Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Sorry bowman,

Your little game of 20 questions is growing a bit stale. You will need to find someone else to play it with.

I can only laugh so long at your absurdities. Eventually, it just becomes too sad. You have become the quintessential court jester, doing your lopsided dance, with hat bells jingling and a silly grin pasted on your face.

Your stories have nothing to do with this forum or the LDM.....etc. They are a comic diversion, at best.

On the other hand, when are you going to bring in the pirates??? ;)


Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

How long did you actively search for Tayopa?
Started about 58
In your estimation, how much "information" out there ended up being either outright false, or so #@!$%#@!ized and corrupted in it's retelling and redocumenting that it it was worthless?
Shall we say 80-90%?.

What are your plans for your mine - will you work it? Sell it to someone else to work? Build an amusement park around it and give tours? :)
As for the mines themselves (18) not sure yet. Remember these are not huge portal thingies but rabbit holes. Since explosives and iron were so scarce in those times, they only excavated what was necessary to follow the vein. The safety and comfort of the Indians was not even considered.

The main workings are extensive stopped out areas.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

cactusjumper said:
Sorry bowman,

Your little game of 20 questions is growing a bit stale. You will need to find someone else to play it with.

I can only laugh so long at your absurdities. Eventually, it just becomes too sad. You have become the quintessential court jester, doing your lopsided dance, with hat bells jingling and a silly grin pasted on your face.

Your stories have nothing to do with this forum or the LDM.....etc. They are a comic diversion, at best.

On the other hand, when are you going to bring in the pirates??? ;)

Yes, when is Captain Jack Sparrow going to become involved in this...? :D

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

i did not write the coded message . you beleive Tayopa is 600 miles away,i beleive it is few miles away...untill you can produce photos of tayopa, i will take the code at its word ...if i find the bell i will take a photo and post it here beleive you can prove that ,post photos of the bell when you can .... i beleive i can prove the heart of Tayopa is at one of my sites in the supersititions ... i wish luck,,, real de tayopa ....

why would they say the heart of tayopa is here if they were lieing ..., why no one knew how to brake the damn code ...why lie about ... that would be unlogical
HI BB: I know that it is 600 miles away. Nope, no critical photos until l I have the permits in my hot lil hands. Why give this information to another if the permits are finally denied? That is rough country, one can hunt for a Lifetime and never begin to cover it. It is safe.

Are they lying or are you just mistaken?

Don Jose de La Mancha


  • Entrance to Tayopa©@.webp
    Entrance to Tayopa©@.webp
    42.7 KB · Views: 360
  • door to Tayopa©@.webp
    door to Tayopa©@.webp
    65.7 KB · Views: 373
  • Tayopacountry©@.webp
    80.3 KB · Views: 361
Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

K peeps, the question on jingle bobs was to further the data on Spanish and later western lore. They were little weights that were attached to the spurs so that each time the animal moved it would tinkle. This helped establish a rhythm for the animal to subconsciously follow.

They were important, so if you ever think that you have found old Spanish spurs look for the "jingle bobs", most had them with large rowels..

Don Jose de La Mancha

(who had to fabricate them out of an old tincan to keep his mule moving)

p.s. Joe knew, and discretely suggested it.

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

No doubt by time I post this bowman would have deleted his post

Quote bowman "the blindbowman
Hero Member


Posts: 693

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"
« Reply #126 on: Today at 11:04:12 » Quote

let get back to some reality here .

i damn well you have some hard work in your research Real de tayopa . and i respect you more then most for that effert.. this would not be happening now if it was not for the traces of evidence that started showing up in this legend ...i am researching my sighting and its area . i have no interest in the tayopa for say ... your more then welcome to speand your life defineing it and recovering that legend .. and i hope you have found something where you are at ...

