Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

That is true and I never said other wise. All I have ever said is it's possible. and it is. Yet some on here claim that any of it is/was impossible.. It might be highly unlikely but it is/was possible... Just as building the pyramids. Some still think it was impossible for them to build them back 1000's of years ago...but they did it...

That is true and I never said other wise. All I have ever said is it's possible. and it is. Yet some on here claim that any of it is/was impossible.. It might be highly unlikely but it is/was possible... Just as building the pyramids. Some still think it was impossible for them to build them back 1000's of years ago...but they did it...

Not saying it was impossible.......we're saying that it didn't happen.....

but you can't claim that as fact as you don't know. That is what I'm getting at. If it was possible and you weren't there to know for a fact that it didn't happen then it is possible... So please quit speaking as if everything you say is a fact when it's not. You just admitted it's possible... That is all I have been after for the last year on here... No one knows for a fact what did or did not happen and or who all has actually set foot on the island.. Just no way to know for a fact either way...

When and by what professional laboratory and academic organization confirmed the lead's origin and its connection to the Templars?

All this confirmed was the potential origin of the lead....

As we know, lead was used and reused extensively, so showing the age of the lead, or mining location is virtually useless.

There are tests that can identify the geographic source of a metal object - but no chemical, radiometric, or spectral test can determine the age of the material nor when it was refined/cast/fabricated. Claims of doing so are simply snake oil.

Who else would be casting a Templar Cross? Sure now a days you can probably buy one as a souvenir somewhere, but it's not cast with 200 year old metal...

Whoa there, cowboy. Assuming the German lab tech they used wasn't an actor what he did was conclude that the cross was made from lead that came from a certain region. From a lead mine in that region. A lead mine that has been in operation how long? How many tons of ingots shipped to where and when? It could have come from that mine 10 years ago and would still test the same. It could have been lead ballast that came to Nova Scotia with a Portugese fishing ship and someone in Nova Scotia re-melted it to make that cross. There is no proof of a Templar connection and no time lock. Lead has been lead and unchanged (it's a very stable element) since it was formed in stars and ended up in the spiral that eventually formed our planet. Billions of years ago. The impurities with it are what help localize it.

I didn't watch the video, but do they mention "voltammetry"? That's about the only way to age a lead object based on the lead oxide and lead dioxide on the surface since it was melted and cast (or recast). And that assumes it hasn't been relocated to different soil or conditions. If not, then I'd be curioius how it was dated.

Watch the whole video, he says the lead mine had been shut down since the 14th Century DAAAAA

Dr Christopher McFarlane's , Professor of Earth Sciences, official statement posted outside of the edited TV episode:
"We didn't find out the age of the artifact, but based on our findings, we believe the lead is of European origin".
No mention of the mine or the country of origin, just that they "believe" that the lead is of European origin.

ECS: Thanks again for correcting erroneous information!

Who else would be casting a Templar Cross? Sure now a days you can probably buy one as a souvenir somewhere, but it's not cast with 200 year old metal...
No professional put an age on the lead cross, not even their hired rocks and minerals expert, Professor McFarlane.
What is apparent from this and several others posts is a tendency to mistakenly perceive connections and meaning between unrelated objects, things and facts creating a clustering illusion.
This is known as Apophenia and is quite common on these threads when one makes statements that have no basis in actual fact.

I'll own up to being wrong on the date of the cross as I thought I remembered the show saying it was from 200-300 years old. If you say that didn't happen I'll have to take your word for it which is a scary thought. Funny you to mention Apophenia as some of ya'll nay sayers have a case of that as well... Prime example one of you keeps saying "the original 3 never dug a hole"... That sickness goes both ways as well so keep that in mind...

Who else would be casting a Templar Cross? Sure now a days you can probably buy one as a souvenir somewhere, but it's not cast with 200 year old metal...
It is NOT a Templar cross

I guess most are calling it a medieval cross that apparently has ties to the Templars. Is that better.
Here is an exerpt from a summary of Season 6 Episode 6 from when Tobias Stowronk tested the cross.

Tobias informs them that the lead used in the cross cannot be from North America, as the lead isotopes are related to European deposits. That’s the good news. The bad news is that he was not able to match the cross to any quarry within the 15th to 17th centuries.

But wait, there’s more! Astonishingly, Tobias thinks that the cross is pre-15th century which could mean that there is indeed a Templar connection.

n2mini, one can not just blindly accept a paid consulting expert on a TV program who "thinks" it is pre-15th century, especially after Professor McFarlane clearly stated he couldn't age the lead cross artifact.
There needs to be a verification outside of the TV program for that information to be accepted as fact.

I guess most are calling it a medieval cross that apparently has ties to the Templars. Is that better.
Here is an exerpt from a summary of Season 6 Episode 6 from when Tobias Stowronk tested the cross.

Tobias informs them that the lead used in the cross cannot be from North America, as the lead isotopes are related to European deposits. That’s the good news. The bad news is that he was not able to match the cross to any quarry within the 15th to 17th centuries.

But wait, there’s more! Astonishingly, Tobias thinks that the cross is pre-15th century which could mean that there is indeed a Templar connection.
I fail to see how the Templars are related to that cross
why not the Hospitalers, or maybe the lead came from an old piece of European stained glass window. There are any number of scenaios which are more plausible than Templars.

I give up talking about the cross at this point. There is no reasoning with ya'll. First you say there is no proof of a date and then when I give you one you claim it is a lie..The same article mentions it having connections with the Templars. I'm not sure how or why as I don't care. Again, I go find info to back up claims and to dispute what some are saying and no one wants to accept it..Any info we get about anything they find will come thru the tv show so I guess you will never accept anything info they get on anything..

I give up talking about the cross at this point. There is no reasoning with ya'll. First you say there is no proof of a date and then when I give you one you claim it is a lie..The same article mentions it having connections with the Templars. I'm not sure how or why as I don't care. Again, I go find info to back up claims and to dispute what some are saying and no one wants to accept it..Any info we get about anything they find will come thru the tv show so I guess you will never accept anything info they get on anything..
Try to think this one out if you can
the Templars did not have the means to which to reach North America, or even Nova Scotia
the Templar narrative only serves to support the wild claims of treasure on OI and feed the gullible sheeple

How do you know they didn't have the "means" to make the trip. Are you talking the money to buy a boat or pay someone to bring them, or the knowledge to build a boat, or the knowledge to navigate, or what...

As with Franklin's claim of 6th century Welsh crossing the Atlantic to mine copper and tin, there were no ships able of making that Atlantic voyage in the 6th as well as the 14th century. It was about 130 years after the Templar Order ended when vessels capable of that crossing were built.

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