Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

"Evidence presented earlier points to British Government involvement upon Oak Island during the period 1752-54, and
considerable effort has been made to seek documentary evidence from that period in open file.The results though
sketchy, have been adequate enough to forge a link (see Part X) but, nevertheless, insufficient for that link to be
considered indisputable."

Part X
"The concept of the Flood Tunnel, at least in principle, can be associated with Colonel Thomas Lascelles (1670-1751).
Because of his death the task of translating concept into reality would have devolved upon John Henry Bastide, a much
younger man, and one well suited to the task by his already lengthy experience of military works in Nova Scotia.
Because of the secrecy and importance of the project it may be expected that Bastide would have supervised all on-
site engineering while the bulk of the work was in progress. Strangely, Bastide is listed in the records as being ‘on
vacation’ between 1751 and 1754, while other documentation shows him to have written letters from Annaplois Royal.
Other subordinate engineers, such as William Bontein and William Cowley, would have undertaken specific tasks in line
with their specialist engineering capabilities, i.e. tunneling and marine construction respectively.

A support group would have been necessary to provide the general labour, much along the lines of army pioneer corps

today. Evidence has been presented in The Oak Island Treasure: The Military Cover-Up 1752-54 that this was provided
by companies of Lascelles’s Regiment (47th Foot) who arrived in Nova Scotia in 1750. The commander of the 47th was
Colonel Peregrine Lascelles, who appears to have been a relative of Colonel Thomas Lascelles, the Chief Engineer of
Great Britain. Another member of the family who appears to have had a connection with the work, but remains a shadowy
individual, was William Lascelles. Three members of the Lascelles family in the same place at the same time is surely
suggestive of clandestine purpose!

The total workforce on Oak Island, during the excavation of the Flood Tunnel and the intake facilities within the
Smith’s Cove Cofferdam, would have amounted to in excess of a hundred persons. Wives and children are also likely to
have been present, swelling the numbers. With an overall project period of two years, or possibly somewhat longer
allowing for initial preparation work and subsequent demolition, the presence of a large number of people on the
island for that period would have left an everlasting legacy in the form of cesspits. These are likely to have been
concentrated in the vicinity of a barracks/stores area. No matter how meticulous the clean up of the island after the
project came to a successful conclusion, the cesspits would have remained. A useful exercise would be to map the
island with this objective in mind."


Theory #2
Military engineered (British) - they built Money Pit and booby trapped the island.

Then a huge treasure was placed there from the wreck of the Concepción, or privateer operations raiding Spanish ships and settlements in the Caribbean, or something of this nature.

A good site with a historical timeline of TH'ers so far:
Oak Island Money Pit - The Last Great Unsolved Mystery

The historical record of searches on Oak Island says:
1849 (gold found)
"Beneath the layer of settled dirt, the Truro Company noticed that the auger then penetrated a series of strata
consisting of 4 inches of oak, followed by 6 inches of spruce, before entering seven feet of clay. To the crew, the
oak and spruce represented more than just a new configuration of wood platforms. After so many failed attempts, this
could finally be a chest containing the riches they sought. When the operators withdrew their probe from the pit,
they were given even more reason for excitement. Attached to the auger, the men of the Truro Company found three
small links of gold chain (Lamb, 2006)."

1897 (traces of gold found)
"Another discovery made during that excavation only came to light many years following the summer of 1897. As
indicated by Lamb, during that fateful excavation, drill operator William Chappell found traces of gold sediment on
the auger after drilling into the Money Pit (2006). Similar to James Pitblado, formerly of the Truro Company,
Chappell hid his valuable discovery from fellow crewmembers. It was not until 1931 that Chappell's findings would
come to light

So to recap this:
Edward de Vere funded Martin Frobisher's expeditions in search of the Northwest Passage and fortune.

'Frobisher set sail in 1578 with 15 ships, 300 Cornish miners and enough Oak lumber to build a colony. It was the largest Arctic expedition in history.'

Captain Frobisher mined tons of Fool's Gold from oak island. This created the underground caverns - mining caverns.

Frobisher returned to piracy and returned to England with 60,000 pounds of pure gold! Did he stash some for himself
and Edward de Vere? He already knew about oak island and the caverns from mining.

Edward de Vere - Crossed the Queen and 20-30,000 pounds (weight) of gold went missing, and on one of his trips he could have been missing for 7 years! Where was he?

Now at this point it is interesting to note that the Oak Timber used in the Money Pit has been C-14 carbon dated around 1575.