that said .. this all started when things in this legend started matching the tayopa acounts here where in the latter half of my research and up pops this message that out right says " see tayopa .." what the hell can i draw for a conclution ... if we are to asume the stones are real and i have evidence that says they are not fake . the location of the seven caves they piont out is a real location on the topo ... then i must under stand what is on the stones could be real as well . the Pegleg details have not been proven wrong ,... the dates have not been proven wrong ,,,did you know the templar, the portuquies ,the spanish , and the jesuit all have a common link between them,,,

that man i was telling you about Alfonso x his grandson has a long time friend of his familie become his guide a Henry the navigator .. a very famous man . that navigationit self is named after ... that grandson marries a

Sovereign Countess Isabel de Urgell, Dame of Andorra (Spain)
The daughter of Jaime II, Count de Urgel, etc, who died in jail in Jativa and Princess Isabel of Aragon (1380-1424), she was married to Pedro of Portugal, Duque de Coimbra (1392-1449). They did not have any children, and she lived (1409-43).
he change his name when he took the office of Duque de coimbra , her last name could very well be the undecoded " Lugares" on the message . the word ISA that we find on the rocks at the seven caves site may be part of her name ...we can only read part of the writeing ....

what real sucks is they were all part of the order of christ . the group made up of what was left of the templars ..... this was a small world . and threw the years these people all came from the same families ...

rich coverup things all the time and this was no diffrent ... they had power money and ships

all that IMHO is interesting , but what dose it have to do with the LDM ...

if i am right , the LDM was part of the information torture from these tribes ....

thats how it ended up on the ruth map....

it is out right amazeing that all of this can take place in a small given area .. but that is most likely why all the confussion is all about ...

i think what happend was they were trying to conquer them and it backfired and they made the indains sick and the indain masscred them to try to get the sickness to go away but it was to late .. that sickness all but killed the tribes off ....

the other tribes seen this as great evil and coverd the sites over and there they are still today ...threw the years they had been found but were so valueable they werew lost to the normal reasons for that area and its topo...

what it all comes down to is . one place one turn of events that has lasting efects for 700 years ...

do i know where it says to look for this heart of tayopa yes !

is that a real location on a topo yes ... could the tayopa name still be related to the horse location yes . could that location be where real de tayopa is now yes ... but i will not say it is fact untill i go and look at what they say is the heart of tayopa ... i just do not under stand what this heart of tayopa is doing here in the supersititions ... i agree with all of you . but the code has clearly pionted out the heart of tayopa is here . dose this mean the tayopa bell . why take this 717 lbs bell here it dose nt make any sence to me ether . but i cant change what the code has said ...

it clearly out right identifies the subject, then hides its location mixed with in a confusion of details of deception. Why have this deception and point out a Pacific area of the mountain range if the subject that is identified is not there it would be clearly and none logical...

I can't tell you what is it at this site until I investigate and explore the site itself. But the fact remains that coat is pointed out that what ever is that this site be it the reeled tayopa or the heart of the tayopa . What ever it is it is directly related to the tayopa .... it self.... As I stated I have not been researching tayopa and I do not plan to....

But I draw from the conclusion that the stones were made between 1276- 1300 and were later rediscoverd in 1435 .. I will not dismiss their data as faults untill it is proven so. It is a firsthand source and insight into the years in question...

Often with encrypted code subjects and details in history are trapped as if they were in a time capsule, this is no exception.

I respect my colleagues and their hard work I wish them the best and I also will follow these leeds through until their conclusion. .

I would have dismissed this code if it did not clearly named three locations within the mountains, very Pacific locations, in which I've identified all 3 of those locations on the typographical map that does in fact match the stones in all detail .

What are we to find when these sites are inspected. We sat down over a phone conference and discuss this in detail. We have 9 sites in all now.

I personally only find one site that intrigues me and that is the seven caves. All the gold in the world is not worth a direct culture link to the tribes that survived Atlantis if this is proven what they were. This may be our only chance to recover this Las culture . It may turn out to be just another native tribe devastated by disease brought to them through exploration.

I will not overlook the most minute chance that this is the real seven caves cave system... From what I can tell it is in a location almost unreachable. It is isolated by its location. The sheer fact that this location is almost totally impregnable advances me that these tribes isolated themselves from the outside world. They had been devastated by natural disaster and disease. When they counted on their culture their gods and their beliefs , their wishes were not answered. They fell prey to their own environment in the circumstances of their Era...

