Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

I guess you need to spell it out for me Franklin, I do not see any connection between Henry Sinclair, or the Knights Templar to the Catalan Atlas, or any of the other maps referenced in the article you have provided.
maybe I need one of those magic crystal skulls.

Benedict Arnold may have renovated Newport Tower but he nor his father or his father's father built the tower. It was built by Sir Henry Sinclair and the Knight's Templar.
Henry Sinclair and his band of Templars building the Newport Tower is but one of several alternative but unproven theories attributed to what most historian catalog as a Colonial grist mill constructed by the founders of Newport after splitting from Roger Williams Providence Plantation.
Other unproven speculated theories concerning the builders of the Newport Tower include the Vikings, sailors from Portugal, Chinese explorers, and built as an observatory by John Dee for an established secret Elizabethan colony 20 years before the arrival of the Pilgrims in Massachusetts.
None of these theories have been accepted as fact, and should be taken with an ever present grain of salt as there is no definitive evidence providing even the slightest proof supporting any of these theories.

So, the theory, presented as fact, that the Newport Tower was built by Henry Sinclair and his band of Knights Templars, has been proven to not be factual, thus, it moves from fact to opinion.
now an opinion is based upon evidence and needs to be at least probable.
it is looking more like this theory is mere fantasy.

Henry Sinclair and his band of Templars building the Newport Tower is but one of several alternative but unproven theories attributed to what most historian catalog as a Colonial grist mill constructed by the founders of Newport after splitting from Roger Williams Providence Plantation.
Other unproven speculated theories concerning the builders of the Newport Tower include the Vikings, sailors from Portugal, Chinese explorers, and built as an observatory by John Dee for an established secret Elizabethan colony 20 years before the arrival of the Pilgrims in Massachusetts.
None of these theories have been accepted as fact, and should be taken with an ever present grain of salt as there is no definitive evidence providing even the slightest proof supporting any of these theories.

If you look at the following map Topographical Chart of the Bay of Narraganset. Dated 1777 in center you can see it is marked shape with an x indicating windmill.Suggests possible the windmill may of still been in operation to at least 1777?

Here is a link of various hypothesis on the Newport tower.

The UnMuseum - Newport Tower


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Who cares? You can not judge people by singleing out certain parts of their work or life. I take people for who they are and what they do. I only look for what ever I am searching for. I never get judgemental.

Scott Wolter may provide a good read with his science and history are wrong fringe conspiracy theories that are purely speculation dressed with actual facts to support his speculation, and is NOT considered a reliable source of hard factual information.
What is factual, Wolter does hold a 1982 Bachelors Degree in Geology from the University of Minnesota-Duluth, what is NOT factual is his claim of receiving a 1987 HONORARY MASTERS DEGREE in Geology from UM-D, which easily be researched.
With such a flagrant "padding" of his alleged credentials to support his "forensic geology" analysis claims , and his embracing the
non factual speculative work of other self published fringe hidden history charlatans, Scott Wolter is NOT considered as an accurate source of historical fact, and should NOT be taken seriously.

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According to you no one should be taking seriously.

I take what is supported by actual facts seriously, NOT speculative theories that have no actual real support factual foundation beyond the proposers imaginative manipulation of forced fitted facts.

AS for Scott Wolter, if he is so cavalier with the simple truth concerning his educational credentials, what other historical research "truths" cavalierly color conclusions, casting serious doubt on all of his findings.
There is a difference between fanciful theories and actual accepted fact.

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Hi Does no matter what opinions of what Henry Sinclair did .Proving his Birth Marriage or Death from the original recording archives held by the British Register can only be used for a personal record and may not used in any other way or reason. The law is written on every issue. So even if you have this valid document you can not prove his existence . British can be so clever . TP

Hi Does no matter what opinions of what Henry Sinclair did .Proving his Birth Marriage or Death from the original recording archives held by the British Register can only be used for a personal record and may not used in any other way or reason. The law is written on every issue. So even if you have this valid document you can not prove his existence . British can be so clever . TP

What are you talking about?

