Odyssey Marine Article...

Salvor6 said:
"They do like going after soverign vessels."

Thats where you are wrong Ossy. They (Odyssey) went after the S.S. Republic (not a soverign vessel) and they saved the "Blue Plate Wreck." I see you have a "one sided" view of OMR and there is nothing that will change that.
Only problem I have with Odyssey is how they did it. They had no right to sack a Spanish war ship of such importance.
Mark Gordon, keeps mouthing off, How Spain illegally stopped them recovering the Sussex. Does he think USA rule the world !!!
Odyssey should be looking for ships such as the S.S republic, No problem with that.

Salvor6 said:
"They do like going after soverign vessels."

Thats where you are wrong Ossy. They (Odyssey) went after the S.S. Republic (not a soverign vessel) and they saved the "Blue Plate Wreck." I see you have a "one sided" view of OMR and there is nothing that will change that.

I really get a kick out of the poster bashing the USA and Odyssey. His posts make me laugh. Spain is in this battle because of greed and nothing else. Like the old saying goes. You can't change the spots on a Leopard. First Spain makes Slaves out of the people that inhabit the Countries the Gold and Silver came from, stealing their National Treasures and Killing a vast number of those they enslaved while working them to death in their mines and now they want to steal the same treasure that they stole from other Countries hundreds of years ago.
Go Figure. :coffee2:

Salvor6 said:
"They do like going after soverign vessels."

Thats where you are wrong Ossy. They (Odyssey) went after the S.S. Republic (not a soverign vessel) and they saved the "Blue Plate Wreck." I see you have a "one sided" view of OMR and there is nothing that will change that.
Only problem I have with Odyssey is how they did it. They had no right to sack a Spanish war ship of such importance.
Mark Gordon, keeps mouthing off, How Spain illegally stopped them recovering the Sussex. Does he think USA rule the world !!!
Odyssey should be looking for ships such as the S.S republic, No problem with that.

How can you say that they sacked a spanish wreck, when there was no real wreck present?

SWR said:
old man said:
First Spain makes Slaves out of the people that inhabit the Countries the Gold and Silver came from, stealing their National Treasures and Killing a vast number of those they enslaved while working them to death in their mines and now they want to steal the same treasure that they stole from other Countries hundreds of years ago.

Do you really want to go there, Kemosabe ??

Yes I do want to go there ?? I also have Native American Blood in my body. I get the impression that you don't think Spain is motivated by Greed ? First they steal the gold and silver from other cultures and then when someone finds and salvages wrecks that have been on the bottom for hundreds of years and used their own money to locate those sunk ships, then Spain wants to take it away from the finder. Yes, I think that is totally wrong. We all have opinions and that is mine. :sign13:


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old man said:
SWR said:
old man said:
First Spain makes Slaves out of the people that inhabit the Countries the Gold and Silver came from, stealing their National Treasures and Killing a vast number of those they enslaved while working them to death in their mines and now they want to steal the same treasure that they stole from other Countries hundreds of years ago.

Do you really want to go there, Kemosabe ??

Yes I do want to go there ?? I also have Native American Blood in my body. I get the impression that you don't think Spain is motivated by Greed ? First they steal the gold and silver from other cultures and then when someone finds and salvages wrecks that have been on the bottom for hundreds of years and used their own money to locate those sunk ships, then Spain wants to take it away from the finder. Yes, I think that is totally wrong. We all have opinions and that is mine. :sign13:
Old Man, Do you have a problem with the Colonials occupying your land ???
Spain is motivated by Greed" Can you give me an example of Spain selling these type of goods, apart from Museums !
I can give you plenty of examples from Odyssey. I think you are confused :icon_scratch: The Kingdom of Spain is not a Company, Selling Products, Like Odyssey ! It is a Country with Rich Cultural Heritage only protecting its History from the common market place.

Don Jose, I think you are the only viejo left :laughing7:

old man said:
SWR said:
old man said:
First Spain makes Slaves out of the people that inhabit the Countries the Gold and Silver came from, stealing their National Treasures and Killing a vast number of those they enslaved while working them to death in their mines and now they want to steal the same treasure that they stole from other Countries hundreds of years ago.

Do you really want to go there, Kemosabe ??

Yes I do want to go there ?? I also have Native American Blood in my body. I get the impression that you don't think Spain is motivated by Greed ? First they steal the gold and silver from other cultures and then when someone finds and salvages wrecks that have been on the bottom for hundreds of years and used their own money to locate those sunk ships, then Spain wants to take it away from the finder. Yes, I think that is totally wrong. We all have opinions and that is mine. :sign13:
Old Man, Do you have a problem with the Colonials occupying your land ???
Spain is motivated by Greed" Can you give me an example of Spain selling these type of goods, apart from Museums !
I can give you plenty of examples from Odyssey. I think you are confused :icon_scratch: The Kingdom of Spain is not a Company, Selling Products, Like Odyssey ! It is a Country with Rich Cultural Heritage only protecting its History from the common market place.

