Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

All the answers to what? I have one answer; but is that is there really isn't a question.

27 (maybe 28) groups have tossed, tunneled, drilled and strip mined the island since the beginning of the 19th century and the consensus is that it is a waste of time and effort to dig on Oak Island.(*)

Satisfies my curiosity. Any real historical evidence has been destroyed. I'd rather see a documentary on an archeological dig at historical site.

(*) Note: A waste of TV time - but that itself is marketable to the kind of folks who watch "reality" TV. That proved to be a marketable resource P.T.Barnum could only have dreamed of.

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... The forum obviously prefers the unreasoned to the reasoned, the unstructured to the structured, the untutored to the tutored, and good luck to you all with that.
Why Oak Island as a depository for treasure?
With all the various theories in WHO buried treasure on Oak Island, no one has provided the reason as to WHY this location.
So far every premise begins with the fallacious belief that a treasure WAS buried on Oak Island.
There exists NO actual basis for this premise beyond the repeated hearsay of the original finder of the pit.
All the statements made concern treasure with totally unstructured reasoning which obviously reveal a dire need of tutoring in the logic of deductive reasoning.

This has Oak Island ...... gone on too long. I propose everyone here kick in $5 and we can send Casper and his CZ-21 up there and once and for all clean house!!!

I was thinking someone with a digital camera and two "L" rods and a "Long Range Locator" full of interwired but useless components ought to clean up. But since a map diviner hasn't pinpointed where to dig and the secret NASA satellites that can detect to 300 feet underground are unavailable to most of us . . . lets go dig quarters at fairgrounds and come out ahead of the Lagainas.

If only we had a sucker TV audience and sponsors.

Why Oak Island as a depository for treasure?
With all the various theories in WHO buried treasure on Oak Island, no one has provided the reason as to WHY this location.
So far every premise begins with the fallacious belief that a treasure WAS buried on Oak Island.
There exists NO actual basis for this premise beyond the repeated hearsay of the original finder of the pit.
All the statements made concern treasure with totally unstructured reasoning which obviously reveal a dire need of tutoring in the logic of deductive reasoning.

Read my posts on this Thread and you will discover the...Why!

Read my posts on this Thread and you will discover the...Why!

Still, your "why" lacks solid confirming support or proof.
Just another theory with a speculative premise based on pure imaginative interpretation of history.

Every one knows billy the kid stole the oak island treasure and buried it in the superstition mountains......

That theory is as factual as anything put forth by purveyors of fiction....

Wasn't one of the kid's partners named Bobby Dazzler?

My "Theory" has the 18th Century Freemasons burying all the "Treasures" entrusted to them over Centuries: Shakespeare's manuscripts, Francis Bacon's written knowledge, Historical documents, Knights Templar treasures, and the gold, silver, and jewels from the sacking of Havana.
...and how and when did these alleged 18th Century Freemasons gain possession of "all the "Treasures" entrusted to them over the Centuries" considering that the Freemasons in the 18th century were barely 30 years old as an organization?
...and, of course, WHY Oak Island as their chosen treasure depository?

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Since Im sitting here with nothing to do, bored and eating my lunch before going out to metal detect this evening, I decided to wade into this thread with a opinion of my own. First, I look at things from the practical side, it is very evident that SOMEONE constructed very elaborate water/booby traps and some sort of burial chamber for something. There is evidence of this to be sure. There have been some artifacts recovered from these "holes" that suggest that certain material, not natural to the Island (like a piece of gold chain) lay deep down, the issues seems to be of what quantity and of what value, for practicallity seems to suggest why would anyone go to such trouble and expense for no reason?

Now here is my issue with the whole OI debacle. It seems to me that RECOVERY would be a simple equasion. Dig a hole where the drill brought up EVIDENCE of buried man made material. DIg a BIGGGGG HOLE, then use a coffer dam process and pump out any water. Go back to the 1800's and the early 1900's when men were building the brooklyn brodge, the Golden gate bridge, THE HAMPTON ROADES BRIDGE TUNNEL, don't stop there, look at Boulder Dam.

