Re: Prealta stones decoded , Fruad uncoverd , Authentic date "1435"
the blindbowman said:
do you want to find the Pegleg, s gold site .....pegleg left the location .... the code told me where it is .. do you want a 20 /80 split . i only want 20% ... say yes and i will pm you ... dirrection and you can help me prove to these so called treasure hunters . i was correct in my translation ... are you ready to find what you seek ...?
I will give you the 20% if you give me a provable location that is not in the vicinity of Tule Wash or Ocotillo, Ca.
I have to warn you though, Peg Leg Smith was mostly illiterate. I will tell you without equivocation that he DID NOT have anything to do with writing any codes. He just was not that educated. Buuuuuuuuut.......if he had a spirit guide, who channeled the spirit of a medieval alchemist like, say Nicholas Flamel, who wrote the codes in the spirit realm, and then dictated them through the medium, then......the fire from the burning bush turned to lightning, and cut the codes into the rocks, and in a fantastic twist of fate, it turns out that these stones are much older then most believe, and actually were the stones that Moses brought down from the mountain (not the 10 commandments), because God wanted me to find the black gold nuggets.
Maybe.....the black nuggets are what the Bible is all about! Maybe, if the Stone Maps are really what Moses brought down from the mountain, God wanted the Jews to find the nuggets originally (after all, after getting away from the Egyptians, they needed money to begin the Zionist takeover of the world). I mean, how is it possible for them to have wandered THAT desert for 40 years without hitting a city or a coastline? Not likely! So, that 40 years the Jews wandered was probably their wandering around the Siberian Ice Bridge, through Alaska, and down into the Americas. God was guiding the Jews to the black gold nuggets! At an approximate distance of 11000 miles, at 7 miles per day, it would have taken the Jews just a little over four years to walk from Israel to Arizona (if they didn't make any stops along the way. Maybe there was an error in translation, and it was supposed to say four years and not forty. Remember, there have been many Hebraic rock carvings found in the United States!