Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

I haven't gone into research, because I see no reason.
My interest only piqued because of the TV show.

However my understanding it started officially when a kid saw lights in the woods
and then for whatever reason started digging for treasure :tongue3:

from there everything snowballed to include every treasure hunters personal
idea of what could be there,
and possibly every treasure hunter that needed backing or someone else to buy his
position's Story of why they should.

maybe a few planted finds over the years were included :dontknow:

But my guess it simply started out as possible pirate treasure,
or a Fathers bedtime story to his son, and exaggerated from there.

like story of a drunk loosing a $10.00 gold piece in in 1804
by the time 2010 rolls around someone reads the story & knows a 1804 Gold Eagle
in Near mint condition would be worth $117,000.00.
so if the drunk lost a new Gold Eagle in 1804, he can tell his buddies there was $117,000.00
in gold lost where the hotel stood in 1804 .
so the next guy researches How many pounds of Gold in 1804 would you need to earn $117,000.00
If that happens to be 2000 Pounds, the Story changes to a wealthy Gold miner was robbed.
after all nobody just looses a ton of gold. so it must have been a Wagon load

and the value of a Ton of Gold today ? Before you know it the poor drunken
Schlub who lost his $10. And was listed in the local News as a Happening of the day,
could Become The Kings Men carrying a religious treasure worth Billions to Oak Island

maybe it was ant people


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“Oak Island” the “Strange”, the “Bizarre”, and “Maybe” the "Truth”!

sure no problem................will never visit this site again after this post.

One thing though CO gas and excavations are not to be taken lightly......but since this is the anything goes place let's downplay it.....argue it is a seldom seen gas such as Mercury Cyanide and possibly mislead someone about the dangers of a confined space......not make a correction between CO and CO2.......THAT IS STUPID

but have at it....I won't be back

Wow uzzard why don't you buzz off. Every single one of your posts here has been inflammatory and dripping with derision.

If we aren't allowed to bounce around ideas here then what is the point of an internet forum?

Do you know what I call someone who makes a point and then leaves in order to infuriate his opponent? A child.

If it causes you such discomfort to be here then it is probably best if you leave. Your snide edge will not be missed.

EDIT If you are reading this offline, I invite you to FMIRL.


I totally agree Jeff ! I started researching this topic in 1968 and ended my research in 1980 after finding no solid evidence that this is a real story. I am sure that there is pirate treasure ( or was ) on this island because the same could be said of almost any island . People are too eager to buy into this tale or many others just because " someone said "..... i think it so funny how a person loses common sense when it comes to treasure. I have done it too !

The best evidence that this is a real story is the fact that the story exists. We have a documented timeline going back to the early 1800's of what was reported to have happened on the island.

Sure, facts could have been altered or completely made up. But to disregard 200 years of intrigue and conviction would be illogical in my opinion.

Dave Rishar said it best in another thread. Every generation of human beings has geniuses. Every generation also has liars and idiots.

So granted, maybe some of the people on Oak Island over the years have been liars or idiots. But some of them were also very smart people.

To disregard Oak Island as a complete load of bologna would be contrary to the wealth of historical and archeological evidence we have in our possession.

The best evidence that this is a real story is the fact that the story exists. We have a documented timeline going back to the early 1800's of what was reported to have happened on the island.

Sure, facts could have been altered or completely made up. But to disregard 200 years of intrigue and conviction would be illogical in my opinion.

Dave Rishar said it best in another thread. Every generation of human beings has geniuses. Every generation also has liars and idiots.

So granted, maybe some of the people on Oak Island over the years have been liars or idiots. But some of them were also very smart people.

To disregard Oak Island as a complete load of bologna would be contrary to the wealth of historical and archeological evidence we have in our possession.

yes pessimism is our worst enemy,
but as you said ,
there is a documented timeline going back to the early 1800's.
however that documentation is primarily treasure Hunters digging holes,
and researchers trying to connect stories all the way back to supposed religious
artifacts that may or may not have even ever existed.

you have Pirate Historians suggesting Prates.

Religious Historians suggesting the arc etc.