So you mean to tell me that in the 1800's with period techology man can build supports for a massive bridge in a river and these guys can't go down a few hundred feet ON DRY LAND with a hole?....C'mon.

Im starting to think these people Don't want to find what ever is down there, as there is more money in running the TV series from season to season with plenty of fat sponsor contracts. Or perhaps, just perhaps, they already figured out there IS NO TREASURE, but lets keep the myth alive, season after TV season

How big a hole would satisfy you? In the mid 1960's Dunfield went down 140 ft and only found evidence of prior searcher's holes (Chappel and Heddon) and no man-made chambers.


Since Im sitting here with nothing to do, bored and eating my lunch before going out to metal detect this evening, I decided to wade into this thread with a opinion of my own. First, I look at things from the practical side, it is very evident that SOMEONE constructed very elaborate water/booby traps and some sort of burial chamber for something. There is evidence of this to be sure. There have been some artifacts recovered from these "holes" that suggest that certain material, not natural to the Island (like a piece of gold chain) lay deep down, the issues seems to be of what quantity and of what value, for practicallity seems to suggest why would anyone go to such trouble and expense for no reason?

Now here is my issue with the whole OI debacle. It seems to me that RECOVERY would be a simple equasion. Dig a hole where the drill brought up EVIDENCE of buried man made material. DIg a BIGGGGG HOLE, then use a coffer dam process and pump out any water. Go back to the 1800's and the early 1900's when men were building the brooklyn brodge, the Golden gate bridge, THE HAMPTON ROADES BRIDGE TUNNEL, don't stop there, look at Boulder Dam.

So you mean to tell me that in the 1800's with period techology man can build supports for a massive bridge in a river and these guys can't go down a few hundred feet ON DRY LAND with a hole?....C'mon.

Im starting to think these people Don't want to find what ever is down there, as there is more money in running the TV series from season to season with plenty of fat sponsor contracts. Or perhaps, just perhaps, they already figured out there IS NO TREASURE, but lets keep the myth alive, season after TV season

It would not behoove the Laginas to find the treasure. The value of the island would plummet should they try to sell it

How big a hole would satisfy you? In the mid 1960's Dunfield went down 140 ft and only found evidence of prior searcher's holes (Chappel and Heddon) and no man-made chambers.

View attachment 1869752

Dunfield dug a big V shaped hole, on the WRONG side of the Hedd0n and Chappel shafts, every clam bucket full of soil he excavated from the V took him farther away from the prize.

Id put my money on the cave in pit, Im not aware of any exploration /drilling there .... I wonder if the old woman got her oxen out of the hole ..........

The Hedden and Chappel shafts were exposed in one of Dunfield's pits. Second image below.

Hedden on the left, Chappel on the right.


Oh Charlie...Stop Beating A Dead Horse!

The Hedden and Chappel shafts were exposed in one of Dunfield's pits. Second image below.

Hedden on the left, Chappel on the right.

View attachment 1869821

Beating a dead horse.webp

Show me where Hedden got below a 100 feet deep that he could analysis?

Show me where anyone found anything. ;-)

This horse has been beat since 1795 and has yet to produce anything. Don't blame me. My hypothesis is that there is not now nor has there ever been anything buried by man in that pit, 10X , Heddens, Chappels or any other dig, pit shaft or well. How can I show you the nothing that is on Oak Island?

Here. It looks like the sample below (but without the underscore).


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Since Im sitting here with nothing to do, bored and eating my lunch before going out to metal detect this evening, I decided to wade into this thread with a opinion of my own. First, I look at things from the practical side, it is very evident that SOMEONE constructed very elaborate water/booby traps and some sort of burial chamber for something. There is evidence of this to be sure. There have been some artifacts recovered from these "holes" that suggest that certain material, not natural to the Island (like a piece of gold chain) lay deep down, the issues seems to be of what quantity and of what value, for practicallity seems to suggest why would anyone go to such trouble and expense for no reason?

