Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

the blindbowman said:
gollum i was looking and i got it down to where the pionter tip is i well try to help get this site to refine .. try to pick out any high pionts near pionter in the picture . then try to locate the 3 tops of the carrizo and then pic your most north top .. if you have a choice work the southern slops, most likely the prevailing winds would push the runoff from stroms off the southern side ... your talking a area about 3-5 miles . dont try to pinpiont yet the flat tops will help .. remember the sounter slops ...ill work on some good quality blowups of this area . my 5.1 camera will is on its lowest settings ... ...

Hey BB,

What you have pinpointed is the thriving Metropolis of Ocotillo Wells, Ca.


Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"


Why did you remove your copy of Wyatt's post? For anyone willing, I would bet money that Wyatt and bowman are not the same person. The proof that the post was faked was at the bottom where the signature was. It was not bowman.

Joe Ribaudo

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"


Blindbowman if you are 100% certain of the location of Pegleg's black gold nuggets, why not hop a flight out and pick up the gold yourself, a couple of 5 gallon buckets full of nuggets should provide enough capital for several expeditions into the Superstitions?

Not trying to cut you out of the deal here Mike, you are closer by thousands of miles of course.

Some folks have pointed out what can be done with anagrams. This is an interesting (if relatively useless) exercise. Adolph Ruth is quite a figure in the whole legend. What if we were to examine his family name?


Hmm, now what can you make with those four letters?

T-H-U-R - Thur, the south Germanic god of thunder, for which Thursday is named, the same god known to the Norse as Thor, the god of thunder. Now what was it that Barry Storm called the Lost Dutchman mine again? Thunder God's Gold? Hmm... :o ;)

Will be offline a while (moving) so if anyone wishes to "win" an argument with me, take advantage of the opportunity as you will have at least several days in which I won't be replying. ;D :D ;)

Good luck and good hunting, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

cactusjumper said:

Why did you remove your copy of Wyatt's post? For anyone willing, I would bet money that Wyatt and bowman are not the same person. The proof that the post was faked was at the bottom where the signature was. It was not bowman.

Joe Ribaudo

I have no idea what you are talking about Joe the post is still there, the signature at the bottom is bowmans, "wyatt westwood" on this occasion was bowman, you are entitled to your oppinion Joe. but I know it was bowman.
the thing is he realised once he had posted that he had been stupid and left his signature at the bottom of his post so in true bowman style he deleted it.

to quote you Joe "The proof that the post was faked was at the bottom where the signature was. It was not bowman."
you are wrong I copied the signature because i knew bowman would delete it as soon as he noticed he made an error and then i would look stupid talking about someone who was not even on the thread. the signature is 100% identical to bowmans if you have noticed something different please feel free to enlighten so that I may apologise to bowman.

ps also it was wyatt westwoods 1st post so how would I compare anything he had writen before? since it was post number 1?

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Um, Columbus discovered the AmericaS, as in south of Florida. The islands in the Carribean.

It is known that the Vikings were in The Northern AmericaS, long before either of the two you are contesting.

Known in Canada, likely in Maine. So... your point would be that Columbus wasn't first, and neither was this other fellow you are touting.

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Kas said:
Um, Columbus discovered the AmericaS, as in south of Florida. The islands in the Carribean.

It is known that the Vikings were in The Northern AmericaS, long before either of the two you are contesting.

Known in Canada, likely in Maine. So... your point would be that Columbus wasn't first, and neither was this other fellow you are touting.