We have a couple questions here. Some that have come to mind, that need to be answered before the situation is breached...

If this is the seven caves system we do not know what the disease was that killed them.. It could be the common cold. It could be the pew bionic plaque I do not take this into consideration without great concern...

This cave system isolated and the legends of the tribes in this area have stated of great evil that lives within these mountains. Is this the evil they speak of..... Oh yes it is feasible that the bacteria of a plague unknown to us could be living in incubating in the bat guano of this cave system... And I do not want the attempt of recovery of well or knowledge to risk millions of lives...

I cannot tell you what would happen if a raw strain of black plaque was to be set free in the phoenix Arizona area... There are many unknown factors that demand our attention and our consideration... This one greatly as my attention , if I am not a stake in this illness killed off hundreds of thousands in a time when those numbers represented the mass population...

My greatest concern is that the black plague of 1348 did not come out of the east. That was brought back to Italy by priest as its carriers.. I can only draw this conclusion with the understanding that if my findings are right in the stones were made between the years of 1276--1300. If this is true in the party's of those expeditions fell prey to the plague that would be a period of time before and another expedition was sent in the black plague would have the carrier system to find its way back to Italy..

The timelines coincide and that is scary enough evidence for me... So why the rest of you have your delusions of vast wealth . I value my health it self ...

I ask myself if the Blackfoot prints on the seven caves codeic is a warning of darkest evil...ever known to mankind ....

Yes ,yes , yes , that is exactly what I'm saying I believe the Blackfoot prints on the codeic is displaying the path of the black plague as recorded by the tribes of the seven caves. Is this a weapon from Atlantis..... Are we going to get more than we bargained for. I would like to at this point bring to your attention my understanding of the codeic, it shows a medicine man or shaman releasing the black plague...... And later codeic we see the migration of this plaque ....

If I'm right the source of the greatest evil to ever have faced mankind in the history of mankind could very well be confined in this cave system waiting to be released by accident or intentionally.... I will not let this happen even if it cost me my life. I will not risk the members of expedition 3......

I will not put the human race at risk of coming in direct contact with the black plaque if my actions can intervene......

I am not interested in your Tayopa , I am not interested in your treasures. I am not responsible for the condition at hand... What it does not change the fact wemaybe faceing the greatest evil ever known to man in the history of our species......

« Last Edit: Today at 11:32:46 by the blindbowman » Report to moderator Logged


" have i lost my way ? or am i just a being of lost ways ? "
© the blindbowman ,2007

So now Atlantis and the Plague "the black death"
and you even try to take Reals work away from him with your dumb theory.
I have read enough of your rubbish now bowman and refuse to reply to anything you write. good luck in your quest

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Peerless67 said:
... So now Atlantis and the Plague "the black death"
and you even try to take Reals work away from him with your dumb theory.
I have read enough of your rubbish now bowman and refuse to reply to anything you write. good luck in your quest

Finally? The more you respond, the more he plays you guys like cheap banjos. Hello!!!

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

HOLA BB: The first known references to 'Tayopa appeared in the late 1500's. this is long after your Heart thingie.

I have not shown where the mine itself and the other 17 are, nor will I until I have the permits. As for the 5 deposits, forget it snicker.

However, I will show where the old Jesuit cuartel was, the Capilla of Tayopa has already been posted.

That is my old Isuzu Trooper diesel, the new one is gasoline.

The Cuartel cannot be detected upon since a ranch house sits upon the ruins. it actually has been for over 100 years. The amount of metalic junk is unimaginable. I will buldoze the ranchhouse and the top layer some day to search for Artifacts of that period. Naturally with Mexican archaeologists and invited American ones..

Have no doubts my friend, I have THE TAYOPA! I have title to some 3000 + acres.

Don Jose de La Mancha


  • Jesuit cuartel.webp
    Jesuit cuartel.webp
    21.4 KB · Views: 348
Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Real de Tayopa said:
How long did you actively search for Tayopa?
Started about 58
In your estimation, how much "information" out there ended up being either outright false, or so #@!$%#@!ized and corrupted in it's retelling and redocumenting that it it was worthless?
Shall we say 80-90%?.