Now here is my issue with the whole OI debacle. It seems to me that RECOVERY would be a simple equasion. Dig a hole where the drill brought up EVIDENCE of buried man made material. DIg a BIGGGGG HOLE, then use a coffer dam process and pump out any water. Go back to the 1800's and the early 1900's when men were building the brooklyn brodge, the Golden gate bridge, THE HAMPTON ROADES BRIDGE TUNNEL, don't stop there, look at Boulder Dam.

So you mean to tell me that in the 1800's with period techology man can build supports for a massive bridge in a river and these guys can't go down a few hundred feet ON DRY LAND with a hole?....C'mon.

Im starting to think these people Don't want to find what ever is down there, as there is more money in running the TV series from season to season with plenty of fat sponsor contracts. Or perhaps, just perhaps, they already figured out there IS NO TREASURE, but lets keep the myth alive, season after TV season

There has never been any evidence discovered of water/booby traps, flood tunnels, oak platforms, or a 90 foot stone. All were stories made up by folks seeking investors who believed the fictional stories told to them. Longest running hoax in history.

The only items ever found were common items typical with human habitation over the years. Only items found during digging were items from the previous diggers looking for a treasure. Even Dan Blankenship let it slip during the fictional curse of oak island show that there was never a treasure there.

Even here folks continue to post fictional information and stories. Never once has anything been found or credible evidence submitted.

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Only part that does and or could wreak your post is it was the original 3 guys that claimed there were the oak platforms before they had investors and they also claim to have found some treasure. Granted no way to prove this but no way to disprove it either... and at the end of the day it is this story that has lead all the ones that followed to continue the search and it is quite possible the original 3 found all there ever was.. I believe that is why 2 of them left the island for the most part to never return while one of them believed there was more to be found and bought land on the island and helped others in their searches... There is also the Samual Ball story who some how became wealthy after coming to the island and growing cabbage.. Who knew there was riches to be had from cabbage farming....

Only part that does and or could wreak your post is it was the original 3 guys that claimed there were the oak platforms before they had investors and they also claim to have found some treasure. Granted no way to prove this but no way to disprove it either... and at the end of the day it is this story that has lead all the ones that followed to continue the search and it is quite possible the original 3 found all there ever was.. I believe that is why 2 of them left the island for the most part to never return while one of them believed there was more to be found and bought land on the island and helped others in their searches... There is also the Samual Ball story who some how became wealthy after coming to the island and growing cabbage.. Who knew there was riches to be had from cabbage farming....

The three boys were covering for their late night drinking spree. The boys provided no credible artifacts or documentation to back up their fictional story. Samuel Ball or many others who lived on the island could have generated wealth in a multitude of ways but none of it came from a fictional treasure. the curse of oak island uses ball as a prop in an attempt to keep folks watching. I have not seen evidence of a wealthy ball. No large houses or mansions. Perhaps he was just a little better off than the rest of the island's inhabitants and thus they considered him "rich".

Other than fictional tales, we are all still waiting for someone to provide a SINGLE shred of evidence that anything ever existed on oak island besides garbage from normal human habitation.....

Guess the boys/men drank alot to keep going back over there and digging for weeks/months and so on... Who where the boys supposed to show to prove the oak platforms were there. I'd think once they finally asked for help those people saw them. Not like anyone was documenting all this for a book deal or TV series.. No way to prove what they did, or what they found, or didn't find of course.. I personally believe it makes for a great story and yes I want to believe in it. I get frustrated with the show at times but enjoy it for the historical value of it and yes I do wish they would find a treasure, same as I wish one of the teams on Gold Rush would truly hit the Mother Load one year...
SO, do you watch the show just so you can come on here and B&^%h and moan about.. YES we all know I can't prove any of it is true but also know you can't prove it's not either... Just because we haven't actually seen a treasure found on the show does not mean there isn't one there or that there wasn't ever one there and maybe it has already been found... No one can say if Samual Ball was wealthy at this point and time just as no one can say he wasn't either. If he did find some gold coins I'm sure with him being a black man he didn't want to bring attention to himself so he would not go running around town bragging about it.. All we have is stories that have been handed down over the years and I'm sure parts of them are true and parts have been exaggerated over the years..

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