Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

... I'm just trying to get ya'll naysayers to own up to the possibility there is or was a MP ever dug and or a possibility there is or was treasure on the island...
You constantly are consistent with posting the same question over and over to those you label "naysayers" over and over expecting a different answer from what has been answered many times over.
There is a technical term for one who keeps repeating the same action over and over and expecting different results.

but ya'll never directly answer my questions so I keep asking trying to get an answer. Just as none of ya'll answered if you believe the 3 guys ever dug a hole... Mr. Wonder is on record as saying there never was a MP yet he won't anyswer my question either...Just as your haven't either. Ya'll just go on to something else which I take as you don't want to have to admit that I'm correct in what I'm asking about.

Go to my post above 2854 and give your answers as I asked, along with Mr. WONDER, AND CHARLIE P and I'll quit asking it...

I answered. I think that since 1795 folks have been pawing around at a natural glacial doline/sinkhole. No money in that pit, now or ever. But the area has been so repeatedly trashed we will now never know for sure.

See instead of just saying yes there was a MP you have to throw in other comments to deflect your answer to my question..and you didn't answer as to whether it is possible that the treasure has already been found..which would make the last 150-250 years or so of searching a waste of time.

I know you don't believe there ever was a treasure but that doesn't mean there never was..Do you agree with that statement.

...Go to my post above 2854 and give your answers as I asked, along with Mr. WONDER, AND CHARLIE P and I'll quit asking it...
I have given my answer many times over, its not my fault that you refuse to accept it and keep asking expecting a different result.

Oak Island is claimed to be one of the most “Haunted” areas in Canada…Possibly the World!
With Halloween right around the corner, it may be prudent to investigate these claims.
The Island has had many deaths and secret burials due to plagues, violence and tragic accidents and if these truths were revealed…”would make your blood run cold”...
N2mini, it would be prudent indeed for you to investigate these claims of secret burial holes on Oak Island that may well be haunted.
'Nuff Said!

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See instead of just saying yes there was a MP you have to throw in other comments to deflect your answer to my question..and you didn't answer as to whether it is possible that the treasure has already been found..which would make the last 150-250 years or so of searching a waste of time.

I know you don't believe there ever was a treasure but that doesn't mean there never was..Do you agree with that statement.

That's a silly hypothetical circular argument. It's possible I gave you a different answer in a parallel universe, isn't it? It's possible that Stonenehge was originally erected on Oak Island and they later mover it to Salisbury. Do you agree?

Belief has nothing to do with whether anything was there was or not.

I have no reason to believe a treasure was ever there. But yes, though there is a total lack of evicence someone may have had gold, jems, silver, works of Shakespeare, Excaliber, Mjölnir, or the Cup of Christ on Oak Island at some time. Or any place in Canada. Oak Island has nothing to convince me such things would have been placed there as opposed to ANYPLACE else on earth. And IF there were such things it would only make sense someone came and got them before now.

A $200,000 Caterpillar Diesel Excavator would be fabulous to turn into cash and I could call that valuable.

I'm going to to do like a lot of others on here and just quit trying to talk to you. As I have said many times over all I'm trying to do is get the nay sayers to quit talking as if everything you say is a fact. When it's not. I have always said I don't know if there is treasure on there or not and if it was it could still be there or maybe it was found years ago. MOST of ya'll nay sayers come on here and say nope never is or was a treasure on OI as if that is a fact and it's just not.. Granted there is no way to prove it either way so there for it can't be proven as a fact either way though it is possible however so slight it.. Now some of you are ( maybe just one, others have failed to answer the question ) claiming there never ever was a MP that the guys were drunks and just had to tell their parents a story as to why they are coming home late. Again they say this as if it is a fact and it is NOT. Granted I can't prove they ever did dig a hole but no one other then some on here ever deny they did dig a hole...
I'll now leave ya'll to B&^% and moan about something ya'll claim not to believe in yet keep up with every note, post, tidbit of info, shows, books, theory, etc etc I guess ya'll never believed that Forest Fenn hid a treasure either? Again no one seems to be able to prove it, but it is possible he did and someone claims to have found it.

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Have no real reason to doubt he did just what he said he did.

Forrest Fen was a person. (#1 - who)

He took images of what he says was the treasure. (#2 - what)

Forrest Fenn was alive when he "says" he hid it (specifically in 2010). - (#3 - when)

He claimed it was "in the Rocky Mountains." (#4 - where)

He did it for publicity and to sell his book. (#5 - why)

Can you come up with anything similar for Oak Island? All I see is #4 - where.

I'll play along for S&^%s and giggles.. This isn't going to go how you want it to..

Everybody that has come to OI is a Person. Did they bury a treasure? (1)
First photograph ever was in approx. 1827 or so and everyday cameras would not be produced for years. So no pics even if they wanted to (2)
Yes, I'm going to say it. If they did bury a treasure they were alive when they did so. (3)
We know what island it claims to be on ( 4)
To most likely come back for it or for others to do so (5)

and you are aware there is a faction of folks who do not believe in the Fenn Treasure at all and think it was all a hoax and he or someone he knows has fabricated the few partial pics of the found treasure...

