Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

gollum said:
I told you that we had an agreement as long as your location was NOT near one of the two areas I gave.


OK lets do this ...Gollum do we have and agreement ...yes or no ...

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

the blindbowman said:
gollum said:
I told you that we had an agreement as long as your location was NOT near one of the two areas I gave.


OK lets do this ...Gollum do we have and agreement ...yes or no ...

BB - do you not even read? Gollum has stated several times now that you have an agreement if your location is NOT near the two areas he mentioned above. Why do you insist on asking over and over if there's an agreement or not - can you not look on a map at the two locations he mentioned and see if your location is there or not? As a navigation expert, I would assume you can read maps.

BB = "drama" = FACT!!!!

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

ball is in his cort now ... let him have a chance to look at the data and reply ... if he say its not a good clue i will post the data on the site ... if he gives it a good score .. then we give him a chance to go check the site out .. if there is gold there i am sure we will get a chance to see some good frist hand samples ... and a smileing Gollum ...LOL

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

QUOTE "BB = "drama" = FACT!!!!"


Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Well as bowman has stated on another thread his finds in the supers corresponded with locations on the maps 100%, so this will be real intresting. since he claims its so accurate then he should be able to pin point the position to gollum. not just give some vague approximate area.
I will be the first to tip my hat to you bowman if you are right but my guess is you are comitting intelectual suicide, we will see

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

i beleive gollum has a good idea where to go now and the data could have only been made by Pegleg him self .. its to well hiden for anyone to wonder around out there and find it right gollum ...

if he goes there i am betten he finds them black gold rocks laying around for the picken ....... how many who knwos but its a lot more fun knowing where to go out there lol ....

gollum well tell you there is little chance of miss under stand the meaning of this code and what it was saying ..

i think he has a good chance of makeing a find this time and if i get my grubsteak i am cool with him hiting a good find ...a rich site can make you wealthy even at 80%

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Wyatt Westwood said:
beleive gollum has a good idea where to go now and the data could have only been made by Pegleg him self .. its to well hiden for anyone to wonder around out there and find it right gollum ...

if he goes there i am betten he finds them black gold rocks laying around for the picken ....... how many who knwos but its a lot more fun knowing where to go out there lol ....

gollum well tell you there is little chance of miss under stand the meaning of this code and what it was saying ..

i think he has a good chance of makeing a find this time and if i get my grubsteak i am cool with him hiting a good find ...a rich site can make you wealthy even at 80%


" have i lost my way ? or am i just a being of lost ways ? "
© the blindbowman ,2007

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

I wonder why wyatt westwood, deleted this post, maybe he was worried bowman would be upset that he had used his signature?

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

the blindbowman said:
i beleive gollum has a good idea where to go now and the data could have only been made by Pegleg him self .. its to well hiden for anyone to wonder around out there and find it right gollum ...

if he goes there i am betten he finds them black gold rocks laying around for the picken ....... how many who knwos but its a lot more fun knowing where to go out there lol ....

gollum well tell you there is little chance of miss under stand the meaning of this code and what it was saying ..

i think he has a good chance of makeing a find this time and if i get my grubsteak i am cool with him hiting a good find ...a rich site can make you wealthy even at 80%

BB - I'll be the 2nd one to tip my cap to you after Peerless if Gollum is able to use your instructions to find treasure.

I gotta say though, that I don't quite understand why you wouldn't go yourself. I mean, it wouldn't be that expensive to get a plane ticket or even drive out there and take a look around - especially if you believe you're 100% correct on the location. You've mentioned that $ means nothing to you, and I can understand that to some extent (not everyone is strictly out for $$), but you seem so confident in your research and so "gung ho" about finding something that it's odd you wouldn't want to be there physically in person to make the discovery - if only for your own satisfaction of knowing you were right.