What are your plans for your mine - will you work it? Sell it to someone else to work? Build an amusement park around it and give tours? :)
As for the mines themselves (18) not sure yet. Remember these are not huge portal thingies but rabbit holes. Since explosives and iron were so scarce in those times, they only excavated what was necessary to follow the vein. The safety and comfort of the Indians was not even considered.

The main workings are extensive stopped out areas.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Thanks for the replys - I had no idea you had started researching/searching that long ago - you certainly fit the profile of a true treasure hunter and I admire your tenacity. It really doesn't surprise me that much that you feel 80-90% of the information out there turned out to be inexact (at best) and downright false (at worst). It just goes to show you how a few generations can distort information to the point where it's almost impossible to sort out the real truth - I firmly believe this is the case with the LDM as well - except likely on even a grander scale than what you experienced.

I think you have a fascinating story to tell and I hope you're able to reap enough rewards (both financially and satisfaction-wise) once you get your permits!! I'll second what Djui says - that looks like some of the most impenetrable country one could imagine - it reminds me of pictures I've seen of the mountains and rainforests in the Amazon!!

Thanks again for the replys

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

I have a question. Mexico has never had the most stable government could they simply confiscate your claims if they wanted to ? how much protection do you really have?

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

It's probably not too well known but cases of bubonic or (black plague) still show up every year around this area of the four corners but they do have a cure for it and there really are not many deaths as a result. "Don't pet the prairie dogs".

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Bill96 said:
It's probably not too well known but cases of bubonic or (black plague) still show up every year around this area of the four corners but they do have a cure for it and there really are not many deaths as a result. "Don't pet the prairie dogs".

Yep its all about fleas

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

One would think if a person stumbled upon such a discovery,why not contact the proper authorities,the news,a museum,or even Geraldo Revera instead of droning on about it in a forum.

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

well then you know that the frist black plaque happend in 1348 . that would make them opening the cave in 1332 . 16 years before the plaque struck . IMHO it started in castaline italy... , then pegleg come and opens the cave again in 1847 ,8 years latter , the plaque brakes out again in 1855 in china we know pegleg went to climenty calf.. a lot of ships sail from san fran to china in those years .. a 500 years between the two out brakes of black plaque and both times they could have started from one location .....

16 years then 8 years , that would be the half life it well reach its next half life in 2023.... in 4 years it could kill allmost all of mankind ....then 125 years half life in 2112...this would keep folding untll it happend in days ...

i think you are looking at the reason the mayan died out ,

dont tell me let me guess the out brake of plaque before the 1348 was 324AD i right ...

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

what does "half life" have to do with the plague? it's not radio active.

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

if i am right it well be twice as strong as it was .....and it wont be past around on some ship for 3-4 months before it hits land .. it well start in a city like pheonix ....

they wont even see it comeing ......

i hope i am wrong ...

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

besides all of this has little to do with the up comeing deer season ....

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Bill96 said:
what does "half life" have to do with the plague? it's not radio active.

well bill its like this: if he had 2 half lifes he could add them together to make one whole life: he would then have a life and could stop posting drivel

Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"


I don't know that we really want bowman to quit posting. A high percentage of our posts are in response to his.....stuff.

I often find myself just skimming over what he has written, as there are only so many internet "facts" I can absorb at one time. His posts are some kind of a "Total Immersion" history lesson, with Fantasy Island added to the mix. :D


Re: Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

cactusjumper said:

I don't know that we really want bowman to quit posting. A high percentage of our posts are in response to his.....stuff.

I often find myself just skimming over what he has written, as there are only so many internet "facts" I can absorb at one time. His posts are some kind of a "Total Immersion" history lesson, with Fantasy Island added to the mix. :D


He's slowly but surely losing my attention as well. It was interesting for awhile, then entertaining, now it's just getting tiring.

I only have so many brain cells in my head - I need to be selective and efficient with what I let in and I'm afraid the entertainment value just isn't worth it anymore.

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