Hhhmm, well ..... the way I look at it, the "prosecution", in this case, is the person making the claim of "treasure". Not the other way around. Therefore, in the case of O.I., that would make the believers to bear the burden of proof. Not the other way around . Eh ?
Well as a matter of fact, they have. Many here , including myself, have given what they consider more plausible explanations. And sure, you do not consider those "successful" . That's fine. But don't think for a moment that skeptic's haven't put forth material. And also don't forget that I can grant EVERY SINGLE ONE of the details (fibers, gold links, little boys, etc...). Hence you'd be right: None of those "details" has been "debunked". Yet don't forget :
They can all be true, yet: Zero treasure.
Because as I've said: Every single treasure legend is probably 99% true, eh ? Real names, dates, events, etc... Right ? None of them ever start with "once upon a time", eh ? But if the remaining 1% of the story isn't true (the "treasure" part), then what good does it do to debate or someone to debunk the 99% ? No good at all, eh ?
And ....... gee ...... last I checked ......... No treasure.

That would certainly show the "1%" of the story to be true. And no: To surmise that "maybe it was found by someone 100 yrs. ago, that simply kept mum, and retired to a life of fortune", does not prove the 1%. It's a nice speculation , but ....... alas ....... it would only be speculation. Not proof.