oujie board

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D TY, "Real"; "Spirits" as in "table tipping", is ONLY for "entertainment" for the "human elements" in a seance. And OF COURSE, "they" can do the things you say w/o human elements, THAT is what a HAUNTING is; "Rose by any name, is still a Rose"... CORRECT, with various scientific "definitions" for the word... PARANORMAL. We agree in that respect... As SPIRITS having a HUMAN EXPERIENCE, not certain humans are "weak"... AND! "Non-material" beings (deceased "humans", demons, etc) are "stronger" than us BECAUSE, we believe them so. FEAR & belief... especially the emotion of FEAR, is the cause of "weakness", as implied by a_09; Spirits are BASICALLY neutral with hardly ANY emotion, UNTIL... "they" are having a HUMAN experience... BOO! :o :wink: NOW! Going back to the Ouija Board... 8) (SUNNY out! Getting WARMER! ;D).

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
good evening Rebel: An interesting post, to paraphrase an old saying, "a rose by any name is still the same". The world has different names or explanations for the same thing.

As for Ouija board planchettes moving, we are probably back to Lamar's good old Ideo motor response to a subconscious order, a la Dowsing, which has been flatly proven to exist.

We all possess an ability of Telepathy, like everything else it varies greatly individually. I have posted of one such case. There were two others in my investigations of the para normal.

Under self Hypnosis, which a seance type group can induce, many relatively unknown abilities can be brought out. It cannot give you something that you don't already have.

Put them together in a room with self-bolstering impressions and expectations, reinforced by your neighbors, and you have a natural setup for the Ouija Board to live up to it's fictitious name.

If the spirits summoned (?) had the powers to shake a room, bed, etc., they also could easily move the planchette, no need for a weak human.

Don Jose de La Mancha
Dear Don Jose;
I would state in no uncertain terms that Ouija boards are ideomotor response driven, in fact Parker Bros. markets the board *game* on that very same premise, except for the glaring fact that COUNTLESS numbers of people have suffered VERY bad experiences from one. Couple this to the fact that virtually EVERY Roman Catholic exorcist will flatly inform you that they've performed exorcism after exorcism and the largest majority of those people possessed have confessed to having started played around with Ouija boards at some point in their lives.

Based on my experiences, the experiences of my friends and those who have told me of their experiences with Ouija boards, plus the condemnation by ALL Roman Catholic exorcists, I am now inclined to believe that there a little more that simple ideomotor reflexes at work. When planchettes start to move by themselves and people start foaming at the mouth and twitching, that's when things start to turn real, my friend. This is about the time when one starts to SERIOUSLY re-evaluate their religious convictions.
Your friend;

Here is the real truth!

Evil is real.
Spirits are real.
Possession is real.
Evil spirit possessions are real.
Just add a real ouija board and real willing subjects and you have a real recipe for disaster!

Hi my very good friends: Two questions.

if the spirits are that powerful, why do they even need a toy to evidence themselves.

Also just how much is the subconscious involved in preconditioned expectations?

Don Jose --- etc., etc.,

p.s Goody, just what is a real OUIJI board?

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
p.s Goody, just what is a real OUIJI board?

They are all real ...........Real dangerous!

* lol...I was spelling it wrong, not sure what made me do that :icon_scratch:
anyway I went back and corrected them all. :tongue3:

Hi Don Jose,

They became powerful when men make their spirits weak....

and adhering with that "toy" is accepting they exist.

If the conscious mind entertains, the subconcious mind retains...

and will be the home of these spirits to bother them forever...

Where the horror begins...untill sanity escapes.


:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Well, we ARE getting good responses... :read2: PRE-CONDITIONED EXPECTATIONS for Ouija Board use... Entertainment. :D To be SCARED! :o To get info. ???. Reminds me of Buddha's saying... "MIND, it is... which gives to things... their ESSENCE." HENCE, use OB to be entertained; you will. Use OB to be scared, you will. Use OB to gain info, you will. If you are PRE-CONDITIONED that OB is BAD, SINFUL, DANGEROUS,
to be avoided... such is the way it is. I PERSONALLY advocate NO use of OB; AND! (To be continued...) :wink:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Had to get another "cuppa"; ANYWAY! When we are dealing with the MIND... Conscious, SUB-Conscious, and UN-Conscious; WHOO! I don't buy all the Psychology stuff, and can ONLY state that Conscious"ness" is simply what we experience via the FIVE senses of seeing, hearing, etc... ALL "scientific" modes of observation. SUB-Conscious is simply the AUTOMATIC, "deeper" brain-stem (Brain Science) "working while you sleep" thingie. Of course, UN-Conscious is simply absent of Consciousness, as in a COMA (I was in a 2 1/2 month(s) "locked-in-state" coma, back in '92-'93). :o SO! It was the SUB-Conscious keeping the PHYSICAL body "living on" with a trache, and tube-feeding; meanwhile, CONSCIOUSNESS (aka MIND) was "out & about"; having an out of body & Near Death Experience, in which my older "deceased" sister met with me, confiding that it was SHE, who moved the planchette on the Ouija Board, when Mom & I tried it, when I was 16 or so... ONCE; it scared the crap outta of BOTH of us. HA! THEN... there is the HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS (aka HIGHER POWER). :read2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee?
"Real", Going high-tech? :dontknow:

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HIO Reble / Saturn me canuck friend" What is the diference between a OUIJI Board and a computer using Google to find information?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Google doesn't rely on ideomotor and wild imagination ?

;D Going with "Real", re the computer... I "see" like a PRAYER; yer sending out SOMEWHERE... to SOMEONE. :wink:

Though OB is considered as a "toy", it is a tool to bridge the living from unknown, where if the "toy" responds to player's whim, it give them doubts about their spiritual faith.

As what is written in the bible, as a person dies, he knows nothing what is happening under the sun, nor their love, hatred and other doing by the living.
And if the conciousness has gone, who them poses and assumes as the dead relatives or friends when summoned using the OB?


:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D a_09; "History" of the OB is it WAS developed as a "harmless parlor game" in the late 1890's (wiki), and I guess the "spirits" of the "dead" from the Civil War, and the WILD West gave "rise" to spiritualism, starting with the "knockings" & the FOX sisters... seances, etc. :o Per the BIBLE; IF, you identity yourself as ONLY the physical body... you would be correct about the unknowing of this & that, as CONSCIOUSNESS (like Elvis) has "left the building"... (body as TEMPLE). NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES, OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES, and MODERN-day research information has indicated the DUAL (or TRIAD) nature of MAN. body, MIND, and Spirit. What survives the "bodily death" of MAN, (the ONLY thing that survives in TRANSFORMATION into a Body of LIGHT (even seen with the crucifixion of our Lord JESUS... "LO, I ascend unto the FATHER," or SOMETHING like that). OB has been used/abused since WW I (wiki) as a "tool" to the darkside... may the FORCE (of Father God), be with you.
STILL do NOT recommend it! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: 8) (SUNNY & warmer out...).

:icon_thumright: :Hi Rebel, I agree with you. Living person composed of flesh, the soul, and spirit. Spirit returns back to God when man dies, and our soul and flesh dies together. The flesh returns back to dust while the soul will be raised back for judgement. :read2:


Mr.Jody said:
Whats your take on this?

my take is fake
I tried them, never worked lol
I doubt they unlock a door to another world

but that is just my opinion and won't be changing it

FarmerChick said:
Mr.Jody said:
Whats your take on this?

my take is fake
I tried them, never worked lol
I doubt they unlock a door to another world

but that is just my opinion and won't be changing it
That's EXACTLY what I "thought" too....I dunno about another world either, but I know what I seen happen! Thats what this thread about , get everyones opinion... :coffee2:

HI PBSRW#1, Well, as our old friend Freud said, "We live in a collective consciousness. If so then you may have been in telepathic contact ?

This exists as I mentioned in my little post.

Then again, as you stated, the subconscious reaction to the fields that surround you, may have had a part in your reactions. These reactions may have been manifested in poltergeistic abilities. Generally in a younger, female.

The Holistic Universe also tends to give an explanation. A universe where everything is simultaneous existence, and in instantaneous contact, past, present, and future.

It is an interesting post since you are a Professional and not subject to normally frilly thoughts, but actually seek an explanation, if one can be given at this state of knowledge. more luv.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s Poltergistic abilities abilities have been known since Adam & EVE. You need look no further than look at the effect that a beautiful gal, like your self, has on we poor males -- blushing.

In my opinion an OB is something that should never be played about with. At best it may appear a harmful and high "spirited" ( excuse the pun) board game, at it's worst in can do untold damage to people, producing them to almost "nervous wrecks", as I think was suggested by Lamar. We are all prone to be inquisitive about this "board game" but it's something that a person should not start to mess about with. With prior knowledge of what this OB is supposed to do, why subject yourself to the potential harm that it might cause, especially if you are a highly imaginative or sensitive person.

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