Peerless67 said:
I wonder why wyatt westwood, deleted this post, maybe he was worried bowman would be upset that he had used his signature?
Hey Peerless,
I didn't understand why you quoted that without a commentary, until I just read this, and saw the Wyatt Westwood Signature. I don't agree with the last part of your post (unless you were joking). It just solidifies something I have thought for a long time now. No biggie, as long as everybody keeps playing nice, and YOU KNOW WHO I MEAN!
BB has sent me a PM with his theory as to where the black gold nuggets are, and how he arrived at his conclusions. As most of you might expect, I have found some fatal flaws in his theory. Not being mean BB, just getting things out in the open.
I will tell you openly that it is ironic the area you pinpoint is actually on Superstition Mountain in the Carrizo Naval Bombing Range. I thought the location might have been there a long time ago. Unfortunately, I have been all over the area, and there is nothing there (you actually have to sneak onto the bombing range, and dodge unexploded ordinance, while you drive down tank trails to get to the area).
The two reasons your logic has fatal flaws (as I have PM'ed you) are:
1. Pegleg Smith found his Black Nuggets in 1827, and the Stone Maps were not discovered until 1949 (and made in either 1847 or much earlier depending on which of your posts you read). There is no way Pegleg Smith could have seen the Stones in his lifetime (he was living in Idaho in 1847, and went straight from there back to California in about 1850).
2. You use the map (I will include at the bottom of my post), as a reference. More specifically, you state that in the drawing, Pegleg's Arm is protecting the three buttes where the nuggets are. The problem is that this is not a period map, but was drawn for the article (about 1965), a hundred years after Pegleg died.