Pirate Chest: When to give up

We did some testing with an LRL device. A friend had buried some gold without me knowing the location. He set up his device, turned it on and handed me the "receivers". They immediately pointed to a specific direction. I tried it two more times with the same result. He told me it had pointed directly at the buried gold. We took the device to the location of the possible chest near the river. It pointed in numerous directions and on three out of four it pointed in the direction the chest is supposed to be. Although it seemed to work I am not sold on it 100%.

DSCN1188.webp I am pretty sure they meant to spell the name Forward not Foward. They spelled frequently, ferquently. Needs, nedds. Suggested not suggestion. It is made overseas but it is not unusual to see misspellings everywhere you look nowadays. I am a nitpicker about this type of thing and it really makes you question how smart the people are that made it.

I am going to try to concentrate on the site at another river where there may be a metal box with gold coins. I am hoping for the best.

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We did some testing with an LRL device. A friend had buried some gold without me knowing the location. He set up his device, turned it on and handed me the "receivers". They immediately pointed to a specific direction. I tried it two more times with the same result. He told me it had pointed directly at the buried gold. We took the device to the location of the possible chest near the river. It pointed in numerous directions and on three out of four it pointed in the direction the chest is supposed to be. Although it seemed to work I am not sold on it 100%.

View attachment 1166145 I am pretty sure they meant to spell the name Forward not Foward. They spelled frequently, ferquently. Needs, nedds. Suggested not suggestion. It is made overseas but it is not unusual to see misspellings everywhere you look nowadays. I am a nitpicker about this type of thing and it really makes you question how smart the people are that made it.

I am going to try to concentrate on the site at another river where there may be a metal box with gold coins. I am hoping for the best.

I sometimes get emails from Nigeria. They also have a lot of misspellings.

I sometimes get emails from Nigeria. They also have a lot of misspellings.

Are you mentioning Nigeria because you think this device is a scam? As far as misspellings go this website is full of people that can't spell. That does not mean that they are dumb. Because of texting and the fact that a lot of people have no pride anymore this is what things are coming to. I had a guy that was supposed to call me to possibly do some work for me. A couple days go by and then he finally texts me. To me a text is not a call. If I were to judge him by the way he wrote the text I would have to say that he is an idiot. He did not call me back as he said he would and he also did not return my call. Our society is going downhill fast.

Are you mentioning Nigeria because you think this device is a scam? As far as misspellings go this website is full of people that can't spell. That does not mean that they are dumb. Because of texting and the fact that a lot of people have no pride anymore this is what things are coming to. I had a guy that was supposed to call me to possibly do some work for me. A couple days go by and then he finally texts me. To me a text is not a call. If I were to judge him by the way he wrote the text I would have to say that he is an idiot. He did not call me back as he said he would and he also did not return my call. Our society is going downhill fast.
Sorry I shouldnt have said it. But I get emails from Nigeria telling me how I can receive a million dollars and they have misspellings of common words. You can also find them on Craigslist. I always beware of misspellings. But in your case, its probably made in China to sell in the USA because everything is made in China and its possible to lose spellings in the translation I guess although everyone should have access to proper translation sites on the internet. BTW what country is it manufactured in?

We need to all keep an open mind so I apologize for mentioning my Nigerian get rich quick opportunities.

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The VR logo looks familiar. But Im sure you dont care about misspellings or country of manufacturer, as long as it works and you are testing these devices.

Long day. 7:00 AM-Drove from south of Tampa on the west coast of Florida all the way across the state to Titusville to pick up a LRL guy. Drove back across the state to my house. Took the LRL guy to three locations. One near my house-spent almost two hours on location. Drove to another location. Then drove north to St Petersburg to another location. Then drove from there thru Tampa at rush hour in a heavy rainstorm and traffic jam and continued all the way across the state back to Titusville having to travel thru the Orlando area traffic. Dropped off my LRL guy and turned around and drove all the way back across the state back to my area having to drive thru numerous thunderstorms with rains hard enough to cause people to pull off the interstate. Dropped off my older brother, who had come along for the second trip, at his house. The van had run like a top. Just as I left my brothers driveway the van seemed to have a miss. Continued on and then the van quit running. Bad fuel pump is my guess. Called AAA and waited an hour for a tow. Helped get the van loaded onto a wrecker, in a rainstorm. Rode with the driver to my house. Helped get the van unloaded in a rainstorm. It would now start, pulled it into the carport. It is now 1:15 AM. Just another day in the life of a "Treasure Hunter".

Tomorrow I will unload everything from the broken van into another van I have. I have been given one day to detect and dig at the river site where there may be gold coins located. The LRL guy pointed at two locations with one of them being the spot where I think the coins are buried. The property owner closes on the sale of his property the following day. One day, one shot at a dig. Tomorrow is now today. Maybe today/tomorrow is "The Day". Big day today/tomorrow. Goodnight.