And before the vikings the "Indians" thought to have traveled from as far as france in europe via the vast ice bridges.
Morden history tells us a lot about settlers in new lands and how they come to be.
apart from the fact a few hundred years ago there was no such thing as an "american" as we know them today, as most were european settlers, I must admit to having a little giggle at the anti brit brigade purely based on the fact that only a few generations ago those same people were no doubt "brits" or europeans.
lets take the example of the arowak indians, these peoples were the inhabitants of what we now call the west indies. Jamaica, barbados etc etc. these islands were taken and for the most part were used to grow sugar on vast plantations. later the african slaves were used to work those plantations, and later with the ending of slavery and the handing over of those islands, to those people a new peoples were born. we call them west indians. what is a west indian? well they are all descendants of black African slaves. there is no real such thing as a west indian in historical terms, but something intresting is that there is a general dislike of Africans by these people, this is because they were betrayed by their own people who had helped enslave them. of course this is all recent history and most locations around the world show this kind of native changing.
America had been inhabited for 1000s of years by "indians" before the settlement of the whiteman, and prior to that happening the spanish had been there.
The west indies is a great example as many of the islands there have adopted the language of the people who took the islands including english, dutch and french.
South africa is another good example, what is a south african? well chances are he is a dutch settler.Long gone are the colonial days of the British, but its evidence exists all over the world.
Austraila is nothing more than an old penal colony "a prison island" its original inhabitants Abouriginals, now mostly white english speaking decendants of convicts from a time gone by.
Britain itself has seen many changes in the peoples who inhabit its shores, romans, vikings, norse, celts, normans, saxons to name a few.
I think a better way of looking at it is that columbus rediscovered America, In much the same way as our own Real de Tayopa rediscovered Tayopa :D :D ;D

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"


I saw Wyatt's post. The one you have posted is not the same. The post was edited, and "today" was not in bold. There were some other differences in the layout of the signature.

Someone here may have had phone conversations with both men, and would have a good idea if they were the same person. I dealt with Wyatt on a regular basis for well over a year. While it's possible to change your writing style, I doubt anyone could hide their true personality for this long.

If you had the same experiences I have had, with both men, for the same amount of time, I believe you would not think they were the same person. It's an old trick of Wyatt's to use other people's names in an effort to cause trouble. It's just the nature of the beast.
He has done it many, many times. That would include a number of people who have posted here.......including Joe Ribaudo.

Take care,


Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

I think a better way of looking at it is that columbus rediscovered America, In much the same way as our own Real de Tayopa rediscovered Tayopa
genuflecting and smooching the ring on my peer-less Britlander friend's finger.

hehehhe hi my friend, yes it really has been rediscovered.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Gollum has 100% of that clue i posted where i believe those clues piont out that brakes our agreement he owes me nothing if he can use that data to make a find , the data stands as it is ....

the reason i made offer was to see how gollum reacted .. nothing more ...

next we need look at what that data means ..

we have a new date 1435 , this dose not mean the stones are real only that they were this new date of 1435 ...

next we see the Pegleg date is added over top of the 1435 ...

this dose not mean the date 1435 is real or that pegeleg made the date changes .

if anything it makes me question the his motive , why fake some stones and then change a date to look like the stones were older then they were if you were not going to be arounds when they were found ...?

logic is what makes confussion fade away .....what did Pegleg have to gain by makeing the changeing ..

he had nothing to gain . that why i believe he did this at and early age when he had no real reason other then , what is stated .

note his reply .." you boys is liars " now is he talking about the treasures or the date on the stones .

IMHO he is talking about the date . why do i believe this . he could not fully under stand the code , how could he have decoded the rest of the stones words ,.. the fact is he could not ! ... he most like and logiclly was refering to the date ... with the under stand my new date is 1435 we see why he would make this type of reply .. thus a motive to fit the reasoning be hind his statement ..
the Roza word stands out as a very interesting statement here by him ...

when i decoded the full stones writeings . the Roza word was added at the same time as Peglegs name .... thus is not part of the true stones inscriptions .....

in this case . it says the stones are real and they came from a much earler date ... the fact Pegleg refers to them being liars . and the date hind under the 1847 , we are most likely looking at the 1435 as the true date of these stone and the other facter that makes sence here is if the stones were made in 1435 ... this could very well explane why they have not been translated correctly before now ... and even then it dose not mean the 1435 date was not added to the stone after they were made ...

the templar could have made these sones and the spainish found them in 1435 ...the date could have logically been added by the spainish after the templar . this would make the stones 1276-1285 or 1300-1305 ...

only in this way could we explane the complete line of the stones .

templar in 1276-1305
spainish in 1435 -1535
jesuits in 1640's - 1703
pegleg in 1847
found in 1949

as any good research nothing is in stone even if it is lol ....

none of the are out right fact , but it is possible...

we need to take a closer look at that 1435 date ...

and see what spainish had the time line to be there at that piont of the time line ...

maybe the spainish dated the stone for the same reason Pegleg did .. because they knew someone had been there before they were ... thus the motive for the spainish dateing the stone with the 1435 date ... note IMHO i do not beleive the 1435 date is when these stones were made .