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... Not sure how I qualify as having apophenia...
Start by reading your above post, then read the rest of your obsessive endless questioning posts to certain TN members from the last four pages expecting different results, my friend.

I'll play along for S&^%s and giggles.. This isn't going to go how you want it to..

Everybody that has come to OI is a Person. Did they bury a treasure? (1)
First photograph ever was in approx. 1827 or so and everyday cameras would not be produced for years. So no pics even if they wanted to (2)
Yes, I'm going to say it. If they did bury a treasure they were alive when they did so. (3)
We know what island it claims to be on ( 4)
To most likely come back for it or for others to do so (5)

I'm never sure when you are serious; but.

1.) With F. Fenn we have a name of an individual. Someone specific and known to exist. Not "anybody" or "everybody". Or, you know, "Them."
2.) Don't even need a photograph. Oak Island there is not even a vague description of what may be buried there. A letter? Ship's manifest? Crayon drawing on a napkin? Though Zena Halpern's Cremona "treasure map" that Scott Wolter was shown a copy of almost counted . . . until it was totally discredited by . . . Scott Wolter and Donald Ruh (the one time owner) as a modern fantasy work by Bill Jackson and the map was never associated with the document until Ms. Halpern published them together and tried to sell the story to networks and publishers.
3.) You say "yes", but do not have any idea of when prior to 1795 it is proposed to have happened.
4.) Will give you the location of Oak Island as ground zero. Though just because that's this sub-forum topic.
5.) I cannot think of a single reason anyone would bury something they wanted back any deeper than 25 feet - unless it was in a pre-existing cave or mine. Not aware of any historical precedent for that. Too much work and too much time required to retrieve it. Tombs are that deep or deeper BECAUSE no one is supposed to disturb them.

I'm not just showing up to be a "nay sayer". I'm hoping something of historical significance WILL show up at Oak Island. But so far it's nothing but disappointments and a cheezy TV Series that could have run in 22 minutes to date. I watched seasons 2 and 3 and then found other things to do with my time. This site is MUCH more entertaining and interesting.

...Everybody that has come to OI is a Person. Did they bury a treasure? (...
As for fictional characters, who were "everybody that has come to OI"?
...and what was the fictional treasure "everybody" brought to OI to bury"
Time for you, n2mini, to do some answering, including the earlier question concerning items found on OI that serve as evidence of treasure buried treasure instead of your constant ephemeral gossamer groping for answers from others.
So far NO legitimate academic, historian, or archaeologists has ever verified or documented anything that confirms anything considered as treasure buried on Oak Island.

Start by reading your above post, then read the rest of your obsessive endless questioning posts to certain TN members from the last four pages expecting different results, my friend.

Where are your answers to my 2854 Post? I've already asked this one time of you, Mr Wonder and Charlie P ( who for the most part answered, Mr Wonder has dropped out of the convo apparently after saying the 3 guys were drunks and never dug a hole ) and you never answered so don't think you will here which is why I keep asking the same thing and yet you think I'm trying to get a different answer, I'm just trying to get a simple answer to my questions that you keep avoiding for some reason or another and then get perturbed at me when I ask them again.. Do you believe there ever was a Money Pit Dug? This is a real easy one as your not admitting to anything other then they dug a freaking hole yet you haven't answered it.. Is it possible "IF" there was a treasure ever buried on OI that it has already been found. it's pretty simple really just to answer yes or no too. I know this 2nd one is a vague question and apparently goes against everything you and sherlock believe in... YES, I get a kick out of busting your *&^% for not answering 2 questions that don't make you need to go to confessional about afterwards regardless of how you answer them...

Let's please keep it civil and by our rules.

FYI Substituting charters for letters to by pass site censor on language STILL violates our rules.

As for fictional characters, who were "everybody that has come to OI"?
...and what was the fictional treasure "everybody" brought to OI to bury"
Time for you, n2mini, to do some answering, including the earlier question concerning items found on OI that serve as evidence of treasure buried treasure instead of your constant ephemeral gossamer groping for answers from others.
So far NO legitimate academic, historian, or archaeologists has ever verified or documented anything that confirms anything considered as treasure buried on Oak Island.

Are you saying that the people who have traveled to OI are not actually people? I have NEVER said there is treasure on the island. Just there is the possbility..and that it if ever there has already been found.. In typical nay sayer fashion you are fabricating things that I'm not saying but say it as if a fact that I did. Which I haven't...

Yes Virginia...There is a Santa Claus...He Is Scheduled To Arrive...December 24th!


Yes...All Naysayers...There will be a Season 8 of "The Curse Of Oak Island".

It is set to premier November 10th at 9'oclock Eastern!


Dust off that arm chair...get the popcorn ready and Naysayers...start practicing your groans and patting all your comrades on their backs.

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