oujie board

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D HOT apple cider! YUM! :hello2: JudyH; per your post # 90, YOU were upstairs, as a teenager... listening to your radio & had an EXTREME "psychic experience", and your room was "blocked". Your mom & bridge club was "playing" downstairs with the OB; I DO NOT think (MHO) YOUR experience was even connected to the downstairs OB "party". It sounds like your house was HAUNTED to begin with, and MAYBE your mom and BC were trying to communicate with the "other side". I DO know that some teens are more sensitive to "psychic events"
and I think you experienced an extreme case of "haunting" NOT connected to OB. (MHO). :coffee2: HOT Cider? ;D

HI Unicorn mi Britlander luv: Welcome aboard. We basically are not dealing with spirits, either evil or benevolent, but the ID. Perhaps the intense, hypnotic concentration produced by the surroundings and the other participants, brings out it's dark side.

The same effect can arise if someone is suddenly jarred to remember a very discomforting episode of their past which they had successfully buried from their conscious mind, yet it still lurks in there.

The mind is a wonderfully complex thing. It has the power to control the Universe if we could only tap it.

At the moment I am not convinced that the OUIJI Board is evil in itself, but only causes problems when the user has a true subconscious psychological problem which it can bring out similar to normal medical Hypnosis..

Don Jose de La Mancha

HI: here is an interesting observaton that I just received -->

Another phenomena in the human expression is that of Group Thought or Group Vibration. This is where a group of individuals generate a vibration based upon a common thought or theme such as nationality, sporting clubs, religion/spiritual beliefs, ideology and symbology etc. This group vibration creates an energetic flow, or movement of energy, that embraces all that participate. Usually, these vibrations sit within a defined bandwidth, one will either resonate (tune into) or not, with a particular frequency. Not all willingly participate in a particular group but do so because of the nature of the human dance.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Most all kiddies talk, or have heard about OB. Playgrounds at schools are just the place to do this. With this in mind, we presume to think of them as something evil, and not to be "messed" about with. So in fact we are pre-conditioned to think that something will happen if we do "mess" around with them. With this in mind I would suggest that a person who is pre-disposed toward being either nervous, or highly imaginative, should not play with an OB. Therefore as most all of us, at one time or another have talked about them, and lets face it, most kiddies are highly imaginative. Is it best not to play with an OB in the first place, as most of us are already pre- conditioned toward them.

Let us take for example, that the OB had been devised as a simple board game. you throw a dice, you land on a "you are entomed for the next 2 rounds" Ok! so that's you out of the game for two rounds, and so on and so forth. We would have probably played this game without much thought about it's actual meaning. But because we know what a OB is supposed to represent, we are all ready pre-conditioned to whatever outcome it is supposed to do. So put this into circumstances with a group of people, low and behold our minds can weave whatever it want's to weave.
I am not saying that what Judy experienced is imagination, there obviously were other forces at work, ( another subject perhaps) All I am saying is that because we know what a OB represents, our minds can do the rest. So better not to start something that could perhaps lead to doing some mental damage to a person.

JudyH said:
Interesting discussions here. :coffee2:

I have a question for mi amigo Don Jose, friends GG, Rebel, and others. Since, in my own experience, I was separated from the OB users (they were downstairs in another room) and not participating....why was I the party experiencing the "manifestation"? Was it my own "consciousness" or unknown "ability" manifesting itself by auto suggestion? Was it something or someone else using my idle mind/abilities to create the disturbance? Was I the "weakest link"? Why did this happen to me and not to the ones using the board?
(Sorry, that's several questions...but pertaining to the same subject.)

Judy H, even though you were on the periphery of your mom and friends, still you are within the house which can be considered as collectively "one" wherever location in the house you are.
The manifestating "force" you've experience probably didn't came from you since you are not aware what is to be expected. Though your mom and her friends are expecting "something", we can assume that it is far from anything evil that will hurt anybody, but what has happened is beyond control of everybody, including you. Whoever created that force has its own conciousness, and far superior to some extent, and when your mother mentioned the word "God", it disappeared.