if you are confused at this piont i under stand that .. because the navigation of the stones is basic early 1270's to 1300"s . not 1400"s ...
i can prove that piont easy . you only need look at other spainish maping of that era ... they are more progrest then what we see in the stones ...

could pegleg have know enough about the Tayopa to make the clues on the stone .. out right no ! not only could he have not known about the tayopa 's part in the clues , he did not even know how to change the inner workings of the code ...

thus the decode meaning never reached pegleg ...

this tells me two logical things . one what pegleg added was confind to just his changes and the date 1435 was most likely on the stone when pegleg found them .. , but note the un even workmenship of the 1435 date . i do beleive who ever put the 1435 date did so when the stones were made , thus it would be logical to beleive the 1435 date was added some time late then when the stones were made thus 1435 is logically added for some motive ...or reason

is that motive one of discovery or to cover up the presents of others before them .. IMHO the later ...

if i was right about the 1276-1284 dates then we can see a motive for adding the 1435 date to the stones...

in a funny way we could be looking at the stones in the wrong way . they may have been changed twice before they were even found in 1949 ...

i well stand by my translation of the stone insrciption . the words Pegleg roza and the changes he made to the stones code are planely seeable to me . yet what did he write over , is still lost . i have begone recovering small peice at a time but we may never recover the full meaning because of peglegs changes ...

the fact remains what i have learned about the stones and Gollum are well worth the time and hard work so far ..

i am still working on other data syreams but i well not set thes estones aside untill full meaning is complete ...and recoverd ...

but i make this statement to you all ...

if i am right and the stones were made in the 1270'---1300's and the 1435 date was added as i have pionted out . those may not be the only changes that were made in 1435 to these stones .. i well take a look and see if there is enough profile from the 1435 date to match to other changes on the priest stone ...

i could use some real help ...

wish stones were found with the priest stone .? i read it somewhere but its been a few years lol ...

and maybe someone knows something about them that well help me defind more about the 1435 date and who made that date and why ....

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

I have been trying to follow this as closely as I can but maybe I missed something. I have the impression that we are supposed to be able to see the 1435 on the stone? You talk like it's right there in plain sight, where is it? I am trying to follow you as best as this old body can but i do not see where you got 1435 from.

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Bill96 said:
I have been trying to follow this as closely as I can but maybe I missed something. I have the impression that we are supposed to be able to see the 1435 on the stone? You talk like it's right there in plain sight, where is it? I am trying to follow you as best as this old body can but i do not see where you got 1435 from.

To see it bill you need bowman vision, Hmmm interesting as he's called the blind bowman

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

One more question, how did pegleg smith ever enter into this? of all the people in the world how did you come up with him?

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Bill96 said:
One more question, how did pegleg smith ever enter into this? of all the people in the world how did you come up with him?

Pssst, Bill.... welcome to the circus :)

I dare you to ask BB when and where he examined the stone carvings to decide there was a date overwritten.

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

From what I can see that 1847 is carved just about as perfect and precise as could be done, almost like a machine had done it not an illiterate old miner with a hammer and a chisel

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Bill96 said:
One more question, how did pegleg smith ever enter into this? of all the people in the world how did you come up with him?

i was decodeing the writeing on the priest stone . i had no idea that pegleg had anything to do with the LDM or these stones ..

the last word on the priest stone is

Peligroza take the G out of the word LUGARES leaveing LUARES, add the G to to make the word PegligRoza . now exchange the I in PEGLIGROZA for the E in the word LUGARES , this makes PEGLEGROZA saprate the two words . you have Pegleg ROZA

and the word LUARS becomes LIARS ,, PEGLEG dose not under stand the rest of the code and he believes that everyone will think made the stones . but the code says others wise . he had the right idea he just did not know how the code really works ...

hiding the words that were there would have worked if he had known how the code really worked but in this case his changeing in part that was there to the statement about LIARS . stop the path of the code .. and makes his changes stand out ..

to be totally honest i wish he had not found the stones and changed them ... we may have lost a part of the code we may never fully get back .. i can use the ciode to rebuild some of it and may isolate a few good guess of what could have been there , but those would be guess at best .. and i can not count them in the over all decoded message...just like i will not count Pegleg's added part of the message i know for a fact he added .. thus it is not part of the true message of the stones

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Maybe my questions are too simplistic but why would he have gone to the trouble of chiseling his name "in code" onto that rock in the first place? he must have had better things to do. If he couldn't find the treasure why not just move on? why go to all that work with a hammer and chisel? who was he trying to fool?