What are you talking about?

Well clearly your method of research on the authentication of birth of Henry Sinclair gets challenged in a count of law and the Official Original Record which can only be attained from the British Registry can not be used , what are going to do ? A point of British Law . This applies to all persons known to existed whos berth was recorded in the UK . Someone said ,some wrote is not fact . As simply explain on the this Official Document . Don,t be rude You have no legal right of any kind in the United Kindom. ITS the Queen not Burger King .I do have another document about Templar treasure found in the middle East in WW 1 . With more that 200,000 official War records and photos .which clearly doesn't come to hear say. By the way why do you call British liars when clearly they have the largest medieval record collection in the world .British Library has 700 million items alone .So your Official Records are kept where ? TP

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Well clearly your method of research on the authentication of birth of Henry Sinclair gets challenged in a count of law and the Official Original Record which can only be attained from the British Registry can not be used , what are going to do ? A point of British Law . This applies to all persons known to existed whos berth was recorded in the UK . Someone said ,some wrote is not fact . As simply explain on the this Official Document . Don,t be rude You have no legal right of any kind in the United Kindom. ITS the Queen not Burger King .I do have another document about Templar treasure found in the middle East in WW 1 . With more that 200,000 official War records and photos .which clearly doesn't come to hear say. By the way why do you call British liars when clearly they have the largest medieval record collection in the world .British Library has 700 million items alone .So your Official Records are kept where ? TP

tinpan, I do not even know what you are talking about. Maybe you have been talking to someone else. I have no idea where you are coming from or where you are going with this. Where have I called British Liars? Please talk with someone else because this is the first time I have talked to you.

I take what is supported by actual facts seriously, NOT speculative theories that have no actual real support factual foundation beyond the proposers imaginative manipulation of forced fitted facts.

AS for Scott Wolter, if he is so cavalier with the simple truth concerning his educational credentials, what other historical research "truths" cavalierly color conclusions, casting serious doubt on all of his findings.
There is a difference between fanciful theories and actual accepted fact.

See my thinking is completely different. Where you judge someone by doing one wrong as everything they do or say is wrong. I always look for the "Truth" no matter how it may be hidden by untruths or that someone jay walked across the street. There is good and there is truth even among the worst of people. Not implying that Scott Wolter or anyone has done any wrong. I guess everyone has at sometime in their life?

Scott Wolter claiming to have a Honorary Degree in Geology from the University of Minnesota-Duluth is tantamount to a conman fraud, creating the illusion that this alleged lettered degree provides gravitas to his pronouncements of "history is wrong" and only he got it right.
If a person would misrepresent his credentials, why would anyone believe that he is not also misrepresenting the information he presents?
There is a real community of lettered academic in geology, history, and archaeology that dismiss Scott Wolter and his unsupported by actual fact theories as pure pulp alternative pseudo history nonsense.

See my thinking is completely different. Where you judge someone by doing one wrong as everything they do or say is wrong. I always look for the "Truth" no matter how it may be hidden by untruths or that someone jay walked across the street. There is good and there is truth even among the worst of people. Not implying that Scott Wolter or anyone has done any wrong. I guess everyone has at sometime in their life?

Your right franklin, people badmouth the man without even checking his own story on the subject! It happens everywhere, someone starts a vicious rumor about someone and it becomes fact, especially from those who are looking for a reason to discredit that person.

Cheers, Loki

Your right franklin, people badmouth the man without even checking his own story on the subject! It happens everywhere, someone starts a vicious rumor about someone and it becomes fact, especially from those who are looking for a reason to discredit that person.
Not a rumor, Loki.
The University of Minnesota-Duluth has never issued Scott Wolter a Honorary Degree in Geology in 1987, or in any other year.
This is very easy to verify with such basic research as a phone call to the University.
Back to the point being made-
If a man would misrepresent his credentials to make him appear to possess more knowledge than his targeted audience, what else is he misrepresenting in his delivered message?
At what point does fact become fiction in his message?
It is considered fruit from the poisoned tree.

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