS operates and believes he wins arguments.

Anything he finds in writing that he likes is an actual "fact".

Anything that anybody else finds in writing that goes against ECS's "facts" is just a made up story to sell magazines and books.

Anytime ECS is asked a straight simple question, he ignores it.

He comes up with long drawn out lists of names and dates that he gets from some book and puts them on here as if they are the gospel truth. They sound impressive but that is about all.

...and your point in attacking the messenger and not debating the message?

Yes, I am familiar with Jeffrey Kramer, who passed away in 2013, and his 1964 published work from which this was taken.
When he mentions the buried pirate treasure chests, he provides basic locations, but does not mention when they were found, who found them, what the actual content that provided the monetary value mentioned, and what became of that find. Without that verification backing up those statement, it becomes oft repeated lore.
Do you have proof that these buried chests were actually discovered, or are you just basing your belief on what was written?

Ehhh one of the few who published what "he" read... after researching.

This by no means is ALL "based on empirical facts" either... but rather on some "legends"... And "accounts".

Like I said... humans instinctually "bury" since dawn of human time.

This I consider "common sense".

...and your point in attacking the messenger and not debating the message?

I am not "attacking" you, I am just stating the facts as I see them. You are not interested in doing any "debating". You quote what others have written and then represent what they say as if it is 100% the truth. You posted that "PIRATES DID NOT BURY THEIR MONEY". You read this and its fits your side of the "debate". For anyone to make a statement like that would make me tend to disbelieve anything they have to say. I am not trying to say that ALL pirates buried all of their loot. I am sure that some tried their best to spend it and there were probably plenty of them that did not hide it and got it stolen from them.

The bottom line is that over a period of 400 years of activity there were plenty of times that chests/kegs or bags of treasure were buried all up and down the west coast of Florida. I grew up and live right in the middle of this. I swam in the Gulf of Mexico as a little kid gathering sand dollars and selling them. I got my first scuba tanks at around 13-14 years old and have dreamed of finding buried treasure all my life. ECS-Why do you feel the need to try to convince me and others that there are no treasures to be found?

I believe that all threads on Treasure Net are open for discussion for all members, a dialog that can be both pro and con.
Yes they are as long as discussion is done by TN rules, when it turns to mocking, insults or talking down to members, or mocking methods within a forum designed specifically for a type or style of treasure hunting is when it becomes a rules violation issue.... All types of mocking violates TN rules...

Reales have been turning up on west Florida's beaches for as long as I have been alive and I'm 66....

Reales have been turning up on west Florida's beaches for as long as I have been alive and I'm 66....
...and on the east coast, especially after a hurricane. With that said, it does not indicate they are from a buried chest, but rather an offshore wreck.

...and on the east coast, especially after a hurricane. With that said, it does not indicate they are from a buried chest, but rather an offshore wreck.
I agree, I didn't say chest or wreak, only they are being found since before I was born....

... You posted that "PIRATES DID NOT BURY THEIR MONEY". You read this and its fits your side of the "debate". For anyone to make a statement like that would make me tend to disbelieve anything they have to say...
The post you refer to, is a portion of a quote from Cori Convertito, a curator a the MEL FISHER MARTIME MUSEUM in Key West, and I believe the Fisher organization has some knowledge concerning Florida treasure.
I just wanted to confirm the quotes provenance.

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This a great book by a respected author;

True Tales of Buried Treasure: EDWARD ROWE SNOW: Amazon.com: Books

he travelled extensively to not only hunt for (and find) treasure but to track down others who had done so and record their stories.

and this is his own personal experience;

Greg Flemming - Buried Pirate Gold and Edward Low's Treasure Map

and a chest he found buried;

Edward Rowe Snow ? History Adventurer and Flying Santa | SoMeOldNews

(In 1945, he found a treasure chest buried at Cape Cod’s Nauset Beach after decoding a message he found pinpricked on the pages of an ancient book. Also in 1945, Snow claimed to have identified a treasure-laden pirate ship 45 miles off Provincetown, MA.)

The post you refer to, is a portion of a quote from Cori Convertito, a curator a the MEL FISHER MARTIME MUSEUM in Key West, and I believe the Fisher organization has some knowledge concerning Florida treasure.
I just wanted to confirm the quotes provenance.

The guy is a curator at a museum in Key West. SO WHAT! What does that have to do with whether or not there are buried chests along Florida's coast? You are wasting your time trying to convince anybody that these buried chests do not exist, and why are you even trying to? Mel Fisher's group went after all kinds of treasure but mainly salvaging sunken ships that probably have nothing to do with pirates. When I was in Virginia trying to recover the Beale treasure I was told that Mel fisher was flying around the area in a helicopter. The Beale treasure is supposed to be buried.

ECS- Easy question. If you were a pirate 200 years ago and had come into possession of an extremely large amount of gold, silver and jewels, what would you do with it? Your base of operations is somewhere on the coast of Florida.

A pirate chest full of gold was found in Parrish where I live. It was witnessed, written about and a well known story by the locals. A pirate chest was found at Fowler's Bluff.

BDD... Glad to see you posting again!


JUST in my area ... recovered here in the Tampa Bay Area... over the past 150 years.
The CHESTS removed from what is now called "Treasure Island"... Witnessed... but later recounted as a made up deal.
The Chest removed from a Spring here...
The chest found at the mouth of Anclote River... Witnessed.
The chest found on Sister Key... Witnessed.
The Chest rumored to have been removed From Ross Island... along with several cannon... Cannon WERE Witnessed.
The... Should I continue ?
Yes, if you can provide names and dates of who recovered the chests and who the witnesses were, if not, you are only repeating lore, not hard evidence.

In 1978 Bob Marlis found a wooden chest buried 3' deep on Sanibel Island. The chest had 290 silver eight reale coins and 150 gold eight escudo coins. Bob sold the coins and used the money to open a restaurant in downtown St. Petersburg. I met Bob and he showed me a couple coins he kept for himself. Bob was a WWII veteran and he served as a cook aboard the battleship Missouri.

Robert Vaughn was a diver for Mel Fisher when he found the Atocha. Years later Robert, who lived in Ft. Myers, found a buried pirate chest on Cayo Pelau that was supposedly buried by one of Jose Gaspar's pirate captains. So pirates DID bury chests of treasure. It's a known fact but the state archaeologists say that's not true because they don't want treasure hunters digging holes on the beach looking for buried chests.

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