Pirate Chest: When to give up

DiggerGal there is such a thing available. If you go to Google Earth and click on the icon above that looks like a clock, a timeline will appear. Just click on it and move it back and it will show aerial photos of the coastline 20, 30, 40 years ago. It's AMAZING!

Yes, truly amazing.

But not as amazing as a remote viewer who not only views location/depth/weight/metal but also how the ship wrecked hundreds of years ago.


Good to see you back on thread LL.

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And here I thought you were getting better.

I am getting better. A while back we did a dig at a place where gold coins had been found years ago. There was a tree on the edge of a pond. The pond is now filled in. We used some electronics and triangulated the site and came up with the same spot that the coins had been found. Thee tree had markings on it. Can anybody tell me what these symbols mean?

IMG_3987 (800x533).webpECS is so smart maybe he can decipher it.

Yes, truly amazing.

But not as amazing as a remote viewer who not only views location/depth/weight/metal but also how the ship wrecked hundreds of years ago.

Good to see you back on thread LL.

The remote viewer did not tell me how the ship wrecked. That was all me just guessing. Of course ECS can probably find the Captains log from any and every ship that ever sailed the seas.

I am meeting with the property owner Wednesday, I hope, to get an agreement on the deep possible chest dig. At least I am willing to act and follow thru without being scared of being wrong.

... Thee tree had markings on it. Can anybody tell me what these symbols mean?
View attachment 1160026ECS is so smart maybe he can decipher it.
The carvings are not Calusa, L Frank Hudson bulldozed most of those,similar to pirate markings once seen at Rocky Bluff, but definitely not Civil War or KGC, but the message reads:
"You'll smile when you get a Burma Shave!"

The remote viewer did not tell me how the ship wrecked. That was all me just guessing.

It wouldn't have surprised me. When you're dealing with magic, anything is possible.


When you're dealing with magic, anything is possible.


Can you tell me that the scenarios I described or something very similar, could not have happened? There is no magic needed to find treasure. Persistence, patience, intestinal fortitude, luck and not afraid of being wrong. Oh I almost forgot, if your going to find buried caches you might have to dig a few holes.

DiggerGal there is such a thing available. If you go to Google Earth and click on the icon above that looks like a clock, a timeline will appear. Just click on it and move it back and it will show aerial photos of the coastline 20, 30, 40 years ago. It's AMAZING!

Thanks Salvor6, I am very familiar with Google Earth as I use it to look at land changes over the last decade and look at Ariel photos for comparison on the USGS for history that is needed over a decade. I was referring to marine substrate of the ocean floor changing over time. Is there such a program that would give you a time lapse look? I use Marine West for current conditions but am not familiar of something like GE for Ocean Floor changes?

A while back I posted that I was going to do a dig in a location that my remote viewer guy had given me. I said that I would share the results on TN. I did this. Although I did not dig any treasure up at the time, it was definitely not an empty hole. The dig ended up being done under not the best of conditions. I will now share this again with pictures and commentary.

The location given to me was in an empty field. My remote viewer said it was buried gold, silver and diamonds and it would be within 20 feet of the GPS coordinates he gave me. The critics on here said there would be nothing in this spot and I said that there would be. I set a time with the person in charge of the property, which was at a church, to do a dig on a Saturday morning at 10 a.m.

I invited two friends to come along and one of them would video the dig and also take pictures. When we showed up a maintenance worker was mowing the area near the field and the church guy wanted us to wait till the mower man left. This took awhile and my two friends had places they were planning to go after the dig. After the mower man left we started the dig.

I immediately found the remains of some sort of old water pipe and after some digging realized that the exact spot I had dug contained what had once been the juncture of three different pipes. It looked as though someone had broken the pipes as they dug and then threw everything back into the hole without digging any deeper. I dug some more and found some interesting concrete structures and some metal hardware.DSCN0166.webp


While the concrete pieces were still in the ground I had reached up into the hole in the pipe in the middle picture. At this point in the dig both my friends were getting impatient as they had places to be. I had just days before been bitten in the leg by a brown recluse spider and was not in my best form.DSCN0171.webp

About this time my phone rang and it was my Seminole Indian contact telling me that my Miccosukee pal Duane Billie had just got into a head-on crash and died. It completely took the wind out of my sails and I ended up filling the hole in and we left. All of this was videotaped.

