Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

Could 4 people have been "Murdered" by 18th Century "Alchemists"?

Why Is “Mercury” on “Oak Island”?

It was : "Reported”:
“In 1934, before he began excavating, Hedden met a young man who had been working on the island for a month with a churn drill. Baker, as he was known, had made several deep holes near the Money Pit and told Hedden he had had no luck. But he had run across one peculiar thing. Once when the drill was pulled up he noticed specks of a silvery substance mixed with the clay on the point. It was free mercury. (Mercury is almost never found in its metallic form in nature.)” Pen Leary, June 1953

"Mercury is used to purify gold from ore in a process called amalgamation. Miners and their families often inhale toxic mercury vapors through this process, and mercury can pollute homes and communities.[5] It can also contaminate the land and water where gold processing occurs."

In October 1779 the Royal Navy captured and sacked the Fortress San Fernando of Omoa, Honduras which became the Spanish’s Storage Facility for Silver shipments to Spain after Morro Castle, Cuba, was captured in 1762.
"The treasure found in the fort and on board two treasure ships was worth some two million dollars. Two hundred and fifty quintals of mercury were also found in the fort."

If Mercury was found at Fort San Fernando of Omoa would it not stand to reason that Mercury would also be at Morro Castle, Cuba?

Sir Francis Bacon (whose code name is “Mercury”) had previously done experiments embalming people and documents in “Mercury and Tar”.
His wish was to be embalmed in this manner.
He and many of his followers were Alchemists and were well aware of the uses of Mercury.

Mercury(II) cyanide is one of the most toxic poisons. Its high toxicity is due to mercury and its two cyanide groups. Because of the high solubility of Mercury(II) cyanide in water, it can absorb from skin or inhalation and cause death. Upon absorption it is readily metabolized into both cyanide and mercury, thereby resulting in the symptoms of poisoning by both agents. It is highly dangerous for the environment.

Could the four men who died on Oak Island died of Mercury Cyanide Poisoning?

Excavation by the Restall family in the early 1960s ended tragically when four men died after being overcome by fumes in a shaft near the beach.

The cause of death was reported to be Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, but I believe that when the rescuers attempted to retrieve the Restalls and were also overcome so quickly that this would not have been the effects of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

Some have thought it to have been possible Methane Gas Poisoning.

I would like to call for the Canadian Government to do a proper autopsy to show the cause of death.

I was told to do more research on this! So I will!

Could the ingenious minds of 18th Century Freemason been used to create their most lethal "Booby Trap"?

All the reading to date on the unfortunate death's of the four men during Robert Restall's operation in the 1960's does not clearly state what the cause of death was.

I listened to the radio interview of his daughter Lee Lamb" who wrote 2 books on her father and his death.

Her statement was that the 4 people who died, all died from Hydrogen Sulfide poisoning.

That this poison (swamp Gas) was caused from a reaction of the stagnant water and apple trees located on the island.

This contrasts from what most thoughts were of Carbon Monoxide poisoning from the pump exhausts.

Robert Restall was a very knowledgeable person when it came to internal combustion engines and the dangers involved and thus my skepticism towards Carbon Monoxide being the cause.

My research shows that Hydrogen Sulfide is hard to discern from Hydrogen Cyanide poisoning.

"the toxicity for HS is by inhalation. At lower doses, local irritant effects predominate. At higher exposures, cellular respiration may cease as HS forms a complex bond to the iron ion in mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase, arresting aerobic metabolism in an effect similar to cyanide toxicity and affecting all organs, particularly the nervous system.”

"Poisoning by hydrogen sulfide and its metabolites leave the body fairly rapidly, the tests need to be conducted soon after exposure."

This leads me to believe that it was Cyanide which was used as the poison and planted in the shaft and tunnels as a "Booby Trap".

"Cyanide salts are among the most rapidly acting of all known poisons. Cyanide is a potent inhibitor of respiration, acting on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase and hence blocking electron transport. This results in decreased oxidative metabolism and oxygen utilization. Lactic acidosis then occurs as a consequence of anaerobic metabolism.

Hydrogen cyanide was first isolated from a blue pigment (Prussian blue) which had been known from 1704 but whose structure was unknown. It is now known to be a coordination polymer with a complex structure and an empirical formula of hydrated ferric ferrocyanide. In 1752, the French chemist Pierre Macquer made the important step of showing that Prussian blue could be converted to iron oxide plus a volatile component and that these could be used to reconstitute it.[10] The new component was what we now know as hydrogen cyanide."

