Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

If we're going to get technical, just because there is no proof that any of that happened that does not mean that it didn't, correct? Some of it is more far fetched then others of course... If a country or group of people where going to hid something of value you wouldn't let everyone in on it would you? Only a choice few people would have known about it and maybe they did write about it and it either got destroyed in transit or just has never been found for others to read about it...

Just because it has never been read some where that any of that did happen, doesn't mean that it didn't, and just because something is in writing doesn't make it fact..

All of the fiction writers will need to reassess due to the billy the kid implications regarding oak island. I have yet to see a history channel show based on this aspect yet....

I am still waiting for the connection to be made between Oak Island and the KGC...you know its coming...

... just because there is no proof that any of that happened that does not mean that it didn't, correct? ...
Quotes from Sherlock Holmes as written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:
"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
"Eliminate all other facts, and the one which remains must be the truth".
"There is nothing more deceptive that an obvious fact".

When there is NO Proof that any group or person buried treasure on Oak Island or that an alleged imagined treasure was ever recovered, and once all the nonsense speculation is eliminated, that which is an obvious fact, becomes the truth.

I am still waiting for the connection to be made between Oak Island and the KGC...you know its coming...

I knew it ! ! !

The KGC got the Templar Treasure ! ! !

I think in episode 21,575 part B they find a piece of evidence of that with a side scan sonar pulse BBS metal detector...

in the swamp... in the 2 foot area that was the only spot left unchecked by detectors on the island.


At the time of the Oak Island Treasure when the three boys say they found where the shaft was located or the "Money Pit" There were scores of stories in newspapers all over New England about "Captain Kids Treasure"
Several swindle jobs were pulled up in Pennsylvania and all along the Jersey and New York Coast Line.
When the Oak Island Treasure story started out it was a treasure of "Captain Kids" over the years it has progressed into every treasure that has ever been lost or buried and some that never happened at all.

Just maybe there was no treasure to start with at Oak Island...

Quotes from Sherlock Holmes as written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:
"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
"Eliminate all other facts, and the one which remains must be the truth".
"There is nothing more deceptive that an obvious fact".

When there is NO Proof that any group or person buried treasure on Oak Island or that an alleged imagined treasure was ever recovered, and once all the nonsense speculation is eliminated, that which is an obvious fact, becomes the truth.

So now your taking quotes from Sherlock, who is a fictional person and you assume these "quotes" are the gospel to which all myths, theories, possibilities are judged by...going forward and backwards it seems, since the Money Pit pre-dates the Sherlock Holmes stories.. Yeah this sounds exactly like what some of ya'll nay sayers are always throwing around... Sherlocks "quotes" can not answer for the possibility that the treasure was found years ago. Approx. 100 years before his "quotes"

The quotes are prime examples of deductive reasoning which are accepted methods of solutions, whether authored through the voice of a fictional character or not, and yes can be applied to analyzing all "myths, theories, possibilities" and random speculative nonsense that some post as "fact" on these threads.
...As for "going forward and backwards" how about a spin on the turntable of the Yardbirds "Over Under Sideways Down" which is about as relevant to this discussion as your "naysayer" familiar colloquial ramblings.

I have aways spoken in maybe this and maybe that as I don't what happened on the island years ago. My nay sayer comments are for folks like you and Mr. Wonder who think everything you say is a FACT. I'm just saying it is not. You have no proof.. Just like the belivers on here have no proof of what happened 200-300 years ago either.. The only thing we know for certain is we have not seen any treasure to be found on the island.. I agree with that whole heartily.. I'm asking you to agree that we don't know if someone found the treasure years ago. Can you admit that it MIGHT have happened??? Just maybe..
I've been searching my Bugs Bunny quotes to see if any of his might apply here. Looking into Yosemite Sam next. He has to have some good quotes I can use..

Your deductive reasoning theory can not account for something already being found.. It just can't. If you believe that it is that is what I call "closed mind" thinking in that your mind is already made up and you will not even listen to anything that goes against your thinking. I know there is a technical term for that but don't have time to look it up.. I'm sure you know all about it so I'll wait for you to tell me about it..

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Apparantly we shouldn't be discussing Oak Island on Treasurenet as it seems to be, for some, a religion.

Call me Thomas . . . the Doubter.

... You have no proof.. Just like the belivers on here have no proof ...
The only thing we know for certain is we have not seen any treasure to be found on the island.. I agree with that whole heartily.. I'm asking you to agree that we don't know if someone found the treasure years ago.
Can you admit that it MIGHT have happened?

Your deductive reasoning theory can not account for something already being found.. It just can't. If you believe that it is that is what I call "closed mind" thinking in that your mind is already made up and you will not even listen to anything that goes against your thinking...
How can one admit to something that has NO supporting evidence, proof, or documentation that it ever happened?
What actually has "already been found" that has been verified that conclusively proves that a treasure was ever buried on Oak Island?
As for one's mind being "already being made up" and "closed", look no further that your mirror.
'Nuff Said. :thumbsup:

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Dear N2mini,

If I make the claim: "Yesterday a Martian sat in the very chair I am sitting in now". And also make the claim: "Yesterday a Martian did not sit in the very chair I am sitting in now."

Because you cannot prove or dispove either claim does NOT make both claims equally viable.

