Good afternoon my friend Jody: You posted -->Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp your saying the things that it spelled out, are about he person using it
I doubt it, unless the question asked was about the person. As for a group, there will always be one that will predominate, the questions answered will most likely be theirs.
Frankly I have yet to use a OUIJI board, but other experiments have shown the apparent basis.
As an example, to shorten a long, but fascinating story, I had my wife sit across the table from me. I then shuffled a deck of cards then laid them face down on the table where she couldn't see them. I challenged her to tell me if it was a red or black card as I picked one up. She promptly called the entire deck wrong ??
When I pointed out that it was just as impossible to do this as to call them all right. She sheepishly admitted to deliberately calling them wrong because she didn't want to be dominated by me?
Was this a bonfire case of telepathy? If so what other abilities are lying dormant in ourselves? Under the influence of a group, can this be how the planchet is moved? Is someone inadvertently using telepathy and a dormant psychic ability to move it, or to cause others to move it, a temp collective consciousness?
As for moving the planchet, as part of my experiments, I tried to influence a compass needle by cupping my hands around the case and trying to will the needle to move. Once, and just once, I was successful. Is the same thing involved?
Don Jose de-- etc.