Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

The more episodes of OI I watch, the more I'm convinced that OI was most likely an old secret dry dock (in the swamp) to repair war ships. The "Money Pit" could've been some kind of fancy structure to regulate the water level in the swamp/dry dock area.

The more episodes of OI I watch, the more I'm convinced that OI was most likely an old secret dry dock (in the swamp) to repair war ships. The "Money Pit" could've been some kind of fancy structure to regulate the water level in the swamp/dry dock area.
The core samples they took In the swamp prove that there could not have been a drydock system there.

[FONT=&]Among non-news shows, History's [/FONT]The Curse of Oak Island[FONT=&] led primetime on cable in both viewers (2.94 million) and adults 18-49 (0.56 rating)


No......it was #5.....


Indicates that the show’s fictional content attracts viewers in a similar fashion as the “Housewives of” multitude of shows...

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Finally I find a place that might think the information that I have is helpful. I am not an Oak Island buff like some of you. Its interesting to me, but not something I will spend a lot of time researching. So, here goes. I used to spend a lot of time on Google Earth drawing lines and circles on the globe to find interesting alignments, especially between ancient/historical sites. Here is a description of one that could be interesting to you.
I drew a line from the Washington Monument (WM) through the point on the horizon where the sun sets on June 21st. Some of you may know the significance of that. Once I got that heading I extended that alignment around to Europe and Asia, and looked for things that could be interesting. It was very close to the obelisk in the middle of St. Peter's square in Vatican City (OVC). So, I drew a line from OVC to WM, and looked for things along that path the might be interesting. I have done this same exercise for many many many different alignments, and one thing I will do is turn on all the alignments I have made, and see if the line that I am studying has any relationships to any of those. And, because I had previously tried to find alignments with Oak Island, I could easily see where it was in relation to the line between OVC and WM. It isn't a few miles from the line, which to some could establish significance. This line cuts right across this tiny little island off of Nova Scotia. Not just that, it cuts right through the area where I believe the money pit to be. Coincidence? This is very simple to check for yourself if you find it interesting.
I was thinking that this line could lend a possible clue to whomever is searching on that island. If any of you know any of those folks, and think they will find it interesting, please pass this along to them.

Correction: Not sun sets, but sun rises.

These exact same lines, with those same start and end points, were presented on a certain Facebook group several years ago.

There is nothing new under the sun ... whether it’s setting or rising.

You have your facts and I have my facts.
I can not post volumes of books it requires for you to read to see things my way..
...so many "facts" ,Franklin, that are unproven and unsupported by actual real facts make it impossible to see things your way.
...and Robot has his facts, as well as Eldo, Lokiblossom, and lest we forget that holeologist, n2mini, all seeing facts their way, and all unproven and unsupported by actual real facts.

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...so many "facts" ,Franklin, that are unproven and unsupported by actual real facts make it impossible to see things your way.
...and Robot has his facts, as well as Eldo, Lokiblossom, and lest we forget that holeologist, n2mini, all seeing facts their way, and all unproven and unsupported by actual real facts.

I have some facts too but I will show soon ...


People will believe whatever they wish to believe.

The idea of a secret fabulous treasure being buried and just waiting to be found bring fame and riches.... compared to the left over remnants of perfectly ordinary human endeavor that offers zero riches and fame...

Many will sign up to the


as it brings...


Which may be better than



1. I purchased Oak Island and I found Aztec treasure buried there
2. I purchased Oak Island and I found the lost riches of the Knights Templar there
3. I Purchased Oak Island and I found the hidden manuscripts of Shakespeare there
4. I found an ancient map that lead me to Oak island and soon I will find a fabulous treasure there that will re-write human history. I will become so famous...

as compared to

I purchased Oak Island and found a heap of old wood and rusty metal there...

Follow The Yellow Brick Road!

Oak Island Road.webp

The Lagina Brothers are not aware of why this "Brick Road" is headed "North".

Yellow Brick road.webp

I believe this "Road" was intended to remove their immensely weighted Treasure from the Treasure Vault down to the Swamp...which at that time was their Warf to transport it via Jolly Boats to their awaiting ships.

Jolly Boat.webp

Freemason's Celestial Map March 2020.webp

I thought the "road" was built to UNload their ships of tons of treasure, requiring teams of oxen to drag the TONS of gold and religious artifacts TO the Money Pit to be buried, in a pre-fabbed concrete vault that they had to hurry and re-bury before it floated away underground???

When It Comes To The Depositors Of...Oak Island.

I thought the "road" was built to UNload their ships of tons of treasure, requiring teams of oxen to drag the TONS of gold and religious artifacts TO the Money Pit to be buried, in a pre-fabbed concrete vault that they had to hurry and re-bury before it floated away underground???

One should "Think Outside The Box"!


Cheat? Yeah. I guess that is the mechanism of the factually challanged.

Oh Charlie!...I Think You're Confused.

Cheat? Yeah. I guess that is the mechanism of the factually challanged.

I'm Canadian...not a part of..."The Democratic Party!"

I'm Canadian...not a part of..."The Democratic Party!"
a wholly owned subsidiary?

I am curious:
1. Coconut fibre. Where did the Knights Templar coming from Europe, get all the coconut fibre?
2. A concrete vault. Did pirates use concrete? The KT brought all of the materials with them to make this?
3. The infamous "lead cross". This reminds me of the famous story where archaeologists in New England had dated the stones, thought the structures were evidence of Pre-European contact, not realizing the structures were built with ballast stones from ships.

Make up your minds...

Cheat? Yeah. I guess that is the mechanism of the factually challanged.

"Never let facts get in the way of telling a good [treasure] story".
"When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”

Curiosity May Have Killed The Cat...But It Can Help Explain...Oak Island Mysteries!

xaos; I am curious: 1. Coconut fibre. Where did the Knights Templar coming from Europe said:
1. Coconut fibre. Where did the Knights Templar coming from Europe, get all the coconut fibre?

My opinion is that the Knights Templar were not the Depositors of Oak Island.
The Coconut Fibre found on Oak Island was brought there by the Original Depositors from the Caribbean.
The Treasure entrusted to these Freemasons contained those of the Knights Templar's along with their own plunder.

My belief is that the numerous Carbon Dating of Plant Materials at Oak Island is erroneous due to Radioactive Waste Contamination.
This contamination is being caused by Canada's Radioactive Barrel Dump Site leakage located off Oak Island's Shore.

Waste Dumping.webp

2. A concrete vault. Did pirates use concrete? The KT brought all of the materials with them to make this?

The smart Pirates did!
Concrete has been used back to 700BC.
The biggest discovery for Concrete was Hydraulic Lime...a mixture which enabled the setting of Concrete even under water.
Invented by the Freemason John Smeaton in 1756.
John Smeaton was a civil engineer, good friend of Benjamin Franklin and co-member in the The Lunar Society of Birmingham.
In my research...he was the Engineer for the Depositor's construction on Oak Island.

John_Smeaton (1).webp

3. The infamous "lead cross". This reminds me of the famous story where archaeologists in New England had dated the stones, thought the structures were evidence of Pre-European contact, not realizing the structures were built with ballast stones from ships.

When the Royal Navy Freemasons sacked the French and Spanish Jesuit's Cathedral at Havana, they took with them their Treasure and Holy artifacts.
I believe one may have been this relic!



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Who were these Royal Navy Freemasons that sacked the Jesuit's Cathedral and what was the inventory of these treasures and Holy relics? that they looted?

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