Mystery stone found at 90 feet below surface translated to "Forty Feet below two million pounds are buried."

Are all these things mere coincidences?

My first theory:
Also, let's cover some ways to retrieve the treasure that perhaps Rick & Marty Lagina have not considered yet.

I've been recently watching this, seen most episodes now and it just gets stranger and stranger.
Some humorous moments from my viewpoint:
The guy MD'ing on beach finds some colonial coppers and they comment, 'oh the English must have been here.'
My response: "I've found coins older that this in PA! The colonists in the 13 colonies used this as money,
as did the folks up in Novia Scotia!"

The MD'ing signals found and then lost in swamp.
My response: "When dealing with water or water saturated ground, you can and will get false signals!
Where did they go? They were bogus signals!"

They drill into cement like substance, horizontal placed wood, and then vertical placed wood. Someone who drilled
before described drilling cement like substance, horizontal placed woodian for 7" and then 7 feet to next wood
They assumed it was a treasure vault. They claimed gold flecks on drill bit - I think they made that up to get
investors interest. Sounds somewhat fishy to me but it could have been true.
Gee, this sounds a lot like a mine shaft with a wooden floor and not necessarily a vault of any kind.

The most interesting story regarding that island for me is that it is full of Fool's Gold. Some explorer
mined tons of Fool's gold from Nova Scotia and took it back to Europe - only to find out that it was not real gold.
If he was mining for gold on Oak Island, as some believe - that would explain the underground carverns supposedly on
this island. That would explain why anyone would go to that extreme, digging deep holes in the island - they were
struck by the 'gold bug' and thought they were mining gold. When they discovered it was pyrite - they abandoned their
back-breaking quest.

Perhaps local pirates or privateer discovered these underground caverns and did cache some treasure chests on this

At some point, one or all of these caverns got filled with water. Was it booby-trapped as they seem to think?
It is quite possible the answer is "NO". With all the drilling and digging that has gone on - they could have
unknowingly created a booby-trap for themselves by creating holes that allowed water to enter the caverns from
the ocean, or the swamp, or an underground water supply. Would pirates just simply place chests of gold at the
deepest cavern point on island, and not try to hide that location? Doubtful but would they go to all the trouble
involved of digging a channel of water from the ocean to where the Money Pit is located and at the depth indicated?
I sincerely cannot believe that at all - they were pirates not stone masons.

Another theory I've considered is that the large stone tablet discovered 90 feet below ground was created by
Capt.Kidd or some brilliant privateer -
and properly translated by Professor of Languages James Leitchi who said it says:
"Forty Feet Below, Two Million Pounds Are Buried." Wow, wouldn't that be nice!

I'm an occam's razor thinker on all this - a line of reasoning that says the simplest answer is often correct.
Who had lots of ill-gotten trove in this area? What do you do when there is a too much to spend? You might think
the Capt. of a pirate ship was just a thug but to navigate by the stars, command a successful campaign on the
ships full of treasure along the east coast of N. America heading back to Europe - you had to be an 'educated'
man and probably smarter than the average sword, welding marauder. Some likely genius in their own right.
The occam's razor answer is PIRATES or privateers were most likely behind what is buried at Oak Island.

So it is my theory that the island has been used for multiple purposes by multiple groups. First, someone mined it
for gold and abandoned project. Then others discovered the caverns and decided a perfect place to store trove.
Who is to say it wasn't all recovered? No one has proved that either way. Let's hope it still exists!

The TH'ing dreamer in me hopes that the two brothers spending all this money find something of value to offset
what they have invested. But it's looking more and more like it is possible that all the theories about the Templar
Knights, The Holy Grail, The Ark of the Covenant, Solomon's Tree of Life, the Phoenicians etc. - are amazing stories
but have no foundation in them whatsoever. My best guess - pirates/privateer treasure was cached after someone else
worked the island for fool's gold. I do hope they find the motherload and before Dan passes on. I wish H2 network would stop
promoting 'seven people must die' before they get down 235 feet to the present chamber area the team is working.
235 feet! It's a long way to finding anything in a water filled hole possibly fed by the ocean. Time will tell.

Retrieval method 'outside the box': get down to where treasure is located, use robotics to drill into side of any
chests and see what is inside there? Then split open any chests with underwater robotics or underwater explosives,
then use traditional ocean floor vacuums commonly used by treasure salvagers - to remove all coins, use robotics to
carry up larger objects such as gold bars or silver bars. No life is put at risk, no one dies or gets hurt.

