oujie board

;D TY. It IS a fair question; my objection to the ouija board is simply that it MAY be a SHOCK to ppl
that it CAN happen, and ppl are NOT prepared for it, NOR... is it a game. PROBABLY, ppl would go through stages, such as SHOCK, DENIAL, BARGAINING, ANGER, DEPRESSION, ACCEPTANCE, and maybe ANGER again. My mom and I "shut it down"; NOT realizing it was my older sister. Mom's second child... a girl. After I "came back", I gave my mom a birthstone ring, based on the BIRTH of her children; it was my older sister's request that she be remembered on the ring, so mom had THREE stones, not just two. It WAS strange trying to explain to mom, the THREE stones, and that I had seen my older sister, who is my "guardian angel". My father & older brother did not believe me, and my mother was uncertain; I REALLY don't care. After my dad died in 2004, I did have a vision in which he and my sister were standing together at the end of a dark tunnel; as if they were there, waiting for us, "whenever". My older brother's daughter (my niece) did die in 2007 from brain cancer which spread from breast cancer, and he is still "grieving". HOWEVER, I have seen her... heard her, and told her brother (my nephew) such. Dad even helped me, today; by prompting me to do "handyman" work on the showerhead here. I am NO plumber, yet it was easy. SO! MHO, NO death, ONLY a TRANSFORMATION... Have NO Fear! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :icon_thumleft: ;D

Rebel - KGC said:
;D TY. It IS a fair question; my objection to the ouija board is simply that it MAY be a SHOCK to ppl
that it CAN happen, and ppl are NOT prepared for it, NOR... is it a game. PROBABLY, ppl would go through stages, such as SHOCK, DENIAL, BARGAINING, ANGER, DEPRESSION, ACCEPTANCE, and maybe ANGER again. My mom and I "shut it down"; NOT realizing it was my older sister. Mom's second child... a girl. After I "came" back; I gave my mom a birthstone ring, based on the BIRTH of her children; it was my older sister's request that she be remembered on the ring, so mom had THREE stones, not just two. It WAS strange trying to explain to mom, the THREE stones, and that i had seen my older sister, who is my "guardian angel". My father & older brother did not believe me, and my mother was uncertain; I REALLY don't care. After my dad died in 2004, I did have a vision in which he and my sister were standing together at the end of a dark tunnel; as if they were there, waiting for us, "whenever". My older brother's daughter (my niece) did die in 2007 from brain cancer which spread from breast cancer, and he is still "grieving". HOWEVER, I have seen her... heard her, and told her brother (my nephew) such. Dad even helped me, today by prompting me to do "handyman" work on the showerhead here; I am NO plumber, yet it was easy. SO! MHO, NO death, ONLY a TRANSFORMATION... Have NO Fear!
Dear Rebel-KGC;
I need to remember, never ever go to your house for dinner. No telling who might show up, after all...
Your friend;

i have a dumb question..(might not be) are we talkin about a special type of oujie board or one you can get from someplace like toys R us ? or doesn't it matter?

:D LOL! Wife & I now live in an old 3 story UMC parsonage; haunted by several prior occupants (pastors & families). We do hear mumuring of ppl, doors slamming, windows falling down for NO reason, "unearthly cold" spots... HOWEVER! Benign spirits are here; ABBY, a 7 year old girl... I have seen once, and heard MANY times... she is a very happy child; in fact, she was singing this morning!
Once, after planting some flowers outside, I heard a woman's voice say... "THANK YOU!" It was loud, and I looked around... NO ONE! :D The "spirits" know wife & I care for this place, and they show appreciation at times... it was formerly known as the Vineyard House on BETHEL Road. There are grape vines/trees on the side yard. ANYWAY... DARE you to come by! LOL! Don't need no stinking Ouija Board! :D :wink:

:D Yes, dp... just like from Toy-R-Us or Wal-Mart; stay away from 'em! :o

a little late, i've had one for several years which is in the basement packed with some drinking board games. the oujie was one of my x-girlfriends that left it here(so it probably already has bad mojo :laughing7:) who would of thought milton bradly or who ever made them would be unlocking the door to the other side ::)

:D "BAD mojo"... LOL! YEP! :wink: Planchette boards with a pen to "draw" with... then, Talking Board; NOT recommended. Give it back to "ex" or burn it.