Don Jose, I think you are the only viejo left :laughing7:

Ossy, No Disrespect intended. No, I don't think I am confused. Spain is Greedy. I don't believe for a minute that the position that Spain is taking has anything to do with Cultural Heritage. It has to do with money. I don't see Spain writing any books about the Indians that they enslaved, worked to death in mines or just out right murdered ? That is part of their early Cultural Heritage, but I don't see Spain putting any of that in her museums.

Now money is another thing. It's just like the Gold, Silver and Emeralds that it shipped back to Spain to pay to run its Country and pay its Bills. Please explain this to me ? Just how many of the same artifacts does ANY Country need to put into its Museums ??? You seem to be fixated with Odyssey. Odyssey or any other Country out there should be able to spend their own money in pursuit of making money for their investors. Personally, I think Spain should work with Odyssey and anyone else that has the expertise or Luck to Salvage Shipwrecks.

To me, Spain is trying to take something that has been abandon for hundreds of years. Something that has been found with no outlaying or time or expense by them. If Spain is interested in Cultural Heritage ? It should work with people that find treasure and secure artifacts that others can enjoy in a museum. Rare artifacts, one of a kind artifacts that show how a Country progressed through the ages. Not Gold and Silver Coins that can be bought from antique dealers on the open market.

Old Man, You can't compare what Spain was doing 500 years ago or what the Roman
Empire did 1000 years ago. In those days, it was Empire building. Be it for the wrong reasons (convert the world to Catholics ) and the money
was needed for the Wars. The Spanish People didn't see any off it !!!
Have you ever been to the Vatican ? I can show you where some of money went.
Today, You say Spain is Greedy, Give me an example.

Old Man, You can't compare what Spain was doing 500 years ago or what the Roman
Empire did 1000 years ago. In those days, it was Empire building. Be it for the wrong reasons (convert the world to Catholics ) and the money
was needed for the Wars. The Spanish People didn't see any off it !!!
Have you ever been to the Vatican ? I can show you where some of money went.
Today, You say Spain is Greedy, Give me an example.

Ossy, I am not here to argue with any one. I respect every ones opinion, even the opinions are polar opposite of mine. That said, My opinion of being Greedy is this: Someone that wants something for nothing.

If someone takes some thing for a financial gain and they didn't work for it, that is Greed. Spain has NOT invested a penny or a minute of work for the treasure that a Company or Individual recovers after being on the bottom for hundreds of years. I very seriously doubt that if the artifacts recovered did not have a monetary value, that Spain would want any of them. That's Greed, it has nothing to do with Cultural Heritage. Personally, I don't believe that hundreds of thousands of coins from the same year belong in any museum.

Archaeologists found one of Spain's ships that sank in 1559 off the west coast of Florida. It was one of Tristan de Luna's vessels that carried no treasure but had a lot of cultural artifacts on board. Spain was not the least bit interested in this vessel.

Salvor6 said:
Archaeologists found one of Spain's ships that sank in 1559 off the west coast of Florida. It was one of Tristan de Luna's vessels that carried no treasure but had a lot of cultural artifacts on board. Spain was not the least bit interested in this vessel.

Pete, I guess that throws the Cultural Heritage BS out the window. Like I said, it comes down to nothing but Greed.

Salvor6 said:
Archaeologists found one of Spain's ships that sank in 1559 off the west coast of Florida. It was one of Tristan de Luna's vessels that carried no treasure but had a lot of cultural artifacts on board. Spain was not the least bit interested in this vessel.
I agree Pete, That was a mistake.
Old man keeps talking about greed, that's his opinion. The same can be said about odyssey, they only took the coins so they could sell them
and make money for themselves ( Greed ) Don't most of the CEO in the USA Preach Greed Is Good !! Look what it's done to the World's economy.
You are both missing why Spain has jumped on Odyssey head, It's to stop it happening again with other Spanish ship's, Especially around SPAIN !
I do agree with both you and Old Man about making and agreement, Odyssey did the wrong thing by taking all the coins.
They could have made a better case, with only a small amount coins and Pictures of the whole site and then cut a deal.
I respond to Odyssey when they start taking S##t about Spain.
I remember the smirk on Greg face when he was in Gibraltar, commenting on how this would wipe the smile of Spain face.
We will see who is left smiling.

You have a company trying to claim $500 million in gold and silver coins. You have a government trying to claim $500 million in gold and silver. Simply put, you have two entities seeking a pay day. Odyssey specifically is in that business. Spain is also in that business. Don't be fooled by claims of cultural heritage as the "reason". If that treasure, and I emphasize treasure, ever makes its way to Spain, only a representative sample of it will end up in a museum. Im guessing less than 5%. The rest will be sold or put in the treasury. As an archaeologist I can safely say that governments NEVER get involved so deeply for something that does not have major historic or cultural significance unless there is something in it for them. Both sides want these coins for one reason and one reason alone...because they are treasure. The wikileaks docs makes the US government look bad and suggests Spain was in in thicker than thieves with them in this "dealing". I'm guessing after this came to light, Spain stopped production of $500 million in replica coins that would fill their museum display of this treasure, I mean cultural heritage.