So do you have a serious contrarian view or idea to most of what is being peddled as the best and only possible
answer to this puzzle on The Series and here on T-net? We'd like to hear it.

A good site with a historical timeline of TH'ers so far:
Oak Island Money Pit - The Last Great Unsolved Mystery

why stick a FORK in me - I'm done!

Valliant effort.

Perhaps what lies beneath Oak Island is a formerly unknown device constructed by the Deep Ones (nod to H.P. Lovecraft) that causes men to become obsessed with greed and longing to be near it. Buried to protect us from our own weaknesses.

Get ready for the voice of the Cthulhu or the flutes of Nyarlathotep when it is finally set free. The Dunwich Horror walks on Oak Island!

Or even the outer gods; Yog-Sothoth. * gasp * All is lost!

Flee, Flee! Madness!


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yeah we'll see what robot has to say when he returns - hopefully realizing I am not a pirate nor his enemy.

I think I came within a gnat's hair of that myself on the Long Range Locators forum myself so I have been staying uncontroversial hereabouts.

I need a better winter hobby.

yeah you and me both. I purchased one of those things. It works really well if you like finding nothing at all. *L*
I think as you approach 60 - you revert back to being like a teenager in some ways. I wonder how old robot is?

I removed you from my 'Ignore List' and I hope that it stays that way.

Solid fact finding on the Pirates

The money pit was built by English

David Ingram under contract with John Hawkings, led the fabled pirates that made the Impossible Walk. Hawkins split off under charter, to pirate another area, when

Ingram is said to have disappeared, but having delivered men to the area to dig the pit, creating a camp there around the bay, stationing ships at each corner of the Peninsula, one in fundy, one in cape breton's eastern coast, to catch ships in both directions, he was then stationed to retain the goods there for either British pick up ships, or to other Pirates that were returning for their share.

they left the area to pirate the caribbean and left no traces of their ship, even evading their english lord for 13 years afte they returned. Whether Ingram was acting alone or with the understanding of Hawkings is unknown,

but it is known that even though commissioned by the English, there is some realistic evidence that Hawkings was setting up a 'Triangle Trade' organization.

There is suspicion that he was involved in all forms of Privateering, slave trading, and selling stolen goods back to the colonists of all the three major countries for a profit.

This island was the original hub for their operations, the money pit was dug afterwards, to lure anyone to their death

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Maybe we should look further in the past for answers to this mystery. Google ancient lime kiln found at Newport R.I. And also check out Canadian author Farley Mowats book The Alban Quest. My wheels might turn a little slower than most posters here but I suspect an Orkney, Norse, Mason connection (in that order) here that goes waaay back.

Bad Robot... back to the Mystery of Oak Island!

My apologies, to my fellow forum members for time spent banished to the “Panda Den” for bad behavior.

I suppose one’s “Roar” may be worse than one’s “Bite” and having the nickname of “Bad Robot” may hold some truth.

Bad Robot.webp
With over 11,000 views, my appreciation goes out to those posting on this thread, especially one zealous forum member.

Bobby Fisher once stated:
“It is a brave player who moves his King away from the safety and protection of his Castle into the onslaught of his opponent’s Queen and Bishops, as this move most certainly results in Checkmate.”

I look forward to future participation on this thread, by responding to these postings with my “Freemasons’ Perspectives” regarding these matters.

You have an interesting history, but to think they left a trail of clues?

It was something that would have been left for a king, not a trail of treasure hunters or from Pirates

Also there were numerous signs that these Masons knew about the legend of the sublime prince with the Greatest Royal Secret

But to say that they traveled away from the mainland to grab this all is somewhat farfetched for me to believe at the time, as these men were the leaders and they wouldn't risk the journey

I have located the Masonic Door that is involved in this whole affair, and it seems more likely that they came for the Silver that was placed here in Vermont in a stored cache

I truly believe there was some activity by Masons, and I also feel there were others there too,

So based on the original theory that the Templars built caves in France during Dagobert's Crusades under Rennes Le Chateau in th 7th century, and when the order of men in Jaques De Molay's order fled after the roundup in the 14th century, with Felipe IV, Henry IV, and James I all working through the House of Medici, to secure these troves in Vermont and in the Nova Scotia hillsides during the 16th century,

There is a chance the Masons were included in the affairs at this time, as the signifying catalyst to unravel these troves' locations through these cyphers, having sent Franklin to France,

But what I am saying is that with Ethan Allen and his brother here, they would have easy access to this Masonic Door, and the trove that we found in the Intervale, the Wooden Crate 6 x 8', was actually on a piece of property that they settled on, and is close to the Homestead there.