OK, :coffee2:
Got my coffee, sitting here stretching out my 2 fingers, (thats how I type, ;D) going to try and say how it went with me,I went and bought one out of curiosity...so here we go :coffee2:

Ok, like I said above, I went and bought one.(kids store of all places) after all, its a "game"..??
So, we set around the table one late night and talked about it, I told everyone if i see you moving that lil piece of plastic on purpose I'm going to punch you(my humor,no one was hurt)I said lets give it the benefit of doubt, if your no going to play seriously, then keep your paws off of it.Everyone agreed!
So had the candles lit, (seen it on youtube) and we began..
Asked it "Ouija Board are you here?" (thats what the youtube dude said do,lol) Well I'll be damn if it didnt move to"YES"! I was like, wow! So my sis was talking, said are you a good spirit or a bad spirit? it stayed on "yes". I'm like,ok, thats cool.Asked if it had a name? The thing moved and started spelling out P A M.My sis asked it it it had any kids? It went to "4". Asked if they were alive ?It moved to "NO". Asked how they died? It spelled out "W R E C K". So I'm getting the chills and eyes are watering for no reason! Asked how old she was.It went to "29". Then it just went to "DAD"! Asked if he was alive? It went to "YES" Asked how old he was?It went to "84" I believe.Asked where he lived? It went to "HEAL"..? Asked what his name was? It went to "SAM". Asked if she was OK? It went to "YES".....Then for no reason, it just went to "good bye"

So we were sitting around looking at each other and was like, did that just happen? First time using the "game" .So we did it again....

Did the asking, then it goes to "YES". asked if it was a good or bad spirit? It goes to the "MOON", which is suppose to be "bad", so we said ...GOOD BYE ,GOOD BYE, GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!

We try it again.....
Asked it if it had a name. It went to "BRAD" So we was looking at each other, like OK, who is moving this plastic pointer?
Then is really started moving...... It went to "HURRY M BAD LEAVE 2-3" !!!!! It repeated the 6 times! Then it just went to "BYE"

Yea, we tried it again...LOL
So, Im like,I'm going to ask about treasure! Yea, thats it something good out of the "game" I'm thinking. Well. I asked about some specific things(cant tell about that, :wink:) It moves to "R U L E " I said can you tell me where it is, it went o "NO" then to "BYE"

So, does that mean..."You know the rules, cant tell you where it is so you can just go dig it up"??? LOL

I went and bought it just to see, I'm not loony or saying anyone else is, but did that board just do that or was one of my brothers or nephews or my sis moving it? I have no idea. But I do know they didn't want to get punched for moving it... :D :D :wink:

Well, my friends, thats my story and I'm sticking to it.... :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumleft: :notworthy: :headbang: :hello:

We havent used it since that one night, just because. No real reason.

Oija board is the western version of the "SPIRIT OF THE GLASS" (eastern version). An inverted glass is use on a board with letters, 'yes' - 'no' and numbers on it. Two fingers of each players are put on the glass, and will pray Hail mary prior to the start of the "game". As it goes, the glass will starts to move and choose letters or numbers. Based on experience, this is not a game and not "spiritually healthy", because if somebody summon a dead friend or relatives, "other spirits" may come in.

has anyone used one alone and not with a group of people? Mr. jody too bad it didn't point ya to any treasure, if it did i was gonna dig my board outa the basement :icon_pirat:

As crazy as it may sound Dog, thats the real reason I bought it... ;D
I seen a story about this, so i figure what the heck, I'll give anything a try once... :icon_pirat:

angel, I heard that befor,strange.I dont even know where or when, but read your post and i remember it..

I "played" with a Ouija board off and on for several years during the 1960s and 1970s. My last few experiences with it were rather odd. At first it was a fun thing, with girlfriends who said they never moved it. Years later, it got more serious. I could place my hands on it and it would actually move on its own. Spooked me, but I kept doing it. Asked for dead relatives; got messages about them, but never heard from them personally. Last time I used it, with several others, I asked if it was an evil spirit or not. It replied that it was. The conversations we had with that thing were amazing, but it all dealt with the unknown. The darker the room and the intensity of the participants, the "darker" the messages. I threw it in the garbage and have never had another.

You know, you are right.The more the people the more the thing moved!At or close to 3 in the morning,is when we got more "action". supposedly this is the "deadzone" what ever that means.....

Don't forget about the terrifying and demonic Magic Eight Ball ...


Ohh Ive Used Them In Seances Too And All Im Going To Say Is Im Afraid To Do It Again
Afterwards We Busted The Board

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D "Dead Zone" (aka "Dead Time"); 3 am - @ 5 am is BEST "time" due to lack of electro-magnetic "interference". HOWEVER, any "old" house will do, if not "wired" for electricity. THAT is why "nature" (deep woods) is BEST for "psychic experiences". :o :wink:

No, wont be heading out in the woods or any other crazy place to do this, is was freaky enough.. :o :o :-\ :hello:

Gaijun1 what happened ??

I played with one as a kid, it didn't impress me. We couldn't get it to do anything. Just a game to me.
The wife on the other hand does not like them. I saw one at a yard sale not too long ago and was gonna buy it and she about had a fit, "you aint bringing that thing in my house" (her house?) she says, "those things are possessed". "Whatever", I says and didn't buy it. She won that one.

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