Odyssey Marine Article...


I dont see that there is a whole lot of agreement, and most countries are very restrictive in their waters. There is UNESCO, and UNCLOS, which many countries have ratified, and more will likely ratify, if not follow the principles. Spain and many other countries such as the US, UK, Russia, and others, have categorically stated that their State vessels are off limits worldwide. The pale argument of non-commercial cargo is simply a tool that a country can use to enforce rules on other State owned vessels in their waters, as with States such as China, and Russia, container ships are State owned, and are not necessarily afforded sovereign immunity from Admiralty Claims.

The US Court was very distinct in its ruling and explanation. The shipwreck was allegedly found in international waters, and the Court defined In Res, and In Rem parameters very well.
The Court detailed that they have jurisdiction on items brought directly to the Court for disposition, albeit under the Law of Finds, which is an Admiralty function. The Court also described its jurisdiction in International Waters. The Court went on to describe that an Admiralty Arrest in International Waters is virtually worthless, and as an example, noted there was nothing to stop another salvor from recovering on the wreck. The Court would have jurisdiction if the recovery was brought into US jurisdiction, or perhaps a US based company, but if not, there was little remedy.

The system is not corrupt, and as I have tried to explain all along, Law of Finds, Law of the Sea, and Admiralty Arrests are misapplied to shipwrecks and have relied on vague interpretations in the past, and in large were successful because they were never really challenged. The RMS Titanic was the first real test, and in part, was successful as written because the parties agreed, but we can see how the salvors are severely restricted.
Now, with the Mercedes, there is case law on the jurisdictional and interpretation, that have been tested to the US Supreme Court, that will likely flavor shipwreck salvage.

In regards to the Admiralty Arrest of the Mercedes, I find the filing somewhat unusual on many issues. With any wreck found, isnt the primary goal of the salvor to ascertain the identification of the wreck, if nothing else, to see the potential ownership issues? Yet Odyssey spent weeks recovering the silver and gold, but did not recover a single cannon which would certainly have helped in identification. Werent there numerous articles, many of which were cited by Spain, where Odyssey made claims of the identity? Secrets of the Deep
The timing was way off as well, Odyssey argued for years to recover the Sussex, then very soon after permission was given by Spain, Odyssey showed up in the American Courts with 500,000 coins, granted, we all know NOW, it was from a different wreck, but at that time, many thought it was either the Sussex or the Merchant Royal, remember that whole fiasco?

Bederman was Council and had argued the Titanic caselaw, so he would have known the issues of the value of an arrest in international waters. One has to remember, that during that timeframe, Odyssey filed numerous Admiralty Arrests, many of them on known sovereign or State owned vessels.

A series of decisions by Odyssey certainly did not appear to help their cause.

Unfortunately, the consensus of Countries, in regards to UCH, has created the UNESCO accords, which offer little hope to shipwreck salvage. It will be some time, and careful negotiation, before the pendulum settles back down to common sense and reality.

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[h=1]Odyssey Marine: Archeological support in the UK is building for the Victory excavation[/h]Posted on May 21, 2012 by Ken Fried

This article appeared in today’s UK Times. Margaret Rule is a highly regarded UK archeologist with considerable influence….
Letters to the Editor

Marine heritage is being preserved; Does the nation need hundreds of identical artefacts? Our museums have vast reserve collections

Sir, In 2008, Odyssey Marine Exploration (OME) reported the site of HMS Victory to the Ministry of Defence who authorised the recovery of two bronze cannon to provide positive proof that she was the predecessor to Victory at Portsmouth (letter, May 19). In conjunction with the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS), a public consultation was held to consider the best options.

DCMS and the MoD were faced with a dilemma. Among the 90-odd submissions on how to proceed, there was OME, with a successful record of commercially working wreck sites at great depths. Against this was the Unesco 2001 Convention, still to be ratified by the UK, that prohibited the sale of artefacts. Here was a site constantly being disturbed and plundered which needed action; with no funding available, a compromise was needed. The solution in the interests of preserving historically important artefacts was to set up “The Maritime Heritage Foundation” (MHF) as the contractor who would fund the excavation.

OME was instructed to carry out a photomosaic in February that revealed that the positions of most of the cannons lying on the surface had moved; one had actually been dragged 200 metres from its 2008 position. It also identified that a Dutch salvage company had removed the cannon labelled “C13″ on the 2008 survey.

