Re.: Tom_in_CA's claim that to say "There was possibly a treasure [hence can't say there is no O.I. treasure], yet it was simply found 100+ yrs. ago" :
... You have nothing to support your claim other then to call them a liar.....
1) NEITHER of us has any thing to "support or our claim". However, by the same token, if that is the case, then NEITHER of us has "proof". Right ? Ie.: that finger points
both ways, right ?
2) I have REPEATEDLY gone on record saying that ... in the case of treasure legends and unconventional TH'ing methods/beliefs, that NO ONE IS LYING. Everyone is
QUITE SINCERE. But ..... dude, .... haven't you read some of the "treasure found" posts, even here on T'net, that ...... once you study into them deeper (cross-examine the claimant), you find out that the definition of "found" , is to have honed down a suspected treasure to a certain cave, meadow, lake-bottom, etc..... And now it's just a matter of getting equipment to dig deep enough, overcoming govt. hurdles, etc.... Yet,
rest assured , they "found" a treasure. Eh ? All depends on how you define "found" and "find", eh ? But at no time are they anything less than 100% sincere.
Or like in the case of my other post: That construction worker, was NOTHING LESS THAN SINCERE, right ? Ie.: he wasn't LYING, right ?
...Just as if I told you I found a 100 dollar bill in the road this morning even if I took a pic of it and sent it to you I can't prove I did find it as I claim I did. You'll say for me to prove it and you know I can't,,...
Well, gee, let's take this illustration method a bit further, to be EVEN MORE believable : If I told you I farted this morning, I guess it would be highly suspect to be a false statement, unless I could "prove" it to another person . Eh ? I mean, C'mon dude: finding a $100 bill, or farting, versus "finding a fabulous treasure on a remote speck of island" ? And once a legend evolution is going, then it's ONLY NATURAL for there to be variants of the story that ...... yes ......... like this ....... will suggest that it's been found already. Go look at ANY treasure-legend (Yamashita, Lost Dutchman, pearl ship, etc....), and the lore is equally filled with stories of "persons who probably already found it".
.... We all know that neither side can prove much of anything at this point ...
But one thing we CAN do: Is show "more plausible explanations" and "psychology evolution of treasure-legends".