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Long day. 7:00 AM-Drove from south of Tampa on the west coast of Florida all the way across the state to Titusville to pick up a LRL guy. Drove back across the state to my house. Took the LRL guy to three locations. One near my house-spent almost two hours on location. Drove to another location. Then drove north to St Petersburg to another location. Then drove from there thru Tampa at rush hour in a heavy rainstorm and traffic jam and continued all the way across the state back to Titusville having to travel thru the Orlando area traffic. Dropped off my LRL guy and turned around and drove all the way back across the state back to my area having to drive thru numerous thunderstorms with rains hard enough to cause people to pull off the interstate. Dropped off my older brother, who had come along for the second trip, at his house. The van had run like a top. Just as I left my brothers driveway the van seemed to have a miss. Continued on and then the van quit running. Bad fuel pump is my guess. Called AAA and waited an hour for a tow. Helped get the van loaded onto a wrecker, in a rainstorm. Rode with the driver to my house. Helped get the van unloaded in a rainstorm. It would now start, pulled it into the carport. It is now 1:15 AM. Just another day in the life of a "Treasure Hunter".

Tomorrow I will unload everything from the broken van into another van I have. I have been given one day to detect and dig at the river site where there may be gold coins located. The LRL guy pointed at two locations with one of them being the spot where I think the coins are buried. The property owner closes on the sale of his property the following day. One day, one shot at a dig. Tomorrow is now today. Maybe today/tomorrow is "The Day". Big day today/tomorrow. Goodnight.

Sorry about the car troubles! Good luck later "Today" on your quest! Fingers crossed that you are successful! Carpe Diem!!!

Good luck BDD.

But next time just buy the LRL guy a bus ticket.
And good thing you were traveling E/W.

Hope you find that gold!

Good luck BDD.

But next time just buy the LRL guy a bus ticket.

I am a nice guy and I go out of my way for people that help me. Sometimes WAY out of my way. He is in his 80's and I took good care of him. Delivered him back to his wife safe and sound.

I went to the smaller river site that was supposed to have the metal box of gold coins. I detected and probed and probed and detected. Then I detected some more. I used different detectors and probes.

DSCN1201.webpThis is what was located at the exact spot the remote viewer's GPS number put me on. You cannot really see this on Google Earth. Kind of an interesting location. Unfortunately there was lots and lots and lots of JUNK as is usual in our world. The metal detectors went off EVERYWHERE. The probes hit solid objects but I think they were mostly big tree roots from a nearby oak tree.

The property owner was disappointed that I did not find anything. I am told I will be given a chance to come back when I want or need to. The only way to deal with this type of situation is to take a tractor blade or backhoe blade and scrape everything off of the surface down to at least a foot or so. I think that would eliminate about 90%+ of the junk. Then you detect the whole area or perhaps bring in a GPR unit.

When you are looking for gold and the metal detectors go off EVERYWHERE it makes it a little hard to deal with. Especially when you are 59 and it is 95. Just another day in paradise. It is almost midnight. Time to go to the garage and work on another zero turn. Got to pay for a new electric fuel pump.

good thing you were traveling E/W.

As far as how I was traveling I went west to east. East to west. West to east. Then east to west. Then I went south to drop off my older brother at his driveway about midnight. As I left he waved and at that exact moment the motor in the van missed a beat. I knew something was not right because it had never done that. I hoped it would get better, continued on, but it did not. As it turned out it died and would not restart. I coasted to a stop directly under the I-75 overpass. Appropriate enough. Actually a well lit good place to be broken down. I was VERY lucky that the pump did not go out earlier like when I was in the middle of Orlando rush hour traffic in the fast lane during a rainstorm with an 81 year old guy riding along. Things have a way of working out. I always think positive and figure everything happens for a reason.

You are a stand up guy BDD. Maybe I shouldn't have made that comment about your elderly friend. But you know how I feel about LRL guys.

Good luck on your dig. Remember...it's only a little deeper.

BTW, by chance is your new friend Turkish?

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As far as how I was traveling I went west to east. East to west. West to east. Then east to west. Then I went south to drop off my older brother at his driveway about midnight. As I left he waved and at that exact moment the motor in the van missed a beat. I knew something was not right because it had never done that. I hoped it would get better, continued on, but it did not. As it turned out it died and would not restart. I coasted to a stop directly under the I-75 overpass. Appropriate enough. Actually a well lit good place to be broken down. I was VERY lucky that the pump did not go out earlier like when I was in the middle of Orlando rush hour traffic in the fast lane during a rainstorm with an 81 year old guy riding along. Things have a way of working out. I always think positive and figure everything happens for a reason.

Sounds like shades of you and Ovid.

You are a stand up guy BDD. Maybe I shouldn't have made that comment about your elderly friend. But you know how I feel about LRL guys.

Good luck on your dig. Remember...it's only a little deeper.

BTW, by chance is your new friend Turkish?