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Bill96 said:
From what I can see that 1847 is carved just about as perfect and precise as could be done, almost like a machine had done it not an illiterate old miner with a hammer and a chisel

that could be misleeding . who knows the rocks fristhand better then a miner.?

and you have a good piont i ask my self if some one could have machine the date 1847 on there to make other think the stones were fakes when the Pegleg translation would be found ....

very smart if that was the motive

i see past that , maybe in 1949 they got the idea to misleed others knowing if they found the Pegleg name the stones would not be trusted ...and other would solve the code someday ... could even be are friends the DON's

it would be logical motive ...

maybe someone could not brake the code and was hopeing someone would do it for them ....

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Bill96 said:
Maybe my questions are too simplistic but why would he have gone to the trouble of chiseling his name "in code" onto that rock in the first place? he must have had better things to do. If he couldn't find the treasure why not just move on? why go to all that work with a hammer and chisel? who was he trying to fool?
i think he was just leaveing his mark . he wasnt trying to foll anyone . and at the rate he was under standing the code there is no dout his part was going to be decoded frist lol ... two fireflies short of match stick ...

if he could not handle that much of the code he had no chance of makeing these stones .....fact ! pegleg did not make these stone... imho

let me reword that ,the person that put peglegs name on the stones and made the changes to the stones ,did not make the stones IMHO

if it was Pegleg or not !

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Bill96 said:
Maybe my questions are too simplistic but why would he have gone to the trouble of chiseling his name "in code" onto that rock in the first place? he must have had better things to do. If he couldn't find the treasure why not just move on? why go to all that work with a hammer and chisel? who was he trying to fool?

when i was studying the date on the inside of the heart stone i saw what looked like scrapping marks , this would relate the stone being smothed over before adding the new date of 1847 but if you look close they only smothed out where their knife edge would fit and this can be seen ...latter pegleg became good a fogeires how good was he ...?

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

cactusjumper said:

I saw Wyatt's post. The one you have posted is not the same. The post was edited, and "today" was not in bold. There were some other differences in the layout of the signature.

Someone here may have had phone conversations with both men, and would have a good idea if they were the same person. I dealt with Wyatt on a regular basis for well over a year. While it's possible to change your writing style, I doubt anyone could hide their true personality for this long.

If you had the same experiences I have had, with both men, for the same amount of time, I believe you would not think they were the same person. It's an old trick of Wyatt's to use other people's names in an effort to cause trouble. It's just the nature of the beast.
He has done it many, many times. That would include a number of people who have posted here.......including Joe Ribaudo.

Take care,


I really have no wish to drag this on Joe, but from your post it seems you are suggesting I altered the post. could I just draw your attention to the fact that if a post is editted it clearly says so at the foot of the post.
the post I copied is as it was when it was posted. it has not been editted in any way at all and if it had been would state that at the foot of the post.
I got an email inform me that a reply had been posted to this topic and immediately looked at it, i would say withing 20 seconds. I then noticed bowmans signature at the bottom it is 100% identical to bowmans. and i copy/pasted it because I knew he would realize his error and delete it, and I was right, he did it as I was posting. I have no idea why you think I would lie about it but as I said to you in my pm bowman is playing games and im happy to play along.
as I already stated it was "wyatts" 1st post so I have no way whatsoever of comparing it to anything else.
I have nothing to hide personally my real name is the same as my name here Gary Peerless I live in Waddon, Croydon , Surrey , England my email address is
I might also add Joe that Blindbowman was off line for the few minutes that "Wyatt westwood" posted and then was back within a minutes of that post being deleted. I have no wish to control what you think, and as I said you should have your own oppinion, but sure il take you up on the wager because I know 100% who it was only a fool would have made the error of leaving their signature at the bottom of the page. if you would like to see how that works Joe create a new account of your own from the same computer you opened your account on, you will find that the cookie that is on your computer will keep your signature unless you change it. of course you have to have one to begin with and you have not got one so if you want to try that remember to add one to your cactusjumper account before opening another. and you should also check the post again as it has not been editted at all, which is evident as it would say so at the base of the post.


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