Let's see what your new east coast friend finds first.
Maybe a trip to Cassadaga is called for.Got anybody in mind?
Maybe a trip to Cassadaga is called for.
I just thought I would share this test with anyone reading this. A good way to test the skills of a dowser or someone with an LRL (long range locator) is this. Take them out in the ocean, Gulf of Mexico or a very large lake. Tell them to take you to the gold or silver. If they can lead you to a spot, get a GPS reading for the EXACT location and don't let them see it. Make sure they have no GPS device of their own to go by. Now take them at least a half mile or more away and then ask them to lead you back to the EXACT same spot using only their dowsing skills or thru the use of their LRL. This is IMPOSSIBLE to do unless their device works or their dowsing skills are for real as there are no landmarks for them to go by. Have them do it a couple of times from different directions and then see what happens.
The above mentioned scenario is what the Fisher crew out of FT Pierce did with Ovid Arnold back in the early 80's. I also put Ovid thru this test back around 1990. If your guy can do this then he may be the "Real Deal".
How do you know a GPS is not inside the LRL machine. Every smartphone seems to have a GPS inside. They even know the location of my PC. That would be a very tough test to pass without GPS.
Does the Fisher Organization acknowledge Ovid Arnold and will they confirm this as actually having happened?...
The above mentioned scenario is what the Fisher crew out of FT Pierce did with Ovid Arnold back in the early 80's. I also put Ovid thru this test back around 1990..
Does the Fisher Organization acknowledge Ovid Arnold and will they confirm this as actually having happened?
Of course they could and I understand you want to stay away from scammers but when you are testing to find a good machine with an honest operator, you need to keep in mind that the LRL world is full of scammers. (in case you didnt know) Some of the LRL inventors have admitted later in life that they were not being honest or they were just caught up in a case of wishful thinking.. So a different test may be needed since the purpose of the test is to weed out the scammers and wannabes.I guess if someone were trying to scam you on this test they could have a GPS hidden in their LRL, pocket or up their anus. You could search them if it made you (and them) feel better. I try to steer clear of scammers.
In your relating of the Ovid Arnold story, you allude that Ovid, by dowsing, discovered the ATOCHA, that was found in 1985, and the debris field was already established. So if standing on the bow of a boat that was following the debris trail, that probability of stating that gold and silver is below is much higher than chance.Around two years ago I had someone that told me they heard about Ovid and what he did straight from a VERY prominent member of the Fisher group. Twenty five years ago Ovid told me the details of what happened and I wrote about it in great detail in my book "My Treasure Story". Ovid never got anything for what he did... The fact is Ovid stood on the bow of one of their boats and led them to silver near Ft Pierce and gold from the Atocha in the keys... Mel Fisher was willing to try just about anything to find the gold. It is common knowledge that he tried dowsers. Ovid had no direct contact with Mel...
I have never dealt with anybody that was looking to get any money from me and seeing as how I don't really have any it would do them no good to try to scam me. They have all been looking for a share of anything found using their machine on sites I have access to. I know the world is full of scammers of all types as I deal with Craigslist on a daily basis. The test on a boat is a great one. If a person can stand on the bow of a boat with their device to lead you to a gold site it is up to you to tell if they are cheating in some way. If you are not paying them anything what would be their motivation to lie to you? Maybe you can ask them if you can look inside their device and then have them strip naked so you can search them to make sure they are not trying to trick you. I avoid scammers and scammers avoid me.Of course they could and I understand you want to stay away from scammers but when you are testing to find a good machine with an honest operator, you need to keep in mind that the LRL world is full of scammers. (in case you didnt know) Some of the LRL inventors have admitted later in life that they were not being honest or they were just caught up in a case of wishful thinking.. So a different test may be needed since the purpose of the test is to weed out the scammers and wannabes.
In your relating of the Ovid Arnold story, you allude that Ovid, by dowsing, discovered the ATOCHA, that was found in 1985, and the debris field was already established. So if standing on the bow of a boat that was following the debris trail, that probability of stating that gold and silver is below is much higher than chance.
Without reliable confirmation outside of your statements, this is considered as lore.
As far as your statement about reliable confirmation outside of my statements goes, I could not really care much less what you believe. I am not on trial here. I do not have to prove anything. You have been harassing me for over two years now and you have proven nothing other than you are a pain in my @##. You may not even be a real person as you have refused any and all attempts to meet with me or any of the other real treasure hunters that meet yearly at the cookout on the east coast. Without reliable confirmation that you are a real person, you are considered lore.
aquanaut, can you confirm what he says about Ovid? Don't know if you have access to Mel
Fisher records. I remember following the search via treasure mags back then but don't know
if a book or professional record was published. Any source info would be helpful minus the
heresay. I am assuming you know a lot about treasure diving. It was my understanding at
the time of the Atoka recovery Mel was relying on research from Spanish archives that nailed
down the likely area to search.
Thanks for your input.