oujie board

Diggemall said:
Myself, I won't have one of those things in my home.

At the same time, I do find the subject interesting. For those of you who haven't read this before, you might find it to be an interesting read. It's Marc's (T-Nets founder) recount of events that surround the use of a board:



Another example of contact with the spirit realm and the troubles it may lead to.
There is more to the tale that is not currently being made public.

As you can see from Marc's post a great deal of turmoil has been the result so far. Started out great but then look what happened.
I agree with Marc that a ouija board itself is not Satanic, however I do believe it can be used as a conduit to open a door that both good or evil may pass through, and if you are unfortunate enough to be the recipient of an evil spirit. Then may God have mercy on your soul.


Well, to tell you folks the truth, I seen Marc's thread on this, that's why I went and bought one...
I can tell you one thing, it sure will send chills down your spine!! :o

I wont be going to leave this in a cemetery, hope to never go to a cemetery! There is nothing that I see that would be good in a cemetery

Both Chug and I agree, no board will EVER be in our home, those things are no good, and your just inviting trouble!!!!

i'm surprised that parker brothers hasn't come out with different themes for this game yet...."high school musical oujie" or "twilight oujie" or how about "spongebob oujie" :laughing7:
i'm still a real skeptic but this is a real interesting thread :headbang:

??? SO! What DOES Parker Bros say? :dontknow: Seen LOTS of 'em at local GOOD WILL stores. :o

I'm a skeptic too!..All I can say is what ever the thing is or however this thing works, it moved and spelled some crazy stuff! Everyone says its a bad thing and not to get messed up with it, try it for yourself is all I got to say if you dont believe... :o
Maybe its your way of thinking when you play it, I dont know.
I went into with an open mind, if you play the "game" thinking its hogwash, then it might not work.I dont know, I didn't invent it... :dontknow: and have no explanation of it.

I'm just gonna say this, my ouiji days is over! :-X

Mr.Jody said:
Well, to tell you folks the truth, I seen Marc's thread on this, that's why I went and bought one...
I can tell you one thing, it sure will send chills down your spine!! :o

I wont be going to leave this in a cemetery, hope to never go to a cemetery! There is nothing that I see that would be good in a cemetery
yea i found marc's story very interesting how the board gave out soo many clues and just mapped it out for this treasure to be found....heck i'd be impressed if the board pointed me in the direction of a pocket spill :thumbsup:

Man, watching this movie last night,all of a sudded start thinking about the board... :icon_scratch: I haven't played with it since the last time(hmm, does that make sence?)... :laughing7:
But seriously though, been wanted to get everyone together again, but I wont!

I had played around with one a few years ago bought it at wally world some carzy things happen. I had saw a little flashing light in the room next to us that shouldn't have been there when certian questions were asked then my buddy and I were using it that same night as my wife and cousin watched he stopped got up and said he had to go the store to get a pack of smokes. I asked my cousin what happen she told me that he felt an ice cold finger go down his back.Did that deter me? No I made my own tried it didn't work. Question what happened to Marc ? the page wouldn't load.

GoodyGuy said:
Diggemall said:
Myself, I won't have one of those things in my home.

At the same time, I do find the subject interesting. For those of you who haven't read this before, you might find it to be an interesting read. It's Marc's (T-Nets founder) recount of events that surround the use of a board:



Another example of contact with the spirit realm and the troubles it may lead to.
There is more to the tale that is not currently being made public.

As you can see from Marc's post a great deal of turmoil has been the result so far. Started out great but then look what happened.
I agree with Marc that a quija board itself is not Satanic, however I do believe it can be used as a conduit to open a door that both good or evil may pass through, and if you are unfortunate enough to be the recipient of an evil spirit. Then may God have mercy on your soul.

Dear GoodyGuy;
It's been my understanding that demonic possessions can appear in virtually anyone, at any time and that NO ONE is 100% immune, not even the most devoutly religious. Having stated this, there seems to be a far greater risk of becoming demonically possessed by those people who have little or no faith or those that fiddle around with the occult.

I must also admit that my own knowledge of demons and possessions was practically nil until about 18 months ago, when a discussion in the RELIGION section of this same forum led me to start asking anonymous questions of known Roman Catholic exorcists. Trust me, even getting the name of a Roman Catholic exorcist is somewhat similar to getting a list of the world's foremost spies.

The One True Faith guards the identities of their exorcist, mostly to keep them from being exposed to various forms of ridicule and also to help protect the identities of those people who they've exorcised in the past. In short, even trying to locate a starting point from where to begin my enquiries has been an ordeal in and of itself.

It was some real cloak and dagger stuff, my friend. Anonymous emails, oaths of confidentiality, one question leading to another, it was all quite an eye opening experience for one who think of himself as a very knowledgeable Roman Catholic. Come to find out, I didn't know NEARLY as much as I thought that I knew.

For instance, I've learned that so many of our ancient Roman Catholic traditions have been passed down for the last several hundred years, without anyone involved REALLY knowing what the traditions were for! Take for example the blessing of homes, offices, vehicles and other inanimate objects. It seems kind of silly to a non-Catholic and in truth, it seems kind of silly to a lot of neo-modern Catholics as well.