We joked around here But it wouldn't surprise me if
someone seriously believes aliens.

then you got Miners suggested in the mix.

And simply treasure Hunters with deep pockets , with wild imaginations & $$ In their eyes,
which is my belief.

as they are the only thing 100% proven so far. imo

Kinda off topic but is really the source of the rumors so I posted it.

As of yet there has been no actual alien marks found, and I dont recall Joan Hope saying she was taken onboard a UFO and told the truth about the Money Pit? So looks human to me

The best evidence that this is a real story is the fact that the story exists. We have a documented timeline going back to the early 1800's of what was reported to have happened on the island.

Sure, facts could have been altered or completely made up. But to disregard 200 years of intrigue and conviction would be illogical in my opinion.

Dave Rishar said it best in another thread. Every generation of human beings has geniuses. Every generation also has liars and idiots.

So granted, maybe some of the people on Oak Island over the years have been liars or idiots. But some of them were also very smart people.

To disregard Oak Island as a complete load of bologna would be contrary to the wealth of historical and archeological evidence we have in our possession.

We also have the story of the easter bunny and santa claus that goes back just as far and is more widely known... As i stated before , i believe that some pirate treasure is or was there... but not the religious artifacts that people try and claim that are supposedly buried there

Are the Lagina Brothers "Commandeering" my "Theory"?

The (Untold) Story of The Oak Island Money Pit

The Oak Island Money Pit was constructed by the “powers that be” that were and still are to this day, the secret force that controls the course of mankind on earth.
This organization is known as - The “Freemasons”.

The story of The Oak Island Money Pit begins in the 1760’s
It was conceived by a number of Britain’s high ranking naval officers, who were also Masonic degree members of the Freemasons and belonging to the Masonic “Premier Grand Lodge of England”.
These Masons were members of the Whig Party opposed to the next successor to the throne, the unstable King George III.
These members were:
Washington Shirley, 5th Earl Ferrers – Vice Admiral - Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge – Premier Grand Lodge of England
George Anson, Baron Anson – Admiral of the Fleet
George Keppel, 3rd Earl of Albemarle - Commander-In-Chief
Augustus Keppel, 1st Viscount Keppel – Rear Admiral – Brother to George Keppel
William Keppel – Lieutenant-General – Brother to George Keppel
George Pocock – Admiral – Commander of the Invasion of Havana
Benjamin Franklin – First Grand Master of Pennsylvania who met in 1760 with the Grand Master of England to discuss their plan.

The Mason’s plot originated after King George III’s destruction of the Whig’s political power with his redirection of this power to the Tory Party, and the Mason’s concern of the imminent invasion of England, during the Seven Years’ War, by the joint forces of France and Spain. Spain outlawed all forms of secret organizations, including the Freemasons.

The Mason’s plan was to redirect a fortune to the “New World” (North America), to enable the transfer of the Masonic organization, if and when these fears materialized.
Their plan entailed the capture of Havana in 1762.
Havana’s Morro Castle was the Fort Knox of Spain, holding the South and Central America’s gold supply prior to its shipment to Spain.
The invasion of Havana was under the command of George Keppel, with Admiral George Pocock and Keppel’s two brothers Augustus and William Keppel, commanding the actual attack. They were successful with the capture of Havana and Fort Morro and its unprecedented amount of treasure. They also captured a number of the Spanish Fleet, which was needed to accomplish their plan. Accordingly, Admiral Pocock returned to England with the main English fleet carrying a portion of the treasure, while Augustus and William Keppel along with their crew and Masonic engineers all sworn to secrecy, manned the 8 Spanish Galleons and the 2 British Man of War. This treasure was diverted to a small island off the coast of New England and Nova Scotia now called Oak Island.