View attachment 1119185

Here is the marker to locate the point of reference. I have found the stone that was carved from these markers on the high point of Mt. Mansfield.

View attachment 1119186 you have to use the David Tenier Painting to find the direction in VT. It is so complex at this point, but that is how I derived the location and found the cave.

View attachment 1119187

Also looking for the other ones and know where they are located. These 6 map markers above are a mapping points of reference from high points and rocks that are on peninsulas. I have only located one so far, but wait till spring and we will see.

I am sure that if they had to raid this one, for the Revolution, there would be some clues left there, as this seems to be the pattern on Oak Island as well with the large G and possibly the Swamp as well.

The other ones are coordinated with these troves and triangulate the area related to the Map he made of the Lake. believe it or not these are reference points from his maps at the Convergence Points or Cerro Punto on the Lake

Could this have been for the treasure of Vermont's Green Mountain Boys?

You have an interesting history, but to think they left a trail of clues?

It was something that would have been left for a king, not a trail of treasure hunters or from Pirates

Also there were numerous signs that these Masons knew about the legend of the sublime prince with the Greatest Royal Secret

But to say that they traveled away from the mainland to grab this all is somewhat farfetched for me to believe at the time, as these men were the leaders and they wouldn't risk the journey

I have located the Masonic Door that is involved in this whole affair, and it seems more likely that they came for the Silver that was placed here in Vermont in a stored cache

I truly believe there was some activity by Masons, and I also feel there were others there too,

So based on the original theory that the Templars built caves in France during Dagobert's Crusades under Rennes Le Chateau in th 7th century, and when the order of men in Jaques De Molay's order fled after the roundup in the 14th century, with Felipe IV, Henry IV, and James I all working through the House of Medici, to secure these troves in Vermont and in the Nova Scotia hillsides during the 16th century,

There is a chance the Masons were included in the affairs at this time, as the signifying catalyst to unravel these troves' locations through these cyphers, having sent Franklin to France,

But what I am saying is that with Ethan Allen and his brother here, they would have easy access to this Masonic Door, and the trove that we found in the Intervale, the Wooden Crate 6 x 8', was actually on a piece of property that they settled on, and is close to the Homestead there.

View attachment 1119185

Here is the marker to locate the point of reference. I have found the stone that was carved from these markers on the high point of Mt. Mansfield.

View attachment 1119186 you have to use the David Tenier Painting to find the direction in VT. It is so complex at this point, but that is how I derived the location and found the cave.

View attachment 1119187

Also looking for the other ones and know where they are located. These 6 map markers above are a mapping points of reference from high points and rocks that are on peninsulas. I have only located one so far, but wait till spring and we will see.

I am sure that if they had to raid this one, for the Revolution, there would be some clues left there, as this seems to be the pattern on Oak Island as well with the large G and possibly the Swamp as well.

The other ones are coordinated with these troves and triangulate the area related to the Map he made of the Lake. believe it or not these are reference points from his maps at the Convergence Points or Cerro Punto on the Lake

My research shows that this Treasure Vault in Vermont was indeed built by the Freemasons, but was created for a different purpose than the Treasure Vault at Oak Island.

I believe Vermont’s Treasure Vault was built by Ethan Allen, brother, Ira Allen, and Seth Warner, all high ranking Freemasons and leaders of their own Militia, "The Green Mountain Boys".

the Green Mountain Boys.webp

Vermont is the only New England State not bordering the Atlantic Ocean so logic would state that anything buried there was not meant to be transported in or out by water.

Its area was controlled by the 2 most fierce and UN-American tribes, the Algonquian and Iroquois along with the French until 1763 so the creation of this Vault I believe would be latter than this date.

My belief is that this Treasure Vault was built to contain the spoils of the plunder raided by The Green Mountain Boys.

They were successful during the American Revolution 1775 of plundering the Canadian forts of Ticonderoga and Crown Point, along with British ships on the Great Lakes, and even property in the neighboring state of New York.