There does exist, however, a VERY good reason for this tradition. It is to keep an object from becoming the springboard from which Satan can possess a person. That is the SOLE purpose behind the blessing of inanimate objects! Priests didn't do it merely because they had nothing else to do, my friend. The Roman Catholic faith of today is two thousand years old, and even though us modern Catholics may not know the reasoning behind a good many of the traditions of our faith, the fact remains that all of the traditions of the One True Faith were put into place to save one's soul and to keep one's soul from falling into peril.

The statues in the Church? To keep Satan away. The tolling of the bells in the belfry? Same reason. The incense? Same reason. The statues in people's yards and the crucifixes displayed inside of Catholic homes? All were originally placed there to keep Satan at bay. This might seem to be superstitious nonsense to some modern Christian believers but, according to Roman Catholic exorcists, they really DO help to Satan at bay.

It seems that Satan cannot stand to look upon the image of Jesus Christ, especially on the crucifix and that the devil is also deathly afraid of holy water. Also, loud noises seem to keep Satan away, such as church bells ringing. This is also why there are rifles fired in salute to those persons who have passed away at military funerals.

Why do I wear a crucifix and a St. Jude medal around my neck? To keep Satan away. Does it help? It sure can't hurt! In a much more subtle sense, we can also see Satan's handiwork in Christianity. Why did the Eastern and Western Christian Churches split. It was the work of Satan my friend. Divide and conquer. The Protestant Reformation? The same reason. Why countless the lies told about Catholicism? Satan doesn't want people to know the truth my friend, because if they knew the truth, then they could no longer be blinded by generation upon generation of suave lies.

Satan is truly alive and well and walking among us, my friend. You can see him all around, in everything we hear, see, touch, smell and sense. And why do you suppose there are so many lies about Catholicism? Could it be that Satan doesn't want the world to know about Catholicism? Could it be that Satan wishes to destroy the One True Faith and to embrace in false Christian teachings?

Yes, my friend, Satan IS alive and walking among us, only he doesn't need to possess a person's soul in order to turn that person away from Christ and Christianity. He has already done this. If you don't believe me, just go to your church and listen. Tell the members of your congregation that you are considering converting to Catholicism, then look and listen carefully. You'll hear and see Satan everywhere.
Your friend;

:D LOL; oh LORD! Here we "go" again... "ONE TRUE FAITH"... meaning? Protestants are "of the devil", eh? The OLD "divide & conquer", eh? :D :wink:

Dear group;
I am merely attempting to point out that what many Protestant faiths consider to be *bad dogma* regarding Catholicism is in all reality very GOOD dogma! Why baptize an infant? Simple answer. To help protect the baby against Satan. Duh. In fact, virtually EVERYTHING done by the Roman Catholic Church is done either for the salvation of one's soul or to protect one against the physical possession by a demon.

In light of these facts, the LOGICAL question would be: "Why are there so many legends, myths, half-truths and outright lies perpetuated against The One True Faith?" The only plausible explanation for this is: "It is the work of Satan and he is causing people to perpetuate these lies in order to separate a person from Catholicism, thus separating that some person from Christianity and replacing it with a lesser version of the same Christianity."

From there, it's only a matter of time before people stop becoming Christians and start becoming what they *think* Christianity should be.
Your friend;

lamar said:
In light of these facts, the LOGICAL question would be: "Why are there so many legends, myths, half-truths and outright lies ...

Some folks just ask this part. :D

dogpound said:
i'm surprised that parker brothers hasn't come out with different themes for this game yet...."high school musical oujie" or "twilight oujie" or how about "spongebob oujie" :laughing7:
i'm still a real skeptic but this is a real interesting thread :headbang:


txconservative said:
dogpound said:
i'm surprised that parker brothers hasn't come out with different themes for this game yet...."high school musical oujie" or "twilight oujie" or how about "spongebob oujie" :laughing7:
i'm still a real skeptic but this is a real interesting thread :headbang:

Dear txconservative;
Ahhhh, but who says that Parker Bros. Has not already done so, my friend? Firt, a bit of background regarding the infamous *Ouija* board, or *talking* board, to use a more generalized description of the entire genre.

The first known usage of a talking board is from the Song Dynasty period in China during the mid 1100s A.D. There have also been many oblique descriptions in historical documents of various items throughout ancient India, Egypt, Greece, Rome and Medieval Western Europe which were mostly likely some form of *talking planchette*.

The modern Ouija board was first patented in the USA in 1891. In 1966, the patent holder sold his patent and divested himself of all right to the talking board to Parker Bros. To date, there have been around 100 different designs and motifs recognized for the talking board since 1891. Currently, there are between 8 and 12 manufacturers of a talking board worldwide and although all are similar to the Parker Bros. model, all are minutely different.

All of this background brings us to the beginnings of Parker Bros. entry into the talking board market and what their plans for the Ouija board have been since 1967. If I remember correctly, Parker Bros. seriously considered marketing Ouija boards with various motifs, including a Smurfs board, a My Little Pony version, a GI Joe version, a Halloween (haunted house) version and a glow in the dark version. As far as I am aware, only the glow in the dark version has come to pass, although various motifs may have been produced in very limited quantities in order to gauge the marketability aspects to test markets.

As I am writing this, Parker Bros. released a hot pink version of it's talking board over 2 years ago in order to appeal to young girls between 8 and 16 years of age. Parker Bros. Will eventually *phase out* the pink Ouija board, but not in response to criticism or condemnation, rather the motivating factor for discontinuing the pink Ouija board is due to slow sales.
Your friend;

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