"In 1752, French chemist Pierre J. Macquer made the important step of showing Prussian blue could be reduced to a salt of iron and a new acid, which could be used to reconstitute the dye.[11] The new acid, hydrogen cyanide, first isolated from Prussian blue in pure form and characterized about 1783 by Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele, was eventually given the name Blausäure (literally "blue acid") because of its derivation from Prussian blue, and in English became known popularly as Prussic acid. Cyanide, a colorless anion that forms in the process of making Prussian blue, derives its name from the Greek word for dark blue."

Here is my "Conjecture":

The "Blue Clay" found in abundance throughout the tunnels and lower shaft was a formulation of "Prussian Blue" containing Hydrogen Cyanide and Clay.

It was chemically formed to release the extremely toxic gas "Hydrogen Cyanide" once contact with the salt from the sea water entering via the flood tunnels.

If a new "autopsy" was performed and showed "Cyanide" it would add to the proof that this was no "Accident".

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You don't need sinister sources to come up with hydrogen sulfide. It is a byproduct of bacteria breaking down organic material - whether a swamp or compost pile.

High concentrations of HS can cause "extremely rapid unconsciousness". To the point that before you notice the smell or feel a sensation you're down.

I work at a waste water treatment plant and we are VERY careful about H2S. Anyone in the lower corridors or enclosed spaces wears a H2S detector with an alarm. And if we see a collapsed body or hear an alarm go off we are instructed NOT to go in after them if we don't have a self-contained breathing apparatus on.

Could an 18th Century Sign have been a warning to others?

The same as our universal symbol for "Poison"

The Freemasons may have used this sign as their "Warning to Others"


Like our modern day number 9-1-1 for emergency response or 7- Eleven for a convenience store, maybe the 1704 sign located at the Shore of Oak Island could have been a warning to others that this island was Booby Trapped with a Poisonous Agent.

The Date of “1704” was very important to the Freemasons as it was the date that Hydrogen Cyanide was first isolated from the blue pigment known as Prussian Blue.

This discovery created the beneficial agent known as "Hydrogen Cyanide" used along with "Mercury" for the purification of gold from ore in a process called amalgamation, but this discovery also created one of the most deadly poisons known to mankind.

If the Blue Clay found in abundance within the tunnels and shaft was Prussian Blue placed there by the Freemasons in its unrefined state, then its agent Hydrogen Cyanide would have been a very potent poison once released as a gas.

Like the fumes from a drain cleaner when it comes in contact with water, these Alchemists may have created a reagent to act as a catalyst with the Blue Clay releasing Hydrogen Cyanide Vapour when contact was made with saltwater from the ocean.

It was unfortunate and ironic that the person who located this sign was Robert Restall, one of the 4 people who died from a mysterious gas on the island.

Robert Restall’s one discovery made on the Smith's Cove beach while attempting to stop the drain system was a rock buried a few feet down in sand at the shore with "1704" inscribed on it.

The same as our universal symbol for "Poison"
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The Freemasons may have used this sign as their "Warning to Others"

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Like our modern day number 9-1-1 for emergency response or 7- Eleven for a convenience store, maybe the 1704 sign located at the Shore of Oak Island could have been a warning to others that this island was Booby Trapped with a Poisonous Agent.

The Date of “1704” was very important to the Freemasons as it was the date that Hydrogen Cyanide was first isolated from the blue pigment known as Prussian Blue.

This discovery created the beneficial agent known as "Hydrogen Cyanide" used along with "Mercury" for the purification of gold from ore in a process called amalgamation, but this discovery also created one of the most deadly poisons known to mankind.

If the Blue Clay found in abundance within the tunnels and shaft was Prussian Blue placed there by the Freemasons in its unrefined state, then its agent Hydrogen Cyanide would have been a very potent poison once released as a gas.

Like the fumes from a drain cleaner when it comes in contact with water, these Alchemists may have created a reagent to act as a catalyst with the Blue Clay releasing Hydrogen Cyanide Vapour when contact was made with saltwater from the ocean.

It was unfortunate and ironic that the person who located this sign was Robert Restall, one of the 4 people who died from a mysterious gas on the island.

Robert Restall’s one discovery made on the Smith's Cove beach while attempting to stop the drain system was a rock buried a few feet down in sand at the shore with "1704" inscribed on it.

Wow ROBOT......that makes perfect sense.

Just dont know if the natural gas made on the island would be as potent as the isolated extract of Prussian Blue, cause the first people to trigger the flood tunnels were way before Restall wasnt it??

1804 the pit was dug to the flood tunnels, digging through the charcoal, clay, and coconut fibers, loose stones and other items till they got to the Stone......then the place leaked and flooded....

There were numerous digs and pumps going, and they were all diggin down there so how did they not die is what I am wondering?