Whatever happens, you certainly do create a bit of drama here on a regular basis. I hope you're right, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Oh hey BB, when you get a chance, change the title of this thread to "PERALTA," not "prealta" - it would help lend it some credibility if you're right :)

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Cubfan, although you stated that bowman has claimed that he does not need the $$$$$, I have a slightly different take as not so long ago he claimed to need $3000 to go on expedition 3.
Now that being the case, just like you I wonder why he would not go and collect this treasure for himself and secure his future expeditions.
The peraltas? the spanish? the jesuits? and now pegleg? I can only wonder who it will be next, but we are running out of options.
I eagerly await gollums post. I can honestly say I would be happy to be wrong about bowman, but like you I am a mammal and rely on air for my existance, so I to will not risk holding my breath either


Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Peerless67 said:
I wonder why wyatt westwood, deleted this post, maybe he was worried bowman would be upset that he had used his signature?

Hey Peerless,

I didn't understand why you quoted that without a commentary, until I just read this, and saw the Wyatt Westwood Signature. I don't agree with the last part of your post (unless you were joking). It just solidifies something I have thought for a long time now. No biggie, as long as everybody keeps playing nice, and YOU KNOW WHO I MEAN!

BB has sent me a PM with his theory as to where the black gold nuggets are, and how he arrived at his conclusions. As most of you might expect, I have found some fatal flaws in his theory. Not being mean BB, just getting things out in the open.

I will tell you openly that it is ironic the area you pinpoint is actually on Superstition Mountain in the Carrizo Naval Bombing Range. I thought the location might have been there a long time ago. Unfortunately, I have been all over the area, and there is nothing there (you actually have to sneak onto the bombing range, and dodge unexploded ordinance, while you drive down tank trails to get to the area).

The two reasons your logic has fatal flaws (as I have PM'ed you) are:

1. Pegleg Smith found his Black Nuggets in 1827, and the Stone Maps were not discovered until 1949 (and made in either 1847 or much earlier depending on which of your posts you read). There is no way Pegleg Smith could have seen the Stones in his lifetime (he was living in Idaho in 1847, and went straight from there back to California in about 1850).

2. You use the map (I will include at the bottom of my post), as a reference. More specifically, you state that in the drawing, Pegleg's Arm is protecting the three buttes where the nuggets are. The problem is that this is not a period map, but was drawn for the article (about 1965), a hundred years after Pegleg died.



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Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"



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Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

The answer is simple Mike, bowman deletes his posts so fast its hard to catch them sometimes.
all of a sudden a guy shows on the forum called wyatt westwood, never posted before it was his first post, then i spotted the signature at the bottom and copied fast.
you may ask why I did this? well that also has a simple answer. someone turned up yesturday and made a post that was obviously directed toward Joe, and looked as though it was an attempt to draw Joe into an aguement or cause bad feeling.
after seeing that the new guy "wyatt westwood" was actually bowman I took it apon myself to copy the post whilst the signature was still there. and my logic paid off because as i copied it the post was deleted. I suspect this was because bowman realised he left his signature on the account he had created. this would have happened as he would be using the same IP address and the cookie that is on his computer would have that signature stored on it.
I am sorry if something in me doing that caused you offence that was never the purpose, bowman wants to play games and im up for it, but he will have to get up before 4am if he wants to catch me unawares


Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

gollum said:
Peerless67 said:
I wonder why wyatt westwood, deleted this post, maybe he was worried bowman would be upset that he had used his signature?

Hey Peerless,

I didn't understand why you quoted that without a commentary, until I just read this, and saw the Wyatt Westwood Signature. I don't agree with the last part of your post (unless you were joking). It just solidifies something I have thought for a long time now. No biggie, as long as everybody keeps playing nice, and YOU KNOW WHO I MEAN!

BB has sent me a PM with his theory as to where the black gold nuggets are, and how he arrived at his conclusions. As most of you might expect, I have found some fatal flaws in his theory. Not being mean BB, just getting things out in the open.