MHF’s agreement with OME is to excavate, conserve and record the artefacts before decisions are made on their future. Does the nation need hundreds of identical artefacts? Our museums have vast reserve collections, many of which are deteriorating since the curatorial task is beyond their financial resources. In the current financial situation and knowing the wreck site is being disturbed, we endorse the Government’s decision to set up the MHF to preserve our underwater heritage.

Margaret Rule
Archaeological Director, Mary Rose (1974-94)

Other than parroting, what is your point?

Rules response on a message board is as rambling as her excavation of the Rose 20 years ago...things have certainly changed in the business in 20 years.

Real time and reality,
First off, the recovery and conservation of the Mary Rose has been a technical and fiscal disaster. Rule's support for archaeological excavation of the HMS Victory by Odyssey, would be similar to Andrews supporting the Titanic for future ship design.

The Cost of conserving the Mary Rose was 5 million pounds, funded by the Heritage Lottery. The costs have been widely criticized on many counts.
Nothing was SOLD to fund the recovery and conservation, yet that appears to be the primary source of funding for the excavation of the Victory, selling of the artefacts, in fact, there is no other funding, and if the Foundation cant sell the artifacts, Odyssey gets to take possession to sell the artifacts themselves.

All of this on a sovereign military vessel?
Its a sovereign ship, then Odyssey should be paid time and materials to recover, and if there is no funding to recover, then end of story.

There is documented evidence, by Odyssey themselves, that this is a gravesite, with skeletal remains about several of the cannon...

did Odyssey provide a plan for identification of the remains...NO.
did Odyssey provide a plan for interment of the remains...NO.
did Odyssey provide a plan where they would be PAID with cash or artefacts...YES.

Odyssey is asking for costs PLUS the value of the artefact.
Why should the UK have to pay for artefacts it already owns?

and you wonder why there is such outcry?


Your comments about Dr. Margaret Rule CBE,FSA and the excavation of the Mary Rose are both insulting and miss informed.

I would also like to understand the massive chip that you have with anything to do with Odyssey, did they laugh at your CV or did they dismiss you for being incompetent etc. ?


You are pathetic.

"What this did is turn U.S. admiralty courts into a trap," Horan said. "Because any salvor that finds a shipwreck in international waters and brings it back to the U.S. will be faced with this precedent in favor of the country of origin. Here we have salvors, spending millions to bring this up and trying to do it correctly, who should at least be paid for their work. Do you think I'll ever let another client bring something found in international waters back to the U.S.? No, I won't."

Local attorney loses Spanish shipwreck treasure case | KeysNews.com

Therein lies my disdain, ruining and restricting underwater work for everyone.

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You are pathetic.

"What this did is turn U.S. admiralty courts into a trap," Horan said. "Because any salvor that finds a shipwreck in international waters and brings it back to the U.S. will be faced with this precedent in favor of the country of origin. Here we have salvors, spending millions to bring this up and trying to do it correctly, who should at least be paid for their work. Do you think I'll ever let another client bring something found in international waters back to the U.S.? No, I won't."

Local attorney loses Spanish shipwreck treasure case | KeysNews.com

Therein lies my disdain, ruining and restricting underwater work for everyone.

I see you copied this post from the Yahoo board. Let me guess, your alias on the Yahoo board is gairscrappa, among others.

Will the real pathetic person please stand up!

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I take it by your answerer that Odyssey did not want to know you ?

Your arrogance and lack of any real knowledge on this industry is staggering.

The world is full of opinionated wannabes like yourself, but luckily enough for the last 36 years I have only worked with professionals in the subsea, treasure and archaeology industries, so name calling by a fool like you just goes over my head.

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Sorry Jeff, but this was found by a Google search of the Supreme Court case.
Which, by the way includes the Yahoo message board by Odyssey Marine. Real class act you have going on over there. I am not an investor, and would not entertain posting anything there.


Oh I am sure you are well thought of, by really, other than 36 years of cleaning out the bilge, I see little value in any of your posts.

I am certain that most everything goes right over your head.

“Oh I am sure you are well thought of, by really, other than 36 years of cleaning out the bilge, I see little value in any of your posts”.