Wow ROBOT......that makes perfect sense.

Just dont know if the natural gas made on the island would be as potent as the isolated extract of Prussian Blue, cause the first people to trigger the flood tunnels were way before Restall wasnt it??

1804 the pit was dug to the flood tunnels, digging through the charcoal, clay, and coconut fibers, loose stones and other items till they got to the Stone......then the place leaked and flooded....

There were numerous digs and pumps going, and they were all diggin down there so how did they not die is what I am wondering?

Yes none of the other diggers to date experienced any sort of gas.

Robert Restall was working on an undiscovered shaft in line with where he thought the flood tunnels were.

This was an open shaft which he thought he could plug off the water source by pouring in cement.

If only he had been informed about "Barley" as a source he may have been successful.

I believe when he did attempt to dig it out the "Poison Trap" worked this time.

Naw....Restall was going deeper and hit some methane

if it was cyanide it would have left blue pigment on the pit walls, and they would be able to tell when the body turned color as well from the poison gas

Naw....Restall was going deeper and hit some methane

if it was cyanide it would have left blue pigment on the pit walls, and they would be able to tell when the body turned color as well from the poison gas

That was what most people thought, but the Government told his family that it was Hydrogen Sulfide (Swamp Gas) from apples falling into the water!

The fact that all these "Poisons" mimic each other and can fool the reports back then is suspicious.

A new "Autopsy" or a "Warning" to further exploration is in order.

However, as a military agent, hydrogen cyanide was not considered very effective, since it is lighter than air and needs a significant dose to incapacitate or kill.

This is from Wiki about Hydrogen Cyanide.....they say that because many militaries had experimented with it as a chemical agent and found it very ineffective......they found that only those who ingested it in higher doses were fatal.

The combination of clay, and charcoal, would not be "ACTIVATED" by SALTWATER........and turn into a lethal gas in an open hole

SORRY I dont buy that theory

This is from Wiki about Hydrogen Cyanide.....they say that because many militaries had experimented with it as a chemical agent and found it very ineffective......they found that only those who ingested it in higher doses were fatal.

The combination of clay, and charcoal, would not be "ACTIVATED" by SALTWATER........and turn into a lethal gas in an open hole

SORRY I dont buy that theory

Hydrogen Cyanide in vapor form is one of the most lethal poisons known.

I believe the military stated that they tried to use it but due to the fact it dissipated too fast they would have had to use a lot of shells and have a confined space in order for it to be effective so they used Mustard Gas which has a slow dissipation rate.

This would not have been the case in a confined tunnel at Oak Island.

Have you seen the vapors from "Drano" when it hits water. Try a whiff!

I guess we will have to wait for a sample of this Blue Clay that was claimed to be in the tunnels and shaft.

Meanwhile - "Forewarned is Forearmed"!

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The Tale of the Ghost Ship "Young Teazer" at Oak Island's Mahone Bay

Yound Teazer.webp

"Young Teazer was a United States privateer schooner that a member of her crew blew up at Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia during the War of 1812 after a series of British warships chased her and after HMS Hogue trapped her. The schooner became famous for the deadly explosion that killed most of her crew and for the folklore about the ghostly "Teazer Light."

"The frigate HMS Orpheus chased Young Teazer into Lunenburg Harbour. However, Orpheus lost her near Mahone Bay due to light winds. On 27 June, Hogue picked up the chase for 18 hours until she trapped Young Teazer in Mahone Bay between Mason Island and Rafuse Island.[6] Hogue was firing "viciously" and Orpheus soon joined as well. In the evening, Hogue prepared to send a boarding party in five of her boats.[6] Aboard Teazer, Capt. Dobson discussed plans to defend the privateer with his crew, reduced to 38 men by prize crews sent off in captured vessels. Lt. Johnson, known for his erratic behaviour on previous cruises, argued with Dobson and disappeared below. The schooner exploded a few minutes later.[7] Other accounts say Johnson, who feared hanging for breaking his parole, was seen rushing to the powder magazine.[6][8] The attacking British boats were three miles from Teazer. They returned to HMS Hogue after the explosion destroyed the schooner. Local residents rescued survivors, several of them badly burned, clinging to spars and the bow of the shattered hull of the schooner. Thirty of her crew died."

The locals buried the dead in unmarked graves in the St. Stephens’ Anglican cemetery in Chester.

"Hundreds have seen a burning ship out on the bay. Many state this ship just appears out of nowhere. Many report seeing this burning ship head right for them. Terrified, they felt it was about to run them down-- only to see it vanish at the last second. Sometimes this ship passes so close to the shore witnesses on the beach can even make out seamen up in it’s riggings."