So based on the original theory that the Templars built caves in France during Dagobert's Crusades under Rennes Le Chateau in th 7th century,

What is Dagobert's Crusades? As far as I know the event known as the 1st Crusade was at the end of the 11th century and ended in 1099. Also, I had thought the Templar Order began shortly after the 1st Crusade, becoming official in 1128.
cheers, Loki

Pirate's Quiz! for The Pirates of The Oak Island Mystery

Count your a's, b's, c's and d's and then find out which one you have the most of, scroll down and find out which infamous pirate you may have been.

1. When I was in high school -
a. I felt like I was living the same day over and over, I was just “doing time.”
b. I had a way of deflecting attention away from my lack of schoolwork with humor or charm.
c. I could not seem to shake my awkward adolescence and the dork factor everyone identified me with in junior high.
d. I didn't listen to authority and did what I wanted. It got me in trouble a lot, but I was free.

2. When I think of my first love, I remember -
a. Almost nothing. It seems so long ago and there have been so many since then.
b. It was magical at first and then they brought up everything I did wrong all the time and the charm wore off.
c. I can remember their scent, their smile, the way I felt, the songs on the radio, and every detail with longing.
d. I was not ready to be locked down, I wanted my freedom and experience more than love.

3. Music I prefer -
a. Classical.
b. Country-Western.
c. 1970's Rock.
d. Heavy Metal.

4. An ideal job would be -
a. Something I can count on, master, and perform over and over again easily and earn a safe annuity on retirement.
b. Changing jobs often and trying new things, moving on when I get bored or frustrated.
c. One that doesn't need references from the past jobs because otherwise I'm jinxed at getting a position.
d. Entrepreneur. I'm not taking orders from anyone.

5. When it comes to my dating pool -
a. I am cursed. It seems like I keep repeating the same situation over and over again.
b. I either have them adoring and easy to charm, or angry and vengeful. It starts well, ends poorly.
c. I have been hurt in the past in ways that I never really got over and find myself nervous and hopeless in new situations.
d. I enjoy them, but I do not want to take one home and keep them. I like my freedom.

Now, count your a's, b's, c's and d's.
Whichever one you have the most of, is your answer.
Scroll down and find out what pirate you may have been.

a. William Kidd (Scottish, 1645 - 1701)
Captain Kidd.webp
Sometimes, you feel like life kicks you in the teeth and you are cursed. Every day is the same over and over and you wish at times you were not a Pirate.

b. Henry Every "Long Ben" (English, 1653-unknown)
You don't really have a game plan and hope that charm will make up for any lack of experience or forethought. You are spontaneous and swing from devastating defeat to beaming success in a moment's notice.

c. Bartholomew Roberts "Black Bart" (Welsh, 1682 - 1722)
Bartholomew Roberts (Black Bart).webp
You are haunted by your old wounds. You seek vengeance, but sometimes the bravado is balanced by a healthy dose of insecurity. You are stronger with your gang around you than when you are alone. Being alone sometimes haunts you with images from the past.

d. Edward Teach "Blackbeard" (English, 1680- 1718)
You would rather die than lose what you fought so hard for. You will go down with your ship rather than be caught and held down. Freedom is your most powerful need.

My research shows that this Treasure Vault in Vermont was indeed built by the Freemasons, but was created for a different purpose than the Treasure Vault at Oak Island.

I believe Vermont’s Treasure Vault was built by Ethan Allen, brother, Ira Allen, and Seth Warner, all high ranking Freemasons and leaders of their own Militia, "The Green Mountain Boys".

View attachment 1119286

Vermont is the only New England State not bordering the Atlantic Ocean so logic would state that anything buried there was not meant to be transported in or out by water.

Its area was controlled by the 2 most fierce and UN-American tribes, the Algonquian and Iroquois along with the French until 1763 so the creation of this Vault I believe would be latter than this date.

My belief is that this Treasure Vault was built to contain the spoils of the plunder raided by The Green Mountain Boys.

They were successful during the American Revolution 1775 of plundering the Canadian forts of Ticonderoga and Crown Point, along with British ships on the Great Lakes, and even property in the neighboring state of New York.

Very untrue, the northern passage from the St.Lawrence was brought into being while Champlain was here.

He clearly had also set into motion a canal dredging some areas later, which then were connected down to Whitehall and over to the Erie Canals later

The Lake was navigable in the old times as the waters were much higher and had flooded the entire valley from the Adirondacks to the Green Mountains, the geologists have proven this. and the fact there is a dinosaur in the lake....

the thought of dragons becomes even more epic and glorious that this very animal was spotted by Champlain and used for the foundation of these tales

the dragon they are speaking of in these tales

View attachment 1119440

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