oujie board

diggummup said:
I played with one as a kid, it didn't impress me. We couldn't get it to do anything. Just a game to me.
The wife on the other hand does not like them. I saw one at a yard sale not too long ago and was gonna buy it and she about had a fit, "you aint bringing that thing in my house" (her house?) she says, "those things are possessed". "Whatever", I says and didn't buy it. She won that one.

Looks like it IS her house.

I was playing the oujie board one time and out of nowhere it told me that a guy I liked was at a specific bar. Now I hadnt seen this guy or talked to him in about 4 months so when the board spit this out me and my friends started laughing. So half of us went to see if it was true, and yep he was there. Thanks to the board I, um had a pleasant night with this guy. You just never know what can happen with the board. If you use the board after awhile you get the answers in your head as well as spelling it out. One of the times one of the girls was wearing a religious medalion and the board wouldn't work. Her medalion was getting warm to hot, when she took it off then it worked. I am surpised more people are not posting their experiences with this quote game.

Dear group;
Well, I used one when I was a kid with some neighborhood kids. That must have been around the mid 70s and we had never heard about any of the bad things associated with Ouija boards. After all, the kid across the street bought one in the toy section of a large department store, so it was only a toy, right? It was sitting right there with all of the other board games, Monopoly, Candyland, Chutes & Ladders, etc. How bad could it be?

All of us were Catholic kids and most all of us were the same parochial school and no one told us of the possibility of becoming demonically possessed by using a Ouija board. Remember, this was after the Vatican-II Council and the Roman Catholics of north America were trying to embark on a spirit of ecumenicism, which meant putting aside all of those old, outdated and obsolete superstitions like demonic possessions.

After the movie The Exorcist came out, in 1972 or 73 I think, ALL of us had a billion questions regarding demonic possessions for the nuns at the school. Without exception, the official reply went something like:

"Well, we must understand that during the Middle Ages, mental illness was unheard of and not even the finest doctors of the time were aware that certain people were suffering from various psychiatric diseases brought about by poor living conditions. People would unknowingly be suffering from the effects of alcoholism and they would be diagnosed as being possessed by evil spirits. Likewise, a child would be born mentally handicapped and everyone would fear it was possessed by evil spirits. Or, if a person became senile they would be called witches. This was because people did not know any better back then. No one could imagine the possibility that the cause of these problems did not come from people's souls but from their minds. People do not become possessed by demons, therefore do not worry about that. Now, let's continue with our spelling.."

And that was it. That was the explanation that we were told and that is what WE believed. Therefore, knowing that we could not become possessed, we saw no reason why we couldn't fool around with a Ouija board. We goofed around with one, off and on, over the course of a couple of weeks, more or less. Then, one night when I wasn't there, the board told a friend of mine that his grandmother and grandfather would both be dead within a week.

Sure enough, 2 days later they passed away in an auto accident! Needless to say, this freaked my friend out! After a few days had passed, he spoke up in class and told the nun the story. She replied that it was just a coincidence and that i how those things worked. If a prediction comes true, then it must have been real, and if not, it's immediately forgotten about. She told us that this is also how fortune tellers work.

And that should have been the end of it, but it wasn't. Mother Superior caught wind of the story and of us messing around with a Ouija board, and she was such an old-school Catholic that we imagined her to have been raised in like a dungeon or something, she found another ancient Catholic, a priest and also an accomplished exorcist!

He then visited our class and told us that, contrary to popular Catholic beliefs in the 1970s, demonic possessions WERE possible and that because of the advances in psychiatric medicine, actuall possessions were much easier to discern in modern times than in times past. Also, he went on to tell us that medieval physicians may not have known the CAUSE of mental illness, but they DID know the difference from someone with a mental illness and a person who was truly possessed.

Now, this priest looked like he was around 180 years old and therefore the nuns could NOT make any statement contrary to his, so they just had to sit there and stew while he lectured us about the devil and evil spirits. Of course, what we wanted to know about was Ouija boards and he got straight to the point.

According to the exorcist, the vast majority of possessions occur whenever someone exposes themselves to the occult and by far the most popular way of doing this is by trying to foretell future events. He went on to tell us that even though Ouija boards were a modern day invention, their intended use goes back to the dawning of mankind, that of course being to foretell the future.

He told us that any and all forms of *lucky charms* and amulets can lead to the possibility of possession. Even things like lucky rabbit's feet and horseshoes can cause one to become possessed. He also explained to us that it's not the OBJECT itself that can cause possession, rather it's the person belief in the object. Such beliefs are against Christian teachings and even though they may SEEM to be innocent at the time, what they actually do is to lessen one's belief in God.