At Oak Island the treasure was buried based on the Masonic “Royal Arch” (Enoch’s Temple) consisting of nine arches going down nine levels by way of a main shaft (The Money Pit) which was dug down to the bedrock. From the ninth level another tunnel was constructed which ran back up to a point above the known water level, roughly 20 feet underground and at this point an enormous cavern was built to hold the treasure. The treasure was carted down the main shaft and placed up into this cavern. To conceal their plot they had the 8 Spanish ships dismantled with all the wooden parts not used in the construction of the shaft, tunnels and cavern burnt and all the metal parts (canons, anchors and bolts) were placed at the bottom of the main shaft. Flood tunnels were built out to the ocean to booby trap any treasure seekers attempts to follow down the main shaft. A large stone was placed at the air lock (8th level) as bait to activate the flooding. This stone had strange engravings on it to entice any unworthy treasure seekers to pause and take the bait (stone) away for deciphering, thus allowing time for the tunnels and main shaft to fill with water and be destroyed forever. The Masons knew exactly by their calculated mark above ground where the treasure cavern below ground was located, and could access it by digging down 20 feet.

Once the treasure was secured in the cavern and all the evidence was hidden from the island, it was documented that the Keppels sailed back to England with 2 ships and a small portion of the treasure. They claimed that the remainder of the fleet had sunk in a hurricane on route.

The Masons left several markers on the island to relocate the treasure.
1 large triangle or more precisely a crude Sextant
2 drilled holed stones
1 large stone cross
These combined markers along with the Star Map are used to cross triangulate and a set degree on the sextant point to the “X” where the cavern is today located.

Is the treasure still in this cavern?

I believe it was removed in 1795

One of the three original discoverers of the Money Pit was Daniel McGinnis, who stated he was drawn to the island when he noticed strange lights appearing on the island just prior to his discovery.
These lights were made by the Freemasons when they returned for their treasure.
This Masonic party was headed up by George Washington, President of the United States – acting Grand Master of the Washington DC Masons.

The treasure’s vast fortune was used, as planned, to further the power of the Freemasons in their new world, with them becoming “The New World Order”.

Battle of Havana 1762.webp

One thought on “THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND: Did Scotland Push Skeptic Marty Lagina to His Quitting Point?”

December 17, 2014 at 12:29 pm | Reply
I hope Rick and Marty Lagina consider that the tunnels, flood tunnel, slipway, and (likely?) original cofferdam suggest the expertise of British sappers and miners. Chief engineer Patrick Mackellar led the razing of the Louisbourg fortifications in Nova Scotia in 1760. He then led the engineers in attacking Moro Castle in Havana in 1762 — a mission that mainly served to plunder the riches. That attack was led by the three Keppel brothers. There were great riches taken. The paperwork has the crown taking no share — when that is both unrealistic and unprecedented. King George III and his cunning advisors very sensibly might have wanted to have a repository on this side of the Atlantic — safe from the French given how changeable the political boundaries had proven. I imagine construction of the vault in Smith’s Cove — with the “money pit” actually a drain. A coffer dam would permit construction of a treasure vault in Smith’s Cove — with it then drained using the “money pit”/drain. Then with the coffer dam destroyed, it is safely hidden. The grants of land reserved all right of gold to the crown. So the survey in 1762 makes the hiding place even more diabolical. There is a book that names all the ships involved in the sacking of Havana — as I mentioned, lead engineer Patrick Mackellar came from Nova Scotia. He was on a Keppel flagship. Sonia Keppel has an excellent book called “Three Brothers at Havana, 1762.” I consider that all the good news, Marty. The bad news is I see no reason the treasure woudn’t have been retrieved in 1776 when the British evacuated Boston and the many hundreds of ship hightailed it to Halifax. After reading ebooks on the 1762 sacking of Havana, I will look to find Patrick Mackellar’s journal from 1761. Many of his plans are in the British Library. I hope someday to buy nearby Apple Island so as to be able to cheer Rick and Marty on.

They may take my theory without me, but they cannot take where the"Treasure Vault" is located, without me!

Old Silver , i think it was just 11 years.... LOL

The Pirate Treasures........

Some have talked about Blackbeard, Edward Teach......some have said Kydd was here.......some say the answers are best left in mystery and they doubt the truth, that numerous people were using the area for their needs.

The best idea I can form from the tales of actual Pirate settlements in the area are here in the Northeastern tip of the area of Nova Scotia. These seem to be the only fairly permanent Pirate Settlements that were known to operate in these times that were feared as such. There are other Privateers, but these were the serious mutineers and renegades.

