oujie board

Rebel - KGC said:
Dear Rebel-KGC;
Your friend;
P.S. The attached photo illustrates the Ouija board package components. The upper item is the outer cardboard packing box, the middle item is the plastic carrying case w/strap and the lower item is the actual talking board, planchette and what I assume to be some type of question cards that the users can ask the board.


  • PinkOuija.webp
    6.6 KB · Views: 503
:D HOT pink, it is; AMAZING! YOURS? LAWD GAWD A'MIGHTY! NO self-respecting spirit would come CLOSE to THAT! :D :wink:

Rebel - KGC said:
:D HOT pink, it is; AMAZING! YOURS? LAWD GAWD A'MIGHTY! NO self-respecting spirit would come CLOSE to THAT! :D :wink:

I bet Liberace would :tongue3:


My experience with 'the game'.

We bought one at a garage sale back in the 80's. Played with it a couple evenings and got scared with how it actually answered questions so easily. And then I started waking up every night feeling I was being choked...horrible dreams and so forth. I was scared to death all the time. I went to some born again christian folk to learn how to rebuke whatever bad was in my house and affecting me.

My hubby and I broke it in pieces and burned it in the big brick lined wood stove. OMG.......it flamed and burned so hot and so long, I thought the house was going to burn down. How the chimmney howled. We basically did rebuking type prayers the whole time and finally it simmered down. I was able to finally get a night's sleep , but at that point in time had not learned how to remove negativity and shall we say 'opposing forces' and protect myself from same.

This game and other such are portals to all that is out there...good...bad...and whatever. There is a fellow that teaches for free on utube how to remove negativity and opposing forces. Anyone that wishes to learn simplistic ways to remove this and protect themselves, I suggest they look up some of his vids . Do a search on David Harris . His vid on emotional healing is a good place to start. He is a Grand Master of a form of Tai chi, I think, and has learned many Qigong healing techniques.

Since employing his techniques, I have progressed greatly the last several years and have been able to move forward in exploring my 6th sense gifts in comfort and joy.


Mr.Jody said:
No, wont be heading out in the woods or any other crazy place to do this, is was freaky enough.. :o :o :-\ :hello:

Gaijun1 what happened ??

Went To An Abandoned House That Had a Least 100 Differnt Sized Doors In 1 Wall
Aint That Weird ???
Well We Wanted To Know Why They Where There And What Use It Was For ?
10 Grown People In Chains Midnight So You Know No One Is Leaveing The Table

Candels Were Lit We Started Mind You We Are Chained To A Post That Separates Both Sides Of The Wall
3 Minutes Into This Thing The Doors Are Opening And Shutting By Themselves Very Fast
And You Can See These Red Eyes Stareing At You In An Angle In Many Doors
And The Board Peice Moving At a Fast Rate Of Speed
Spelling What I Dont Know We All Were High Tailing It Home
There Were Several Bad Pants Accidents That Night

The 10 Of Us Armed Service Personal Never Went Back

JudyH said:
My Ouija story....happened as a teenager. One of my mother's bridge club buddies brought out a board one night during their weekly meet at our house. They were all having a blast with it, laughing and daring each other to ask the most ridiculous questions. My brother and I were upstairs in our respective bedrooms, trying to ignore them. I was listening to my radio, lying across my bed, when all of a sudden my bed started shaking. Not a whole lot....just a vibration type of thing. As I sat up...the radio went to static and the curtains on my windows started blowing up into the room. My windows were closed. The static got louder and the curtains were blowing up to the ceiling when I screamed for my mom. My brother came running from his room across the hall...but stopped at the doorway with his eyes wide as saucers and his mouth open in shock. The vibration in my bed was getting stronger and stronger and I was simply frozen with fear. My mom came running up the stairs and pushed my brother aside to enter my room....and froze. (She later told me she couldn't enter the room because it was blocked. By what? There was nothing in the doorway and the door was open.) I could see her lips moving but couldn't hear a word. Then....it stopped. Everything. The radio station came back, the curtains drifted back down against the wall, and the bed went still. Needless to say, we left the house and went to my grandma's. We never went back. My grandfather moved our stuff out and no one else has been able to live there since.

I asked my mother in later years what she had been saying that night (that I couldn't hear). She said " I just kept repeating My God, My God, help us".

I think He did.

People just don't know the forces that can be unleashed when they open the door to the spirit world, Glad everyone came out of it unharmed.

Prisons, mental institutions, cults, and graveyards are rife with those less fortunate.


GoodyGuy said:
JudyH said:
My Ouija story....happened as a teenager. One of my mother's bridge club buddies brought out a board one night during their weekly meet at our house. They were all having a blast with it, laughing and daring each other to ask the most ridiculous questions. My brother and I were upstairs in our respective bedrooms, trying to ignore them. I was listening to my radio, lying across my bed, when all of a sudden my bed started shaking. Not a whole lot....just a vibration type of thing. As I sat up...the radio went to static and the curtains on my windows started blowing up into the room. My windows were closed. The static got louder and the curtains were blowing up to the ceiling when I screamed for my mom. My brother came running from his room across the hall...but stopped at the doorway with his eyes wide as saucers and his mouth open in shock. The vibration in my bed was getting stronger and stronger and I was simply frozen with fear. My mom came running up the stairs and pushed my brother aside to enter my room....and froze. (She later told me she couldn't enter the room because it was blocked. By what? There was nothing in the doorway and the door was open.) I could see her lips moving but couldn't hear a word. Then....it stopped. Everything. The radio station came back, the curtains drifted back down against the wall, and the bed went still. Needless to say, we left the house and went to my grandma's. We never went back. My grandfather moved our stuff out and no one else has been able to live there since.