I will tell you openly that it is ironic the area you pinpoint is actually on Superstition Mountain in the Carrizo Naval Bombing Range. I thought the location might have been there a long time ago. Unfortunately, I have been all over the area, and there is nothing there (you actually have to sneak onto the bombing range, and dodge unexploded ordinance, while you drive down tank trails to get to the area).

The two reasons your logic has fatal flaws (as I have PM'ed you) are:

1. Pegleg Smith found his Black Nuggets in 1827, and the Stone Maps were not discovered until 1949 (and made in either 1847 or much earlier depending on which of your posts you read). There is no way Pegleg Smith could have seen the Stones in his lifetime (he was living in Idaho in 1847, and went straight from there back to California in about 1850).

2. You use the map (I will include at the bottom of my post), as a reference. More specifically, you state that in the drawing, Pegleg's Arm is protecting the three buttes where the nuggets are. The problem is that this is not a period map, but was drawn for the article (about 1965), a hundred years after Pegleg died.


mike it dose matter when the stones were found the stones could have been found yesterday for that matter .. pegleg change them in 1847 when he was 20 years old . and able to cross the desert at that age ... if the stones are as old as i have pionted out then the stone were there in 1435 then Pegleg found them in 1847 then they were fiound in 1949 .

did you just think about what you said , the place is called the" carrizo " this means most likely the 3 mts are there the area is named after them now ... . i bet coyote wells is stiill there as well ...

do you see a parttern here every time anyone gets even a chance to make a find the goverment steps in and take the land ...

it dose not change the fact the 3 hills are still out there and here is a unknown pegleg clue to his location . i dont think i would race arcoss there with a ATV

but we do not know if this clue is real or not at this piont in time .. all we know is no one has broken this code and found it till now ...and if the clue was fake who would have know that ... who would have even known the code would place the mt in that area .. there is no way for them to know that ,...

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

gollum i was looking and i got it down to where the pionter tip is i well try to help get this site to refine .. try to pick out any high pionts near pionter in the picture . then try to locate the 3 tops of the carrizo and then pic your most north top .. if you have a choice work the southern slops, most likely the prevailing winds would push the runoff from stroms off the southern side ... your talking a area about 3-5 miles . dont try to pinpiont yet the flat tops will help .. remember the sounter slops ...ill work on some good quality blowups of this area . my 5.1 camera will is on its lowest settings ... ...


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Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

As we are in an LDM forum, let me throw this into the mix:

When Adolph Ruth broke his leg, he was looking for the Lost Pegleg Mine. The reason he chose that particular place to search, was because he had a map. That map was one of the maps that originated with the Peraltas.

If you have the same information that Ruth had, it is fairly easy to pinpoint the location that the Peralta maps led him to. There are many....many mines in the area. Seems unlikely that it would remain unclaimed. It's been searched for a lot of years.

Everyone knows exactly where Adolph Ruth searched for the Lost Pegleg. Question is, was his map the real deal?

Joe Ribaudo

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

good piont CJ untill we can get some good quality blow ups of this area , i wont know . but as i saided the fault is not in the new data its a matter if we can define or refine the useable data from this new clue to help gollum make a find with out growing old doing it ... i beleive the code has unlocked this peice of history we diid to work with it and see where it takes us ...

i have never looked for the pegleg site before ...

the code must stand on its own .. it has nothing to do with any site or treasure when its being decoded .... thats why i stated i was shocked that Pegleg name showed up ...

you losen the belt when searching , but when defineing or refineing its detail and perfection .....

unlike the pegleg data the rest of the code is unbelievely defind.....

and it becomes the clues that blend togather and become intertwind...

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"


I doubt the post was made by bowman. If you look closely, you will see some differences between the posts that bowman makes, and the one that was done by "Wyatt Westwood".
Billy is raising his ugly little head in other places, trying to stir up trouble, and it looks like it's our turn.


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