Perhaps you should actually read the very detailed and very well written responses from the Court on the legal issues.
The Law of Finds, Law of the Sea, and Admiralty Courts, were NEVER set up for shipwrecks on the bottom of the Oceans.
Filing an Admiralty Arrest on a shipwreck has always been a misapplication of an arrest. While the Courts may have allowed frivilous applications of 200 year old shipwreck being in 'distress', those day have passed.
Many salvage companies have gone down the path of dealing with the rightful owners of the shipwreck, be it the insurance companies or vessel owners.
So why, when Spain asserts its rights as a vessel owner, forget sovereign, but as a vessel owner, you feel it is a miscarriage of justice?
Spain owned the vessel, and owned a significant part of the cargo, yet somehow, you feel that Odyssey could cherry pick the silver off the bottom of the ocean, and claim it is the private owners silver, not Spains?
Aside from that, a reality check, space on a vessel was at a premium, shipping cost was at a premium, so private owners convert their monies and ship GOLD, not silver. We are all well aware how gold was shipped as jewelry to avoid tax, but also to optimize shipping costs.
So here you have 500,000 silver coins, all marked 1804, but they must be private cargo?
I Spain the owner of the vessel. yes
Is Spain responsible for the administration of the contents, yes
In the sinking of the Mercedes, did Spain adjudicate with the British in a Admiralty Court after the War?
Did Odyssey ask to recover the site, yes
Was Odyssey denied, yes
Did Odyssey recover the site, yes.
Did Odyssey have to give everything back, yes
Where is the perversion of law that you speak of?