The same can be said about odyssey, they only took the coins so they could sell them
and make money for themselves ( Greed ) Don't most of the CEO in the USA Preach Greed Is Good !! Look what it's done to the World's economy.

Ossy it seems after reading many of your posts that not only do you have a problem with OM you have a problem with the USA. You take repeated pot shots at the USA within your posts.

Most CEO's in the world have a legal obligation to make profit for their company, as much profit as they can, not just USA CEO's. The "Worlds" economy currently suffers because of the greed of the world collectively, not solely because of the greed of the USA.

Au_Dreamers said:
The same can be said about odyssey, they only took the coins so they could sell them
and make money for themselves ( Greed ) Don't most of the CEO in the USA Preach Greed Is Good !! Look what it's done to the World's economy.

Ossy it seems after reading many of your posts that not only do you have a problem with OM you have a problem with the USA. You take repeated pot shots at the USA within your posts.

Most CEO's in the world have a legal obligation to make profit for their company, as much profit as they can, not just USA CEO's. The "Worlds" economy currently suffers because of the greed of the world collectively, not solely because of the greed of the USA.
Au_Dreamers, I have as much Problems with US as you do with Spain !
when you start throwing mud, nobody comes out clean.

SWR, how does it not make the US look bad? An ambassador, who is a representative of the US for Spain is asking quid pro quo on two highly sensitive items. This representative is wanting to "resolve the issue in a way that favored the bilateral relationship," essentially exchanging a painting for the US support in favor of the Spanish claim. To me, when the ambassador representing my country attempts to make an under the table deal circumventing true legal justice, that makes the US look bad. How many times as a child and young adult were you told to be on your best behavior because you are representing your family, school, etc.? It's the same with an ambassador.

Au_Dreamers said:
The same can be said about odyssey, they only took the coins so they could sell them
and make money for themselves ( Greed ) Don't most of the CEO in the USA Preach Greed Is Good !! Look what it's done to the World's economy.

Ossy it seems after reading many of your posts that not only do you have a problem with OM you have a problem with the USA. You take repeated pot shots at the USA within your posts.

Most CEO's in the world have a legal obligation to make profit for their company, as much profit as they can, not just USA CEO's. The "Worlds" economy currently suffers because of the greed of the world collectively, not solely because of the greed of the USA.
Au_Dreamers, I have as much Problems with US as you do with Spain !
when you start throwing mud, knowbody comes out clean.
Ossy- I believe that’s where we differ. My problem with Spain is within the context of what is happening with OM and the related subject of this website- treasure hunting.

You on the other hand throw mud at the USA I guess just because you like to and out of context of the issue with OM and treasure hunting.

This is about Spain and OM. OM is a publicly traded company that is owned by people of many nations. Some of their “crew” are Americans, some are not.

So how exactly do you decide when to throw mud since the Hero for Spain is an American lawyer??

I don’t recall taking cheap shots at Spain such as yours of the USA, if you would care to point then out…

Au_Dreamers said:
Au_Dreamers said:
The same can be said about odyssey, they only took the coins so they could sell them
and make money for themselves ( Greed ) Don't most of the CEO in the USA Preach Greed Is Good !! Look what it's done to the World's economy.

Ossy it seems after reading many of your posts that not only do you have a problem with OM you have a problem with the USA. You take repeated pot shots at the USA within your posts.

Most CEO's in the world have a legal obligation to make profit for their company, as much profit as they can, not just USA CEO's. The "Worlds" economy currently suffers because of the greed of the world collectively, not solely because of the greed of the USA.
Au_Dreamers, I have as much Problems with US as you do with Spain !
when you start throwing mud, knowbody comes out clean.
Ossy- I believe that’s where we differ. My problem with Spain is within the context of what is happening with OM and the related subject of this website- treasure hunting.

You on the other hand throw mud at the USA I guess just because you like to and out of context of the issue with OM and treasure hunting.

This is about Spain and OM. OM is a publicly traded company that is owned by people of many nations. Some of their “crew” are Americans, some are not.

So how exactly do you decide when to throw mud since the Hero for Spain is an American lawyer??

I don’t recall taking cheap shots at Spain such as yours of the USA, if you would care to point then out…
Au_Dreamers, I do try to keep it in the context of what is Happening with OM, It was not Directed at You, But as whole, to others in this
Some here think it is justice for OM to keep the Coins because of what happen 400 years ago ::) What a poor excuse !!
As soon as I question Odyssey, on its doings, The response is " Spain raped and Pillaged "
Two American Judges have filed for Spain ! Lets see what happens when the court hears their Verbal arguments.
I enjoy going to US, and will their again later this year. Spain is a friend of the US, and so am I.

ok Ossy so could you give me your actual reasons why you believe OM did anything illegal?
What exactly did they do that has you "voting against them"?

oh and about Spain boarding OM legally- Great Britian believes otherwise!

and it seems as if Spain bullies more than "Treasure Hunters"


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