I put pictures of the metal pieces and the concrete structures on TN for help in identifying them. It was determined that this was part of an underground freshwater storage structure commonly known as a cistern. The church guy told me there used to be a water well about 20-25 feet away but it had been long ago abandoned. This property was also part of a dairy farm and this would have all been in the area of the old barn.

In my opinion an underground concrete vault used to store freshwater would have been an ideal place to hide some treasure. Easily accessible and no one would be able to see what was in the bottom. If no one at the time of filling it in had known it was there they would have just filled in the tank and there it would remain.

Now a positive thinking normal person would be able to accept that this could be true. Also the fact that my remote viewer had given me this exact location without ever having been there and with no prior knowledge should at least mean that I may be on to something. Most of the comments I got were from the usual extremely negative same group of TN members that refuse to believe anything I say or do.

I have never gone back to this site since this episode but plan to do so when I have better electronics although I will use it as one of the test sites for any type of LRL or dowser in the future.

I did not come back on to TN to try to convince the critics on here of anything because I really don't care what they think. I have big plans for the future and I am just putting things on here so they are recorded.

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End the insults now.

A while back I posted that I was going to do a dig in a location that my remote viewer guy had given me. I said that I would share the results on TN. I did this. Although I did not dig any treasure up at the time, it was definitely not an empty hole. The dig ended up being done under not the best of conditions. I will now share this again with pictures and commentary.

The location given to me was in an empty field. My remote viewer said it was buried gold, silver and diamonds and it would be within 20 feet of the GPS coordinates he gave me. The critics on here said there would be nothing in this spot and I said that there would be. I set a time with the person in charge of the property, which was at a church, to do a dig on a Saturday morning at 10 a.m.

I invited two friends to come along and one of them would video the dig and also take pictures. When we showed up a maintenance worker was mowing the area near the field and the church guy wanted us to wait till the mower man left. This took awhile and my two friends had places they were planning to go after the dig. After the mower man left we started the dig.

I immediately found the remains of some sort of old water pipe and after some digging realized that the exact spot I had dug contained what had once been the juncture of three different pipes. It looked as though someone had broken the pipes as they dug and then threw everything back into the hole without digging any deeper. I dug some more and found some interesting concrete structures and some metal hardware.<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1160478"/>

<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1160479"/><img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1160480"/><img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1160481"/>

While the concrete pieces were still in the ground I had reached up into the hole in the pipe in the middle picture. At this point in the dig both my friends were getting impatient as they had places to be. I had just days before been bitten in the leg by a brown recluse spider and was not in my best form.<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1160483"/>

About this time my phone rang and it was my Seminole Indian contact telling me that my Miccosukee pal Duane Billie had just got into a head-on crash and died. It completely took the wind out of my sails and I ended up filling the hole in and we left. All of this was videotaped.

I put pictures of the metal pieces and the concrete structures on TN for help in identifying them. It was determined that this was part of an underground freshwater storage structure commonly known as a cistern. The church guy told me there used to be a water well about 20-25 feet away but it had been long ago abandoned. This property was also part of a dairy farm and this would have all been in the area of the old barn.

In my opinion an underground concrete vault used to store freshwater would have been an ideal place to hide some treasure. Easily accessible and no one would be able to see what was in the bottom. If no one at the time of filling it in had known it was there they would have just filled in the tank and there it would remain.

Now a positive thinking normal person would be able to accept that this could be true. Also the fact that my remote viewer had given me this exact location without ever having been there and with no prior knowledge should at least mean that I may be on to something. Most of the comments I got were from the usual extremely negative same group of TN members that refuse to believe anything I say or do.

I have never gone back to this site since this episode but plan to do so when I have better electronics although I will use it as one of the test sites for any type of LRL or dowser in the future.

I did not come back on to TN to try to convince the critics on here of anything because I really don't care what they think. I have big plans for the future and I am just putting things on here so they are recorded.