Page 44 - Pirate Shipyard on the Mira River - Issue 17 - Cape Breton's Magazine : Cape Breton's Magazine

All I can say is that someone needs a break from the show.......the Jet Lag and the thought of trying to bullshit through another season......probably got to him a little......he's too honest to be a bullshitter

Dude will have the Island for life......he's lucky to own a piece of history and hysteria....LOL

I will concede that there is a possibility of Pirates burying or loosing Treasure on the Island.
I still see no connection to the Money pit.
I still believe the suggested Construction, could not be built
after the Technology used to build the Pyramids, & Spinx were lost to man.
many thousands of years ago. (not hundreds of years)
Technology lost more like 5000 years ago

oredigger62's mention of the easter Bunny does make me think Jurassic easter bunny hole though :laughing7:

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very nice post

Welcome [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]itsgoa12345 ! I removed the Spam from your Signature
so you can be a member here. Please respect TreasureNet & not replace it :thumbsup:

I believe the only part of the Knights Templar on Oak Island was the Freemasons!

sorry for the delay Robot , been a busy week. My theory is this. There is no holy grail , ark of the covenant or any of that stuff buried on oak island. It is all stored under the vatican in the " secret " vaults. but there are buried treasures from pirates and religious sects. As for " the pit " ... it was dug as the chamber that was supposed to lead to tunnels for escape and also to other chambers for treasure storage. Once built there was supposed to be a building , a fortress of sorts built over top of the pit with a trap door to the pit. This was to be built by the Knights Templar . They were looking for a remote place to establish their new home , since there was much turmoil during the crusades. However they never completed it because of the influx of ground water and the inclimate weather of the region. There are no water traps , just natural cracks in the earths crust .... thats my theory. I hope that each and every one of you find some pirates plunder there , that would be awesome.

Knights Templar.webp

Very interesting!

I never contemplated that maybe the Money Pit was started as a "Fort" for the Knights Templar and then abandoned.

This would lead me to ask a few questions to learn more!

Why would they have picked this location on Oak Island to build it?

The Money Pit is inland from the shore and not the best place for defense.

It is located in an enclosed Bay.

It does not have a good harbor for ships.

Halifax harbor would have been a better choice for a harbor.

The western shore would have been better to avoid storms.

Oak Island is not very large to accommodate a large populace.

Fresh Water would have been a problem for a large contingent.

How deep of a shaft was necessary?

They could have stopped at a level before ground water was a problem.

Why has there never been any 14th Century Knights Templar evidence discovered on the Island?

They arrived with numerous ships, but all the wood found on the Island has been carbon dated to the 17th Century.

Why was only 18th Century items found located on the Island with no Knights Templar items?

Wood, Wrought Iron, Spanish Shoes, English Shoes, Pick Ax, Wrought Iron Stove, Metal Trunk Key, Boatswain Whistle, Spanish coins, Parchment paper, Wooden sled, Block and Tackle, English pottery.

How would you explain Coconut fiber found within the tunnels, shaft and shore?

Coconut fiber was not available to the Knights Templar during the 14th Century from the Atlantic region.

Why would they abandon this shaft but spend the time to refill it and lay down wood platforms as has been recorded?

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Sure, facts could have been altered or completely made up. But to disregard 200 years of intrigue and conviction would be illogical in my opinion.

The story of the Fountain of Youth has been around for nearly 2500 years at least. People were looking for it for at least 200 of those years. There may be people looking for it now.

Dave Rishar said it best in another thread. Every generation of human beings has geniuses. Every generation also has liars and idiots.

So granted, maybe some of the people on Oak Island over the years have been liars or idiots. But some of them were also very smart people.

A smart liar is perhaps the most dangerous kind. An idiotic liar lies, but a smart liar lies and tells me what I want to hear.