"In most documented reports it is stated the ship appeared to be on fire. This is why people believe that it is the ghost ship of the Young Teazer. Some have even stated they heard the tortured cries of the men who were trying to escape this flaming ghost ship. The Young Teazer is most often seen near the anniversary of when it exploded and in the exact spot where it exploded. Most witness reports mention that once seen this ship just vanishes into thin air."

February 28th, 2015 - Is this the night the Freemasons Confess to their Involvement?


Oak Island presentation to be held Feb. 28
emailprintCOMMENT0 0
Posted Jan. 3, 2015 @ 8:00 am

FREEPORT — A presentation, “Mystery of Oak Island — Masonic Connections to a Real National Treasure Site,” will be held at 7 p.m. Feb. 28 at the Freeport Masonic Temple, 305 W. Stephenson St.
The presentation will be led by speaker Steve Harrison, a 33-degree freemason, speaker, author, editor, researcher and fellow. He will cover the potential role of the Freemasons in the origin of a small patch of land on Oak Island that has baffled treasure hunters and scientists. The island is the subject of a History Channel TV show, “The Curse of Oak Island.”
The event is open to the public, with a book signing at 5:30 p.m., buffet dinner at 6 p.m. and presentation at 7 p.m.
For information or to RSVP: freeportmasonictemple.org.

Read more: Oak Island presentation to be held Feb. 28 - News - Journal Standard - Freeport, IL

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Now that I see there is a monopoly on these hunts, and a lack of respect from these broadcast networks for the truth in the matter, I feel that they will have to make more effort to prove to me their intentions are sound and that they aren't going to be making me out to be a fool on a treasure hunt.

For the Sinclair's to show up looking to prove their family's involvement is suspect to me. For them to travel to Scotland to try to prove these associations were involved is even more suspect of them pushing for the answer to fit.

Then for Scott Wolters to show up at New Ross is clearly even more suspect as there is nothing to prove it even might be the Sinclair's

Then for History Channel to go further into the mystery, is even more odd, seeing they were using shotty evidence to go on, when 10x is loaded and the Ark has been photographed in a cave in Jerusalem, and they are still telling people the Ark is in the US.

This is part of the whole "Doomsday Cult" thing going around online.....pushing religious folklore as 'economic stimulus'

Basically the guys on TV have such a hard time getting anyone to believe them anymore, so they dive into the minds of the religious to enrapture them........

Anyone who is involved randomly in the Pentagon Bombing Investigation and then leaves his Concrete Evidence behind for another Gold Heist is


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Oak Island presentation to be held Feb. 28
emailprintCOMMENT0 0
Posted Jan. 3, 2015 @ 8:00 am

FREEPORT — A presentation, “Mystery of Oak Island — Masonic Connections to a Real National Treasure Site,” will be held at 7 p.m. Feb. 28 at the Freeport Masonic Temple, 305 W. Stephenson St.
The presentation will be led by speaker Steve Harrison, a 33-degree freemason, speaker, author, editor, researcher and fellow. He will cover the potential role of the Freemasons in the origin of a small patch of land on Oak Island that has baffled treasure hunters and scientists. The island is the subject of a History Channel TV show, “The Curse of Oak Island.”
The event is open to the public, with a book signing at 5:30 p.m., buffet dinner at 6 p.m. and presentation at 7 p.m.
For information or to RSVP: freeportmasonictemple.org.

Read more: Oak Island presentation to be held Feb. 28 - News - Journal Standard - Freeport, IL

I think the Masonic connection came later as all of these men decided to move into the area at a later time, naming their cities like The Lodge, and Charing Cross, and New Ross (New Cross)

I think that these men would know who or possibly have records of the people who were Mason's that were on the Island digging as searchers after the McGinnis found the area.

I think that some Mason's after 1800 visited the Island, and thought the Pit contents and the stone markings were sacred, so they left their 'G' carved......as additional reinforcement

If there was an actual connection to the sites, they would know, and not engage the public.

I think they are merely looking to attract new followers to their order and I hope it does them some good.

But I hope they aren't just pushing the whole Knights Templar, Masonic, Freemason, Sinclair tragedy......

When it was the French and Spanish who were here as well.

To me all this English and European hype is being directed towards England and Scotland in hopes of stealing the show once again.

Now that I see there is a monopoly on these hunts, and a lack of respect from these broadcast networks for the truth in the matter, I feel that they will have to make more effort to prove to me their intentions are sound and that they aren't going to be making me out to be a fool on a treasure hunt.

For the Sinclair's to show up looking to prove their family's involvement is suspect to me. For them to travel to Scotland to try to prove these associations were involved is even more suspect of them pushing for the answer to fit.

