Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member

and I think you experienced an extreme case of "haunting" NOT connected to OB. (MHO).

JudyH said:Interesting discussions here.
I have a question for mi amigo Don Jose, friends GG, Rebel, and others. Since, in my own experience, I was separated from the OB users (they were downstairs in another room) and not participating....why was I the party experiencing the "manifestation"? Was it my own "consciousness" or unknown "ability" manifesting itself by auto suggestion? Was it something or someone else using my idle mind/abilities to create the disturbance? Was I the "weakest link"? Why did this happen to me and not to the ones using the board?
(Sorry, that's several questions...but pertaining to the same subject.)
Judy H, even though you were on the periphery of your mom and friends, still you are within the house which can be considered as collectively "one" wherever location in the house you are.
The manifestating "force" you've experience probably didn't came from you since you are not aware what is to be expected. Though your mom and her friends are expecting "something", we can assume that it is far from anything evil that will hurt anybody, but what has happened is beyond control of everybody, including you. Whoever created that force has its own conciousness, and far superior to some extent, and when your mother mentioned the word "God", it disappeared.