The "nay sayers" who deny Martians DO have an easier job to doubt than the "suckers" who accept it as true because it hasn't been proven false . . . yet. Because there is no basis to assume Martians have interplanitary travel or even exist as a life form.

Yes and No do not have equal weight in your "might have been treasure" argument. Who's treasure? What treasure? Why [bury] treasure? When treasure[was buried]? Where treasure? How treasure?

You're zero for six.

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... I know there is a technical term for that but don't have time to look it up..
I'm sure you know all about it so I'll wait for you to tell me about it..
Yes, it it called apophenia, which is a tendency to mistakenly perceive connections and meanings between unrelated items, coincidences, and things creating a clustering illusion belief, on which your "naysayer" premise is based.

So now your taking quotes from Sherlock, who is a fictional person and you assume these "quotes" are the gospel to which all myths, theories, possibilities are judged by...going forward and backwards it seems, since the Money Pit pre-dates the Sherlock Holmes stories."

Side soiree: the fictional character "Sherlock Holmes" was based on an actual person. Dr. Joseph Bell of the College of Surgeons in the UK. He was acknowloged to be the "father" of forensic science and every bit as clever and amazing for his observation and analysis as the Conan-Doyle character that came later.

BUT AT THE END OF THE DAY AND OR THE BEGINNING, NONE OF THIS MATTERS IF A TREASURE WAS FOUND YEARS AGO BY ANYONE ON THE ISLAND.... Doesn't matter who found it or who left it... Are ya'll not willing to admit to that? Yes or no answer only please... or do ya'll believe as Mr. Wonder that there never was a Money Pit to begin with.. Keep in mind that the MP was just a hole dug by 3 guys regardless if there is or was a treasure in it.. Again a yes or no answer only to "Do you believe as Mr. Wonder that there never was a MP" ?

Side soiree: the fictional character "Sherlock Holmes" was based on an actual person. Dr. Joseph Bell of the College of Surgeons in the UK. He was acknowloged to be the "father" of forensic science and every bit as clever and amazing for his observation and analysis as the Conan-Doyle character that came later.

That doesn't make him know everything that has ever happened on OI, or apparently every where in the world before and after his life.. I guess ya'll gracefully refer to Sherlock Holmes/Conan-Dolye/Dr. Joseph Bell as GOD....

Yes, it it called apophenia, which is a tendency to mistakenly perceive connections and meanings between unrelated items, coincidences, and things creating a clustering illusion belief, on which your "naysayer" premise is based.

All I have ever said is there is the possibility there is or was treasure there and it may have been or has not been found. Not sure how I qualify as having apophenia. I'm open minded in my thinking that anything is possible.. Why couldn't there be treasure on OI, just as there could be on any island... I'm just trying to get ya'll nay sayers to own up to the possibility there is or was a MP ever dug and or a possibility there is or was treasure on the island.. Ya'll speak as if it is a fact that there is no treasure and has never been and you just don't know that for a fact. No way you can.. It's highly improbable and yes we have no news it has ever happened, but I'm not "closed minded" to think it is not possible...

Dear N2mini,

If I make the claim: "Yesterday a Martian sat in the very chair I am sitting in now". And also make the claim: "Yesterday a Martian did not sit in the very chair I am sitting in now."

Because you cannot prove or dispove either claim does NOT make both claims equally viable.

I will lean on the side of "yesterday a Martian did not sit in the very chair you are sitting in now". (hmmm "Martian" is auto capped... now that is interesting)

Because it makes sense... MORE sense than a 100 foot pit that was dug with booby traps on a remote island that history forgot to mention and eyewitnesses / participants of this said pit dig seem to be non-existent... even in lore's / tales / etc.

The martian sitting in the chair seems almost comparable :)


And yet, I remain open minded enough that when evidence appears we have to re-evaluate the situation.


Statistically speaking your chances of being killed by a sheep within the next 24 hours are slight . . . but never zero.

NEVER zero.

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And yet, I remain open minded enough that when evidence appears we have to re-evaluate the situation.


Statistically speaking your chances of being killed by a sheep within the next 24 hours are slight . . . but never zero.

NEVER zero.
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That is just it. However slight the possibility it is NEVER ZERO which is all I have been saying this whole week. There is that slight chance that there is or was a treasure on OI. Ya'll say no way can't happen.. and I have been asking why?? Heck could be treasure in my back yard who knows!!!!! RIGHT but for some of you to say there NEVER way a MP that is complete false. Any hole the original 3 dug is/was the MP.. Regardless of how deep or what was in it... That is a FACT... They did not call it The Money Pit that came years later from others...but they were refering to the hole those guys dug...

Statistically never zero. That does not change the facts. The fact treasure existed is either a binary 1 or 0. 100% chance of one or the other. I go with zero as it is the Occam's Razor choice of the two.

Of the 365 islands in Malone Bay (I looked it up) there is presumably something about Oak Island that would make it a likely choice. Aside from marks on a tree limb that might have been caused by a rope over a slight depression in the ground; noticed in 1795 but first written about in 1840 (as I recall from other threads).

I'll grant you that statistically Oak Island has as much chance of having had treasure buried there as do any of the other islands in Malone Bay.

I'm not saying you have to agree. This thread is about our hypotheses on Oak Island. Mine happens to be: Nada. Zip. Never happened. Natural glacial sump filled with debris and soil.

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