Then for Scott Wolters to show up at New Ross is clearly even more suspect as there is nothing to prove it even might be the Sinclair's

Then for History Channel to go further into the mystery, is even more odd, seeing they were using shotty evidence to go on, when 10x is loaded and the Ark has been photographed in a cave in Jerusalem, and they are still telling people the Ark is in the US.

This is part of the whole "Doomsday Cult" thing going around online.....pushing religious folklore as 'economic stimulus'

Basically the guys on TV have such a hard time getting anyone to believe them anymore, so they dive into the minds of the religious to enrapture them........

Anyone who is involved randomly in the Pentagon Bombing Investigation and then leaves his Concrete Evidence behind for another Gold Heist is


Wah? Obviously you are why the rum is always gone. Please step away from the window - no one is coming after you.

So funny you put it that way Speedee, slow down a little would you, and try some decaf :coffee2:

Were you worried I was going to jump....? :laughing7:

I was mentioning the High Degree of complete B:censored:S in these productions and the characters they are using to assassinate the true plots that were laid, leaving broken tales of clues in pursuit of excitement is nothing of History to me......more like a cheap fiction novel that wreaks of years of layered plagiarisms without due research in direction of the treasure for some reason?

If you want to chat some about your theories of sanity, I will send you a copy of my doctoral thesis, Janus Metaphysics, if you want........its not fully complete until I pull out the Bacon Works on the Scientific Method from these tombs I charted and fuse them with the studies I included already from the Mendelian Inheritance Codex I used as a foundation of this theory of Human Evolution.

It will probably leave you a little hunched over I am sure

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If you would like to share doctoral thesis that will be fine. I will warn you mine is over 300 pages on the decline of communication within the American family over the past 50 years.

At this point I guess we should properly introduce ourselves in the correct "Airplane fashion". Dr ... Dr ... Dr...Dr

Spies like us.......Love that one.....

I gave up the schooled path and went into impressing institutionalized thinkers with my translations of life's untouched areas of the psyche, the spirit, and the completed physical form......

All I ask here is to form long lasting relationships that make headway in discussion, and a few good puns to set me into tears,

when I am able to go talk to the Swan of Avon and remove the books that Bacon left......I will be at the peak of my own study, having proved my vision quests are not fruits of insanity, nor will my method and theory be considered monotonous and metonic, based upon the irrelevant ramblings of biased belligerents

then we talk advanced mechanical engineering into Human Powered Vehicle applications if you want......

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PS..... my family is from McEwen, TN.......

Could the "Decipher Stones" have been "Alchemist's Stones"?

Decipher Stone broken.gif
Rather than the claimed "Berber Script" or even ancient "Freemason Script" could these stone have been 17th and 18th Century "Alchemist Codes"

One needs to decipher these symbols to the "Key".

As for example the pointed up triangle is the Alchemist's symbol for fire (Ignis) whether this is symbolic for the letter (I) or (F) or actual fire.

The pointed down triangle is water (Agua) is it an (A) or (W) or actually water, ocean, etc.

http://www.alchemywebsite.com/alchemical_symbols00.html (More Complete Key)


Alchemist symbols.webp


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Could this Alchemist Stone actually be the much sought after The Philosophers' Stone?

600px-Alchemical_Laboratory_-_Project_Gutenberg_eText_14218.webp Decipher Stone 1.webp

The Alchemy Symbols shown on the Decipher Stone all translate to a heavy duty recipe which may be the much sought after recipe for the Philosophers' Stone.

The stone contains all the four elements claimed with mixing, boiling, and heating thrown in.

I am awaiting for more astute Alchemists to do the final translating of this stone.

This may explain the perplexing location and the reason as to why it was buried at the 90 foot level of the Money Pit.

"The philosophers' stone or stone of the philosophers (Latin: lapis philosophorum) is a legendary alchemical substance said to be capable of turning base metals such as lead into gold (chrysopoeia, from the Greek χρυσός khrusos, "gold," and ποιεῖν poiēin, "to make") or silver. It was also sometimes believed to be an elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality; for many centuries, it was the most sought-after goal in alchemy."
"The philosophers' stone has been attributed with many mystical and magical properties. The most commonly mentioned properties are the ability to transmute base metals into gold or silver, and the ability to heal all forms of illness and prolong the life of any person who consumes a small part of the philosophers' stone.[16] Other mentioned properties include: creation of perpetually burning lamps,[16] transmutation of common crystals into precious stones and diamonds,[16] reviving of dead plants,[16] creation of flexible or malleable glass,[17] or the creation of a clone or homunculus."

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