I asked my mother in later years what she had been saying that night (that I couldn't hear). She said " I just kept repeating My God, My God, help us".

I think He did.

People just don't know the forces that can be unleashed when they open the door to the spirit world, Glad everyone came out of it unharmed.

Prisons, mental institutions, cults, and graveyards are rife with those less fortunate.

Dear GoodyGuy;
This is what I've been harping on all along, my friend. Literally, LEGIONS of Roman Catholic exorcists will gladly stand up and state in no uncertain terms that Ouija boards are among the easiest, if not THE easiest, way for a demonic spirit to possess a person or even an inanimate object, such as a house. It seems there are those people who think that because they are not deeply religious, they will not be affected by an evil spirit my friend.

They think that demonic possessions only happen to those people whom believe in God and because they don't believe in God, then they are somehow *immune* from demonic possession.This is a horrible miscalculation of their parts, my friend! Before *playing* with a Ouija board, it might behoove everyone to remember that "the devils also believe, and tremble".
Your friend;

To witness a demonic possession firsthand is not something that you will ever forget and that vision will stick with you for the rest of your life.

I can only imagine how you would feel if that possession took place because you were the one who suggested "let's play with the ouija board" or "let's have a seance" Would you really want that on your conscience?


Ladies and gentlemen Including mi buddy Lamar; the Ouiji board only opens up your self, your ID. You, yourself are answering the questions through your subconsciousness by using it as a focus. The same thing is accomplished by living in a cave or isolation for a long period, in some other form of deprivation, or through visual, uncontrolled types of hypnosis. This is made famous by Eastern and near Eastern seers.

Basically what it means is that we have powers given to us by the Almighty which we still don't understand or know how to control. That will come with evolution, time, or enlightenment. But they do not exist without a prior reason.

No, I do not believe that Ouiji boards in them selves are bad, but it is necessry to understand that you are accessing your ID, which has been developed by all of the things that you have experienced or learned in your life to date. You may not like yourself.

Don Jose de --etc.

Hmmmm Gaijun1 weird!!
OK, so when I was "playing" with the board, Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp your saying the things that it spelled out, are about he person using it??? OR however many people using it? :dontknow: :icon_scratch:

Very interesting opinions from eveyone.... :thumbsup: :coffee2:

Good afternoon my friend Jody: You posted -->Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp your saying the things that it spelled out, are about he person using it???
I doubt it, unless the question asked was about the person. As for a group, there will always be one that will predominate, the questions answered will most likely be theirs.

Frankly I have yet to use a OUIJI board, but other experiments have shown the apparent basis.

As an example, to shorten a long, but fascinating story, I had my wife sit across the table from me. I then shuffled a deck of cards then laid them face down on the table where she couldn't see them. I challenged her to tell me if it was a red or black card as I picked one up. She promptly called the entire deck wrong ??

When I pointed out that it was just as impossible to do this as to call them all right. She sheepishly admitted to deliberately calling them wrong because she didn't want to be dominated by me?

Was this a bonfire case of telepathy? If so what other abilities are lying dormant in ourselves? Under the influence of a group, can this be how the planchet is moved? Is someone inadvertently using telepathy and a dormant psychic ability to move it, or to cause others to move it, a temp collective consciousness?

As for moving the planchet, as part of my experiments, I tried to influence a compass needle by cupping my hands around the case and trying to will the needle to move. Once, and just once, I was successful. Is the same thing involved?

Don Jose de-- etc.

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D "Real", I see yer trying to use "scientific" explanations for Ouija Board use (mental telepathy of dominance), and telekinesis (cupped hands & "needle"); NOT really the same. We ALL have the electro-magnetic energy in our hands, developed or not, it can be used for healing; in a "sense" MIND is used to "direct" the "force", and "influence" movements of objects. This energy is called KI, CHI, etc. in Far East countries & is utilized by mystics for their "purposes"; something we, in the WEST, could learn. Ouija Board use is BASICALLY a group of ppl sitting in a quiet place (darkened), in a relaxed, "receptive mood", like watching TV at night; their brains are like radio/TV receivers, and individual MINDS are "vacant", creating a "vacuum of mental emptiness", and Magnetic Vortec of group hands on Ouija Board "mover" creates a MAGNETIC "attraction" to "spirit" electro-magnetic plasma beings so they can "interact" by moving the "board-piece", spelling out messages. The fear is of "possession" by "spirits" of human bodies, with "vacant" minds; MY theory (NOT original), is that WE are SPIRITS having a HUMAN experience, anyway... SO! It would be easy to "fear" that OTHER "spirits" would take over HUMAN bodies during Ouija board use... similar to a SEANCE; NOT gonna go there. THIS info is based on over 50 years of reading, observations, and experience; I am 60. :wink: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee? ;D :hello2: :hello2:

good evening Rebel: An interesting post, to paraphrase an old saying, "a rose by any name is still the same". The world has different names or explanations for the same thing.

As for Ouija board planchettes moving, we are probably back to Lamar's good old Ideo motor response to a subconscious order, a la Dowsing, which has been flatly proven to exist.

We all possess an ability of Telepathy, like everything else it varies greatly individually. I have posted of one such case. There were two others in my investigations of the para normal.

Under self Hypnosis, which a seance type group can induce, many relatively unknown abilities can be brought out. It cannot give you something that you don't already have.

Put them together in a room with self-bolstering impressions and expectations, reinforced by your neighbors, and you have a natural setup for the Ouija Board to live up to it's fictitious name.

If the spirits summoned (?) had the powers to shake a room, bed, etc., they also could easily move the planchette, no need for a weak human.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Ola Don Jose,
Human weaknesses does not necessarily means physical. it is more on mental and spiritual, wherein it can be easily swayed by another 'force'.. be it good or evil.


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