good evening Rebel: An interesting post, to paraphrase an old saying, "a rose by any name is still the same". The world has different names or explanations for the same thing.
As for Ouija board planchettes moving, we are probably back to Lamar's good old Ideo motor response to a subconscious order, a la Dowsing, which has been flatly proven to exist.
We all possess an ability of Telepathy, like everything else it varies greatly individually. I have posted of one such case. There were two others in my investigations of the para normal.
Under self Hypnosis, which a seance type group can induce, many relatively unknown abilities can be brought out. It cannot give you something that you don't already have.
Put them together in a room with self-bolstering impressions and expectations, reinforced by your neighbors, and you have a natural setup for the Ouija Board to live up to it's fictitious name.
If the spirits summoned (?) had the powers to shake a room, bed, etc., they also could easily move the planchette, no need for a weak human.
Don Jose de La Mancha