Hi JudyH, the way I feel it, we are not just discussing "simple game" using OB for fun, but more on "experimentation" to confirm the result of what they were wishing. And it seems, coincidently, "something" manifested beyond the imagination of everybody, and they have no idea what and why it was.

But I do believe that in collective effort through faith (good or bad) it can create tremendous results.

Hi JudyH,

All matters on earth are considered as medium in transforming energies, forces, or object from one form to another. As in physical energy, manifestation can only be seen after it had gone to “process”, where some factors must be present for that transformation to happen.
There are other energies that we acknowledge that exist, though it does not conform (or can’t be explained yet) with physical science. These are called spiritual energy, evil energy, psychic energy and others. We have different choices about these energies:

1. If we accept that these energies really exist, then we can assure that it can be harnessed, converted and will manifest, controllably or uncontrollably.

2. Now, even if we accept these energies do exist, but in reality these are not, inevitably there will be no transformation and manifestation to happen... whatever.

3. If we do not accept that these energies exist, still it will manifest, transform and convert whether the medium wanted it or not, if in reality it exist.

4. If we accept these energies exist, and if in reality they are, the transformation, manifestation and conversion will be more focal, vivid, tremendous, and more controllable....not by the medium but by the source of the energy itself.

To rephrase it, energy must exist so that medium can be utilized.... Knowingly or unknowingly....Or otherwise.

Ok folks, this got moved because the subject started turning to something else,It got moved to the church place on here... lets be easy here on what we talk about.... anyone else use it or reuse it latlely? :thumbsup: :coffee2:

My opinion is to stay clear of it.

You enter the Devil's playground you are going to get burned. Period.

:D HA! (MHO) Earth (here & now..) IS the devil's playground; don't NEED no "stinking" OB! :o 8) (SUNNY out...).


OB is no different from any other object used to "invite" the spirits to posses the living.. or .. the living to be possesed by the spirits.
Others used spirit of the glass, melted candles, fire , etc.
Whatever medium is use, as long it is in communion with the other world, it is not healthy to ourselves....Physically and spiritually.


:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Went to church, last night; very good! a_09 made a good point... YET! In "post" # 137, a_09 "chatted" about the "energies" and 4 possible beliefs, that leads to INTENT (what the OB is used for). What is the GENERAL consensus of these "energies"? "Dark"? "Light"? Universal? I think EVERYONE knows what "Dark Energies" are. The HOLY SPIRIT would be an example of "LIGHT Energy". Universal COULD be scientific understanding of a CORE energy, as in Quantum Physics (thus, NEUTRAL); OR... GOD, as a "broadcast wave". (MHO) is that it is a CORE, neutral energy (aka GOD), utilized by "spirits" to "manifest", according to MAIN "intent" of the person/group.
THEN, we get into "dimensons", from where these "spirits" come from; (MHO) there are TEN (10) dimensions in our MULTI-VERSE. We are currently (EARTH, "here & now") living in the SECOND dimension... in a 3-D or 4-D "world"; the FIRST would be "burning" hades", and the THIRD (dimension), is the beginning of HEAVEN... (NOT gonna get into
RELIGION, here). Dimensions 4-10 are simply "higher vibrations" beyond our 5 "normal" senses of seeing, hearing, etc... etc... etc. I am NOT interested in theological "explanations". :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee? :read2:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D :read2: Hmmm... MAY have to get "insight" from Eastern, Far-Eastern philosophies of LIFE (India, China, Japan); seems to be congruent with Quantum Physics & "Intelligent Design". What IS interesting, is that in Quantum Physics... WE as observers influence/CAN influence what is being perceived via the 5 senses. WOW! :hello2: :read2: Back to OB "use"; what then, would be the INTENT? :dontknow: PROBABLY, "situation-specific". :dontknow: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee? :wink:

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