First place I took him yesterday was to see if he could locate the known buried gold. His device pointed DIRECTLY at it from about 100 feet away. I took him to the chest site and he went right to the GPS location I was given. In the past I took him to Sarasota to the location where I think a bunch of silver is buried. His device pointed DIRECTLY at the EXACT spot and he approached it from many different angles. I took him to the church site and his device pointed DIRECTLY to where the cistern was located. I took him to a neighborhood and parked in the area of where I think a LARGE amount of gold is and his device pointed DIRECTLY at it from four different angles. I took him to a waterfront property where I think a chest is located behind a certain house. His device pointed DIRECTLY to the exact spot from three different angles. I took him to where an old fort used to be where I think a chest may be located and his device pointed DIRECTLY at it from two different angles. When I say DIRECTLY it means that I am standing behind him looking at the built-in compass. Considering I was an Army Engineer that took compass courses in Panama while earning my Jungle Warfare certificate I think I am qualified to make a reasonable estimate of how his device seems to be operating.

Now I am not saying there is treasure at all these locations and actually there were many more as I have taken him on multiple trips and he has stayed at my house on numerous occasions. Considering the fact that he is one of a number of guys that I have put thru the paces you have to see a pattern here. As I have stated if you had been along for any of these rides you might start to become a believer in the possibility that there just might be something to these gosh-darned LRL's. I actually think you and the other critic of mine that also goes by initials, ECS, are afraid that you just might be wrong about all this. Come to the house, meet me in person, go along for a ride, don't be skeered.

No my friend is not Turkish but he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express.

Sounds like shades of you and Ovid.

He is hard of hearing like Ovid was. As we were driving down the highway yesterday I told him how much the trip was reminding me of being with Ovid. One of the differences was that every time, over a period of five years that I went with Ovid, I had to drive 650 miles to pick him up and at least that many to take him back home. On one trip I drove about 3000 miles over a long weekend, a VERY LONG weekend.


My old pal Ovid Arnold the day I met him in 1987. He'd spread out all his pendulums for me to see. Some people see a picture of what they may think is a crazy old man. Quite the contrary is the fact that Ovid was extremely smart and had a long list of successful jobs and accomplishments before he became a successful dowser over a period of 35 years

Now I am not saying there is treasure at all these locations and actually there were many more as I have taken him on multiple trips and he has stayed at my house on numerous occasions. Considering the fact that he is one of a number of guys that I have put thru the paces you have to see a pattern here... I actually think you and the other critic of mine that also goes by initials, ECS, are afraid that you just might be wrong about all this...
To address the question posed in the title of this thread:
When one employs the same modus operandi for 25+ years in the search and expects a different outcome but always ends with the same outcome would be one consideration to the question posed.

To address the question posed in the title of this thread:
When one employs the same modus operandi for 25+ years in the search and expects a different outcome but always ends with the same outcome would be one consideration to the question posed.

The title to this thread may include "when to give up" but the title to this forum is "Cache Hunting". Not cache researching or coin shooting or armchair treasure hunting. I may have been at this a long time but it is hardly my full-time occupation. There are times when I think of little else and become almost obsessed with finding treasure and there are other times I may go months or even a year or two with no effort put into it.

The definition of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is called idiocy. I am far from an idiot. I am willing to give each and every method a try for what it takes to find a large buried cache of treasure. I definitely don't have the exact same "modus operandi". I have numerous conventional metal detectors. I have done tons of research that includes reading books, the internet and actually going out and talking to real people in person. I have been involved with many one-of-a-kind devices, dowsers, LRL's, GPR, remote viewers. conventional treasure hunters, and more. If there was an easy way to find a treasure it is probably long gone.

ECS-You are quick to make fun of me but you rarely offer any advice that will do me or anybody else any good. You have come up with lots of impressive sounding information that is usually pretty much useless. You could probably do well on the Jeopardy show but where is the big treasure that you have found? Sticks and stones may bruise my bones but your barbs do not even scratch me.

ECS-I think I have this whole treasure finding thing figured out. Here is the answer. To find a cache of buried treasure you must dig a hole in just the right spot to just the right depth. Because I dig lots of holes, many of them very deep and you are the "King of all research" I know what we need to do. Because you are the research king you must know the exact locations of many buried treasure caches. Let's get together and you show me EXACTLY where to dig. I will take a shovel or a backhoe (for those really deep ones) and I will dig where you say to dig. It is so easy why did we not think of this sooner. We both joined Treasurenet about the same time. Think how rich we would be if you had just decided to join me instead of just making fun of my efforts.

The saying is "insanity"... The definition of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results ... is insanity. Not idiocy. :P


Churchill said...
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

The saying is "insanity"... The definition of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results ... is insanity. Not idiocy.

I sit corrected. I must have had idiot on my mind. What do you expect from an insane guy.

ECS-... You have come up with lots of impressive sounding information that is usually pretty much useless... but where is the big treasure that you have found? ...
The postulation you presented is based on the belief that each of us, by utilizing far different search paradigms, achieve the same results-where treasure isn't.
I know you realize the irony in this.

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