Peralta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

CubFan: DUH, what's Gullible going for?

Incidentally, one feature that continually bugs me is that there must have been three different people involved in making the stones due to three different styles of engraving??? I personally, most certainly would not credit Peg with any of them, especially under the heart area.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

I am probably one of the least educated people concerning the peralta stones but I do have a strong art and graphic background. It was very clear to me that the horse and priest were carved by someone with a strong artistic sence. The flowing robe of the priest shows a depth and detail that most people will not bother with, even the arm sleave shows such great concern for detail and line. Some people have called it "cartoonish" but it really wonderful little carving even if I can't figure out where his legs are. The horse is clearly done by someone with a very natrual sence of line and detail, whoever did that horse is a natural artist you can't teach that, it flows so well. On the other hand the knife is clearly done by somone else.

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

HI BILL: Agreed, then we come to the date under the heart ? I still think that 2, possibly 3 different people worked on the stones at different times. (any idea where DJUI was at the time?)

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

CubFan: DUH, what's Gullible going for?


Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

the blindbowman said:

do you want to find the Pegleg, s gold site .....pegleg left the location .... the code told me where it is .. do you want a 20 /80 split . i only want 20% ... say yes and i will pm you ... dirrection and you can help me prove to these so called treasure hunters . i was correct in my translation ... are you ready to find what you seek ...?

I will give you the 20% if you give me a provable location that is not in the vicinity of Tule Wash or Ocotillo, Ca.

I have to warn you though, Peg Leg Smith was mostly illiterate. I will tell you without equivocation that he DID NOT have anything to do with writing any codes. He just was not that educated. Buuuuuuuuut.......if he had a spirit guide, who channeled the spirit of a medieval alchemist like, say Nicholas Flamel, who wrote the codes in the spirit realm, and then dictated them through the medium, then......the fire from the burning bush turned to lightning, and cut the codes into the rocks, and in a fantastic twist of fate, it turns out that these stones are much older then most believe, and actually were the stones that Moses brought down from the mountain (not the 10 commandments), because God wanted me to find the black gold nuggets.

Maybe.....the black nuggets are what the Bible is all about! Maybe, if the Stone Maps are really what Moses brought down from the mountain, God wanted the Jews to find the nuggets originally (after all, after getting away from the Egyptians, they needed money to begin the Zionist takeover of the world). I mean, how is it possible for them to have wandered THAT desert for 40 years without hitting a city or a coastline? Not likely! So, that 40 years the Jews wandered was probably their wandering around the Siberian Ice Bridge, through Alaska, and down into the Americas. God was guiding the Jews to the black gold nuggets! At an approximate distance of 11000 miles, at 7 miles per day, it would have taken the Jews just a little over four years to walk from Israel to Arizona (if they didn't make any stops along the way. Maybe there was an error in translation, and it was supposed to say four years and not forty. Remember, there have been many Hebraic rock carvings found in the United States!

:-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\


Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

if your answer is No say it and i will post the location of Peglegs gold for everyone to see and we will hold no handshake are makeing a big misteak ... i agree pegleg was not able to brake the code ...he only figerd out how to do a few moves . its like chest . there are thosands of moves . he knew very few ....

if i post the ,location you will know i am right .....are you willing to risk that you are wrong ...

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

I told you that we had an agreement as long as your location was NOT near one of the two areas I gave.


Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

the blindbowman said:
if your answer is No say it and i will post the location of Peglegs gold for everyone to see and we will hold no handshake are makeing a big misteak ... i agree pegleg was not able to brake the code ...he only figerd out how to do a few moves . its like chest . there are thosands of moves . he knew very few ....

if i post the ,location you will know i am right .....are you willing to risk that you are wrong ...

This should be fun

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

do you know wich of the 3 mts its on ...? have you even found the 3 mt yet . ...? do not stand in the shadow of others . step into the light and face me and give me your answer . i will give the real location away ...if i can not trust you .... 20% means nothing to me from them ....

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

gollum said:
I told you that we had an agreement as long as your location was NOT near one of the two areas I gave.

is your area on his map ...?list your two areas and i will check them to see if they are near them ...

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

the blindbowman said:
do you know wich of the 3 mts its on ...? have you even found the 3 mt yet . ...? do not stand in the shadow of others . step into the light and face me and give me your answer . i will give the real location away ...if i can not trust you .... 20% means nothing to me from them ....

more riddles

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

this is not a joke i do not know very much about the Pegleg treasure site .. only the code it self ...the code is seeing for me ...if you list your two sites i will check to see if they are the same sa what was pionted out to me by the code ...

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

the blindbowman said:
this is not a joke i do not know very much about the Pegleg treasure site .. only the code it self ...the code is seeing for me ...if you list your two sites i will check to see if they are the same sa what was pionted out to me by the code ...

let me help you out bowman

I will give you the 20% if you give me a provable location that is not in the vicinity of Tule Wash or Ocotillo, Ca.

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

we got a hand shake Gollum .yes or no ...

so your answer is . yes ... i will PM you and give you the location ,

you can come back to the site and tell the site if i gave you a good location that was pionted out by the code ... then you have to find it and report back to the site what you found .. i only need a grubsteak.....if you say you found nothing then i will post the location on the site if there was nothing there you wont mind ,.... fair is fair ..

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

the blindbowman said:
we got a hand shake Gollum .yes or no ...

c'mon bowman we all know gollums word is good, cut the drama

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

agree , get a copy of the priest stone and the Pegleg map handy

if you find a good lot . send me a few i want them for xmas gifts can deduct the weight from my share lol...

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

you say yes and i will PM you ...

how far away do you live from the salton

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"


I believe Adolph Ruth found the location years ago. Gene Reynolds, following in the footsteps of Ruth (except for the tumble) found the same location and describes it in Borrego 13.

Joe Ribaudo

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

i can show him dirrectly how the code piont the location out . if the location had already been found no one would be looking for it .. this location was peglegs . ace ...

if there is no gold there then i would be very shocked ... there is no dout of the location at all
Oro posted a map and details that fit the location pionted out by pegleg in the code ... who better to check it then Gollum ...?

i dont know what sites you are talking about CJ . Gollum can come back to the site and tell us if these are those sites you just pionted out to us .. i can still post the location on the site if there is no gold found there ... my ace ...if there is gold there me and Gollum will be smileing a lot more i hope ... sounds fair to me ...

as i have said i know very little about the pegleg legend . i only know what the code said ....and that the locations are real . the fit the pegleg map 100% as well as the events of the legend as i know them so far ...

Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"

if this lets you under stand i can come out of the clouds and help others make finds maybe you wil all lighten up some .. thats worth it to me . and if this is peglegs site gollum has a change . a real chance . no more wondering around hopeing to someday find something . a true location to check out ..

after i explan the code and how that pert of it worked to gollum i welcome him to come back and tell you guys if the location sound like it could pay off or if the location fits the map and the clues .. he can say 40% or 100% thats up to him and how he feels about the location ...

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