Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"
Peerless67 said:
No problem Joe, I had a pm from another respected poster who told me that he believed bowman was "wyatt" and has done for sometime.
I have a feeling from what you said that there may be another wyatt westwood?
if that is the case then the one whos post I copied was posting for the first time it was his only post. it was bowman of that I am 100% certain. which only goes to show that if there is another wyatt westwood whos aim it is to cause grief then bowman is either very naieve or stupid because he chose to use the same name.
Anyway back to the amazing story of the peralta fraud 1435
Hey Peerless - either that, or BB is in fact also Wyatt Westwood!!!
I've been doing some research, and you'll note that Wyatt was the first name of the famous lawman Wyatt Earp. Well, you may not know it, but for the last 40 or so years of his life, he lived with a woman named Josie Marcus - although there was no document, for the most part you could consider them to have been "married." Well for those of you who love westerns, you'll recall a little movie called Josey Wales - if you remove the i and place a y at the end, you'll noticed that Josie becomes Josey!!! This movie of course, stars one Clint Eastwood. Well, it's obvious that if you head East from the Superstition Mountains, you'll eventually end up on the east coast of the US which is where one BlindBowman hails according to some of his old posts. Of course, to get back to the Superstition Mountains, one has to travel West from the east coast - thus the obvious link to Wyatt Westwood!!!
When you consider the fact that Clint Eastwood was a GUN fighter in his movies, you'll note that he never used a bow - or you might say he was "blind" to using a bow!!
The fact that the letter B is the 2nd letter of the alphabet and W is the 4th from the end, if you do a little simple mathematics, 4-2=2. From there, it's simple to conclude that BB (2 letters) and WW (2 letters) are one in the same person!!!
I believe my research has proven beyond a shadow of doubt that BB is in fact also WW!!!
Actually BB, I feel a little badly about kidding you like that!! I don't normally go around being a smartass like this, but dangit, you have to admit that with some of your statements you place a heck of a big target on yourself!!!
I'll say it again here in public - if any of the research you provide leads to the discovery of treasure, I'll be the first (or second after Peerless) to sincerely congratulate you and admit I was wrong.
One serious question though BB - I assume your theory on the dates being re-worked and/or forged are not based on your physical analysis of the stones right? You're going by photos that someone else took - either here or in a book or whatever. Why would you be convinced that in all these years with hundreds of people who have spent lifetimes looking for the LDM and studying the actual stones, nobody would have noticed another date barely hidden beneath the current one? Is it possible that the photo(s) you have based this research on have been altered? Is it possible that they are just not of good enough quality and there are ghost images on them?
I just can't figure out how you could suddenly see something there that hundreds if not thousands of people have never noticed.