Were there lies told here? I think so, yes, but maybe not malicious lies. If I'm absolutely convinced that I'm 20 feet from treasure and the money just ran out, could I be faulted for massaging the facts a bit to attract another investor? He'll get his money when I find mine. It's a white lie. I mean, it's only twenty feet further down...I'll probably find it tomorrow. If the investors had seen what I've seen, they wouldn't hesitate to pony up a few more bucks. No one gets hurt, right?

I can't prove this obviously, but I suspect that some of this has occurred. The right artifact (that no longer exists) that proved the right theory always seemed to come up at exactly the right time. Once might be a coincidence, but it's happened more than once.

"To paint everyone with the same brush"

A smart liar is perhaps the most dangerous kind. An idiotic liar lies, but a smart liar lies and tells me what I want to hear.

Were there lies told here? I think so, yes, but maybe not malicious lies. If I'm absolutely convinced that I'm 20 feet from treasure and the money just ran out, could I be faulted for massaging the facts a bit to attract another investor? He'll get his money when I find mine. It's a white lie. I mean, it's only twenty feet further down...I'll probably find it tomorrow. If the investors had seen what I've seen, they wouldn't hesitate to pony up a few more bucks. No one gets hurt, right?

I can't prove this obviously, but I suspect that some of this has occurred. The right artifact (that no longer exists) that proved the right theory always seemed to come up at exactly the right time. Once might be a coincidence, but it's happened more than once.

Many of the Treasure Hunters of Oak Island sunk their life savings into their beliefs and endeavors with trying to find this treasure.


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I don't pay for broadcast or cable television. Was there anything new worth mentioning in the latest History Channel program?

Mike T.

View attachment 1094133

Very interesting!

I never contemplated that maybe the Money Pit was started as a "Fort" for the Knights Templar and then abandoned.

This would lead me to ask a few questions to learn more!

Why would they have picked this location on Oak Island to build it?

The Money Pit is inland from the shore and not the best place for defense.

It is located in an enclosed Bay.

It does not have a good harbor for ships.

Halifax harbor would have been a better choice for a harbor.

The western shore would have been better to avoid storms.

Oak Island is not very large to accommodate a large populace.

Fresh Water would have been a problem for a large contingent.

How deep of a shaft was necessary?

They could have stopped at a level before ground water was a problem.

Why has there never been any 14th Century Knights Templar evidence discovered on the Island?

They arrived with numerous ships, but all the wood found on the Island has been carbon dated to the 17th Century.

Why was only 18th Century items found located on the Island with no Knights Templar items?

Wood, Wrought Iron, Spanish Shoes, English Shoes, Pick Ax, Wrought Iron Stove, Metal Trunk Key, Boatswain Whistle, Spanish coins, Parchment paper, Wooden sled, Block and Tackle, English pottery.

How would you explain Coconut fiber found within the tunnels, shaft and shore?

Coconut fiber was not available to the Knights Templar during the 14th Century from the Atlantic region.

Why would they abandon this shaft but spend the time to refill it and lay down wood platforms as has been recorded?

Many of your questions infer that there was a large number of knights templar , when quite frankly we don't know how many or how few of them there were. It wouldn't have to be large enough for thousands , there are plenty of mayan and inca strongholds that have been quite small .

as for location questions. If you wanted a location out of sight and away from normal commotion would you pick a large harbor , and one easily accessed ? probably not. Also , this may have been the only location on the island that the natives did not occupy.

As for the fresh water , we don't know how many there were so we can't say how much they needed. But every hole they put in the island springs up fresh water so there could have been enough. or maybe not ( which could be a reason to stop )

as i stated earlier in a post , almost every ship that sails from the south carried coconuts in their holds as a food source so any pirate ship or freighter headed to the north atlantic could have supplied the fibers you speak of. And just how do you know that the knights templar didn't have coconut fibers available... was there a law against it or something ?

As for why only 18th century items being reported . VERY good question since people have inhabited the island for thousands of years according to historians . maybe anything older doesn't fit their theory. I don't know when the templar tombs on the island were built , guess time will tell.

as for your last question about why they abandoned it. Who knows ? maybe ground water .... or maybe it was just a mineshaft and it was mined out so it was filled back in as part of a deal with the locals.... again who knows.

I missed the last episode. Did they find the massive treasure?

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