1. Coconut fibre. Where did the Knights Templar coming from Europe, get all the coconut fibre?
My opinion is that the Knights Templar were not the Depositors of Oak Island.
The Coconut Fibre found on Oak Island was brought there by the Original Depositors from the Caribbean.
The Treasure entrusted to these Freemasons contained those of the Knights Templar's along with their own plunder.
My belief is that the numerous Carbon Dating of Plant Materials at Oak Island is erroneous due to Radioactive Waste Contamination.
This contamination is being caused by Canada's Radioactive Barrel Dump Site leakage located off Oak Island's Shore.
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2. A concrete vault. Did pirates use concrete? The KT brought all of the materials with them to make this?
The smart Pirates did!
Concrete has been used back to 700BC.
The biggest discovery for Concrete was Hydraulic Lime...a mixture which enabled the setting of Concrete even under water.
Invented by the Freemason John Smeaton in 1756.
John Smeaton was a civil engineer, good friend of Benjamin Franklin and co-member in the The
Lunar Society of Birmingham.
In my research...he was the Engineer for the Depositor's construction on Oak Island.
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3. The infamous "lead cross". This reminds me of the famous story where archaeologists in New England had dated the stones, thought the structures were evidence of Pre-European contact, not realizing the structures were built with ballast stones from ships.
When the Royal Navy Freemasons sacked the French and Spanish Jesuit's Cathedral at Havana, they took with them their Treasure and Holy artifacts.
I believe one may have been this relic!
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