Wow. Deja vu....all over again.

But my guess is still sewer/septic lines.

A while back I posted that I was going to do a dig in a location that my remote viewer guy had given me. I said that I would share the results on TN. I did this...
... Most of the comments I got were from the usual extremely negative same group of TN members that refuse to believe anything I say or do...

I did not come back on to TN to try to convince the critics on here of anything because I really don't care what they think. I have big plans for the future and I am just putting things on here so they are recorded.
I have a legitimate question:
If your only intent to post on TN is to have "things on here so they are recorded", have you considered starting your own website to have things recorded?
Posting on the TN forum is an open dialog, based of course on TN rules, and one is apt to receive viewpoints that are opposite to ones belief, this is not negativity or criticism, just discussion points.
This is common on any forum where discussion is encouraged.

Here is my recluse spider bite. It destroys tissue in the center and leaves a hole. I was put on strong antibiotics but the real key for my recovery was soaking it in the ocean saltwater.

spider bite1.webp spider bite2.webp

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Wow. Deja vu....all over again.

But my guess is still sewer/septic lines.

Your guess is wrong. The metal piece is a sliding valve for fresh water. There would be no such thing in a pipe full of crap.

I have a legitimate question:
If your only intent to post on TN is to have "things on here so they are recorded", have you considered starting your own website to have things recorded?
Posting on the TN forum is an open dialog, based of course on TN rules, and one is apt to receive viewpoints that are opposite to ones belief, this is not negativity or criticism, just discussion points.
This is common on any forum where discussion is encouraged.

It is not my intent to just get things recorded. I have met many people (in person) because of my posting on here. I have also had the opportunity to actually witness many different devices being used. I like hearing viewpoints that are the opposite of mine. That is how you learn. You don't usually learn by having people agree with you. I hate being wrong and I like to discuss/argue. I also like it whenever I get the chance to prove others wrong, especially the know-it-all types.

I do plan on having my own treasure website in the near future. It is not my intention to draw anybody away from this site.

I did get a tentative verbal agreement today with the property owner that may have the treasure chest/barrel in his field. We have not met in person but are planning to Monday.

It is not my intent to just get things recorded. I have met many people (in person) because of my posting on here. I have also had the opportunity to actually witness many different devices being used. I like hearing viewpoints that are the opposite of mine. That is how you learn. You don't usually learn by having people agree with you. I hate being wrong and I like to discuss/argue. I also like it whenever I get the chance to prove others wrong, especially the know-it-all types.

I do plan on having my own treasure website in the near future. It is not my intention to draw anybody away from this site.

I did get a tentative verbal agreement today with the property owner that may have the treasure chest/barrel in his field. We have not met in person but are planning to Monday.

Good Luck with the discovery of the Chest/Barrel! I hope you discover the treasure you seek.

In case anyone is wondering why I mention barrels I will explain my thoughts. You always hear about treasure chests. Actually a chest would not be the best place to put heavy gold or silver. They are not particularly strong, not waterproof and would be near impossible to move if they had any large weight in them. Barrels are sturdy, cheap and plentiful;. They are waterproof and very strong. They can be rolled around even when loaded. They are much more inconspicuous than a chest. You could fill them part way up with gold or silver and then top them off with gunpowder, cannonballs, rifle shot or whatever. So for now on when I refer to a possible pirate treasure I may just call it a treasure barrel. For the record I did not read anything about this, I am just using common sense.

Actually Big... you are right to some extent... barrels were used... but not as common as you think...
First barrels were not an "ideal" "carrier" for gold...
Gold shifts... water flows... this makes moving very ... very hard...
AND gold is about 19 times heavier than water...
Also... chests were mostly made of hard steel and were for a reason...
Gold and such would have been "hidden" in a barrel... but not kept around in one...
Anyone could easily access a breached barrel... and no lock would only "add" to the temptations.

Furthermore... as we all know...EVERYTHING was used for "stashing" gold.
But barrels...
Point blank would have been used as last resort.

Kegs... were used more than barrels.
It just dawned on me that this may be what you are referring to when saying "barrel".
Kegs are a smaller version of barrel.

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