All in all, it was a VERY good discussion and one which we certainly needed to hear! Also, it scared the bejeebus out of us and we never ever EVER played around with a Ouija board again.
Your friend;

Existence of evil spirits can not be denied, the same way the existence of GOD.
Ouija and spirit of the glass, though of different material use, gives the same purpose, to find answers to questions brought to it,
and this is the weakest link that 'unknown spirits' are taking advantage to be 'in touched' with the living, thus opening the 'gateway' through this game. If the spirit of the living is defeated by these 'unknown spirits' then the horror begins.

Interesting indeed! we are planning another "game playing" tonight,will report back with the results soon... :coffee2:
Question for any of you guys: Is there rules you should follow or questions you should ask? Or just let it do what it does?... :-\

Mr.Jody said:
Interesting indeed! we are planning another "game playing" tonight,will report back with the results soon... :coffee2:
Question for any of you guys: Is there rules you should follow or questions you should ask? Or just let it do what it does?... :-\
Dear Mr. Jody;
As far as I am aware, the devil doesn't follow the rules, therefore just ad lib away!
Your friend;

Hey Lamar,,
You say the devil doesnt follow rules? Well I hope to NOT contact any evil spirits!! There is some good spirits too...

Mr.Jody said:
Interesting indeed! we are planning another "game playing" tonight,will report back with the results soon... :coffee2:
Question for any of you guys: Is there rules you should follow or questions you should ask? Or just let it do what it does?... :-\

Just set up a camcorder* so we can all see the evil spirits appear, table levitate, blood run from walls, and all that other stuff that surely will happen. :D

*Check with your Satanic Mechanic to find out the best lens filters to use for spirits viewing.

Saturna said:
Mr.Jody said:
Interesting indeed! we are planning another "game playing" tonight,will report back with the results soon... :coffee2:
Question for any of you guys: Is there rules you should follow or questions you should ask? Or just let it do what it does?... :-\

Just set up a camcorder* so we can all see the evil spirits appear, table levitate, blood run from walls, and all that other stuff that surely will happen. :D

*Check with your Satanic Mechanic to find out the best lens filters to use for spirits viewing.
right on it.. ::)

Mr.Jody said:
Hey Lamar,,
You say the devil doesnt follow rules? Well I hope to NOT contact any evil spirits!! (YOU HOPE!) There is some good spirits too...
Dear Mr. Jody;
Good luck and all that!
Your friend;

Ok.... :coffee2:
Did the "game" last night......knew I didn't have to work today.. ;D
Only got it to respond one time to my neaphue...
Did the stuff you are suppose to do in the beginning, basically it did this is this order and then went to bye!
spelled out:::::: K E I T H D I G STUFF then some random letters then W O T KIM... then went to bye.
That was that.

ANGEL, didn't see your post till today. But what do you mean by that? Ask the board who it is or me? If your referring to me, I know exactly who i am... :wink:

Ok, guess I should let you folks no a little about me. I just as normall and sain as you are, if there is such a thing.. :wink: :-\ ;D
I'm no voodoo guy or any other ritual follower. Its a "game" right?... :dontknow: :icon_scratch: :laughing7: :thumbsup: :-\ ???

Hi Mr. Jody,

I'm not reffering to you. I'm referring to the spirit that makes your ouija disc or glass moves. In one of our game before, after giving different conflicting answers, my cousin ask the spirit who 'he' really was, and the glass starts to move violently and settled to letters: D-E-V-I-L....and all runs shouting in fear. That was the last time the game was played.

Yea Angel,the game is what I thought you were referring to, :wink:...
Im going to give it a shot on my next day off, well, the night befor...LOL

If you want spirits in the board you are supposed to leave it in a cemetary over night. Also if one spirit will not communicate you ask for other spirits to come speak with you through the board. Im thinking I don't think its a good idea to invite spirits into your house. Also you are supposed to tell them you are done communicating with them and they must leave, and spell out goodbye on the board. Okay so thats what your supposed to do but I am thinking I dont think they have to listen. So be careful. Also if you are finally done with the board you are supposed to burn it.

:o BURN IT? ??? Is THAT in the "how to use instructions"? WOW! :dontknow:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D TY, NEVER heard of "leaving it overnight in a cemetery"... for 'spirits' to be attached to the board. INTERESTING! :read2: :wink:

Mr. Jody,

ouija boards are a catalyst used to open a window into the spirit realm.

You are just as likely to channel an evil spirit as a benign one.
POSSESSION IS A REAL DANGER! and all who "play" with the occult are at risk!

Please, you have been fortunate so far, my advice is: DONT RISK IT FURTHER!
Each time you "get away with it" brings you that much closer to "possession" as you keep opening the doorway to disaster.

I pray for your sake that you GET OUT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
Don't believe that it couldn't happen to you.

Heed my warnings do not take them lightly.

Here are some examples of what you are risking, not only you but all involved:
That's only a taste of what can happen.


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