Having come across people with a learning disability I fully understand your inability to see any value in my post, but dont give up there is help out there for you (www.ldworldwide.org).

I can only presume by the very high rates of staff and client retention that I have in my company that I must be relatively well thought of by all the personnel that I employ and by our extensive blue chip client base around the world, so I am not at all worried by what you or any other wanabe's think of me or my post.

You are also correct about 36 years going into bilges, as every time I visit one of my vessels I normally inspect the bilges as part of my tour.

I am sure that once you are out of your nappies and finished your potty training you may become an asset to this industry, but until then it may be worth you doing a bit more learning and a bit less spouting off with your many arrogant and factually incorrect post. (two ears for listening, one mouth for talking etc).

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Sorry Jeff, but this was found by a Google search of the Supreme Court case.
Which, by the way includes the Yahoo message board by Odyssey Marine.

Let me get this straight. You claim that you did a Google search, and the Yahoo board post came up. I would really like to know how you did that, because I've done dozens of similar Google searches, and NEVER ONCE did a post from the Yahoo board show up. ???

I expect as much, especially when you feel the need expound on your 'attributes', then resort to 3rd grade name calling. As I said before VOC, you are a real class act.
As far as my arrogant and factually incorrect posts, other than the Bermuda post, which I left up to show I made a mistake, to what do you refer?

Really, you have "NEVER ONCE" been able to find a post from a Yahoo Message Board in a Google search?

As an example, in the search bar at the top, type in Odyssey Marine + Horan or + supreme court, etc
The 6th return down is a link to Horan posts on the Yahoo message board.

Yahoo! Message Boards - Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc ...
messages.finance.yahoo.com › ... › Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc.
Feb 17, 2012 – Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc. board, Stocks O category, Stocks (A to Z) ... Attorney Horan made a good argument to the 11th Circuit.

Latest from Supreme Court - Yahoo!
messages.finance.yahoo.com › ... › Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc.
Please send us feedback. Message Boards Settings Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc. - Quote Info ... Re: Latest from Supreme Court 25-Apr-12 12:05 am ...

When you do a search on the posters such as Odyssey Marine + jeff_k_9 you get something like this,

  1. Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc Stock - Yahoo!
    Please send us feedback. Message Boards Settings Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc..... by jeff_k_9 [25-May-12 04:54 pm], 1, 25-May-12 05:17 pm by smaroy ...
  2. Yahoo! Message Boards - Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc.
    messages.finance.yahoo.com › ... › Stocks (A to Z)Stocks O
    Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc. board, Stocks O category, Stocks (A to Z) category, All Yahoo! Message .... jeff_k_9, 25-May-12 04:54 pm. Re: Spammed ...


I have never and do not promote any of the limited attributes that I may have, that will always be for others to judge.

My above post is just a response to your false assertion that I spend my time cleaning bilges.

You also need to take a very good look at yourself with regards to any name calling or slagging off of individuals and companies etc.

If you re-read your's and my post's, it is only yourself who portrays to know it all.

As for your many incorrect posts, I and others have posted some of your mistakes but I will let you work out over time where you are frequently wrong.

Hopefully our paths will never cross, as I would not look forward to spending anytime in your company.

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I have never and do not promote any limited attributes that I may have,

Dont sell yourself short. Virtually every post I have read of yours promotes your limited attributes.

My response was to your "did they laugh at your CV or did they dismiss you for being incompetent etc. ?"
so don't try to cower in your response.

I am sure that while 'you and others have posted some of your mistakes', perhaps you should focus on some original content, rather than resulting to outhouse humor and disingenuous response.

I endeavor to provide factual information, much of which is subject to interpretation, and legal interpretation.

Reading through your posts, the posts are frequently destructive rather than constructive, abusive rather than complimentary, and physical rather than intellectual.

This is a forum for discussion, points of view, perspectives, and analogy. If you dont like the content of the post, provide a substantiated response, or don't respond, it is about as simple as that.


"did they laugh at your CV or did they dismiss you for being incompetent etc. ?" That is just a simple question that you failed to answer as to why you have such a vindictive attitude to anything to do with Odyssey.

“Reading through your posts, the posts are frequently destructive rather than constructive, abusive rather than complimentary, and physical rather than intellectual”.
You have obviously not taken the time to read the majority of the post that I have made (also go to my profile and read the threads that I have started).

Just because I and others do not agree with you, you feel that this is destructive whilst at the same time you appear to be pursuing a personal vendetta against Greg Stemm and Odyssey, and then go on to make statements about Margret Rule and the Mary Rose with no regards to the general standard of archaeology at that time etc.

“This is a forum for discussion, points of view, perspectives, and analogy. If you dont like the content of the post, provide a substantiated response, or don't respond, it is about as simple as that”.

As you only joined this forum in March 2012 I don’t think I will take any lessons from you as to the purpose or conduct of using this forum.

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It it readily apparent that you cannot simply understand, not comprehend what is said to you, and must respond by justifying MY posts, rather than yours, and how you AND 'others' dont agree with me. How, in your cowering mind attempt to explain this part of your post?
Having come across people with a learning disability I fully understand your inability to see any value in my post, but dontgive up there is help out there for you (www.ldworldwide.org).

Addressing Jeff and VOC, on review of your posts, other than a virtual online Odyssey suckling piglet, you have no qualifications to respond technically, legally, or operationally, to anything that I would post, yet somehow, you feel the need to respond at a 3rd grade level.

Joining this forum was by choice, as I found the format and diverse content enjoyable, and in many respects a learning experience, and can certainly speak in regards to underwater archaeology, legal issues, diving, operations, and especially equipment.

I may not understand conduct on this forum, I am certainly ready, willing, and able to defend myself, and subject every post to constructive criticism.

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Really, you have "NEVER ONCE" been able to find a post from a Yahoo Message Board in a Google search?

As an example, in the search bar at the top, type in Odyssey Marine + Horan or + supreme court, etc
The 6th return down is a link to Horan posts on the Yahoo message board.

Sorry, but the post you copied from the Yahoo board and pasted here does not show up in the Google search.

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Remember this
I've done dozens of similar Google searches, and NEVER ONCE did a post from the Yahoo board show up.

I did not copy and paste any post from a yahoo message board. Did you see the original link to keynews.com?
From the original post, I made no reference to Yahoo message board, but directly a news article.

It was YOU who somehow made the connection and allegation.

From my original post, I made reference to the ORIGINAL news article in KeyNews.com
Local attorney loses Spanish shipwreck treasure case | KeysNews.com

Aside from that, I showed you how to use the internet, and examples of searches that DID reference the Yahoo Message Board, and still YOU cannot find them...Is that on me or on YOUR incompetence?

Again, other than a virtual online Odyssey suckling piglet, you have no qualifications to respond technically, legally, or operationally, to anything that I would post, yet somehow, you feel the need to respond at a 3rd grade level.


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Remember this

I did not copy and paste any post from a yahoo message board. Did you see the original link to keynews.com?
From the original post, I made no reference to Yahoo message board, but directly a news article.

It was YOU who somehow made the connection and allegation.

From my original post, I made reference to the ORIGINAL news article in KeyNews.com
Local attorney loses Spanish shipwreck treasure case | KeysNews.com

Aside from that, I showed you how to use the internet, and examples of searches that DID reference the Yahoo Message Board, and still YOU cannot find them...Is that on me or on YOUR incompetence?

Again, other than a virtual online Odyssey suckling piglet, you have no qualifications to respond technically, legally, or operationally, to anything that I would post, yet somehow, you feel the need to respond at a 3rd grade level.

Thank you. You proved my point. All you can do is respond with spin and name calling.


"How, in your cowering mind attempt to explain this part of your post?"

The answer to that is quite simple, you say you come on this forum as a learning experience and then fail to learn anything only to preach, that is the disability on your part.

“you have no qualifications to respond technically, legally, or operationally, to anything that I would post”

There you go again with a very arrogant statement when you know absolutely nothing about my profession, professional qualifications, work history, vocational pastimes, etc. etc.

“and can certainly speak in regards to underwater archaeology, legal issues, diving, operations, and especially equipment”

And as I have said previously it is yourself that professes to know it all and how I must bow to your superior knowledge and intellect.

If you ever need a job please send me your CV as I could do with a qualified Maritime Lawyer, with an Archaeology degree holding a SAT ticket, who can also work as an Ops or Project manager and can also stand in as a Dive Tech, Surveyor or Mech/Elec Tech when needed.

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