Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

... I would agree with it, if it wasn't for what I posted below:....

Good job b3y0nd3r. I guess we could say that dmg-2016 was guilty of the logical fallacy of "correlation doesn't equal causation". Right ? Ie.: the fact that dmg-2016 can show a similarity (and hence, suggest an evolution in camp-fire stories), does not mean that ..... of necessity, that had-to-have happened. So he was careful to note phrase it as " ...seems to suggest that ... ", and ".... implies that ....." .

As I had anticipated in post # 1979: It won't be taken as evidence, and the legend still stands.

They have the tv ratings simply put because there is nothing else on tv to watch. Anyone likes to watch children play in the mud. There is no way they can prove, find or recover any treasure from beneath hundreds of feet of mud, boards rocks and trash that have been turned over and over. Now if they go surface hunting they may luck up and find treasure. Everything of value they have found has been with a metal detector. How much has been recovered by boring drilling and excavating absolutely ZERO. They may keep fans interested by going over old test that have been performed over the past 200 years but they will never recover any treasure. They have no documents, no locations nothing to tell them where any treasure is located. Now if they take that same equipment and dig up the beaches of Florida, they will find tons of gold and silver.

Good job b3y0nd3r. I guess we could say that dmg-2016 was guilty of the logical fallacy of "correlation doesn't equal causation". Right ? Ie.: the fact that dmg-2016 can show a similarity (and hence, suggest an evolution in camp-fire stories), does not mean that ..... of necessity, that had-to-have happened. So he was careful to note phrase it as " ...seems to suggest that ... ", and ".... implies that ....." .

As I had anticipated in post # 1979: It won't be taken as evidence, and the legend still stands.

I regret(seriously) to inform you, our dance is done on this subject. It was a convoluted and arduous debate resulting in two personality types that reached an impasse and could make no further headway. I'm sure other topic will be debated between us.

Great quote you found from the web :

....What we do know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that they were motivated to keep digging. If there was no flagstone, no platforms, no loose dirt and pick-ax marks along the walls of the pit, do you think they would have kept digging for a hundred feet? Just ask yourself the question, and let me remind you that these men were not retired or bored. They had families to feed and a lot of other hard work to be doing...

Let me address that this way, to use a real-life example:

There was some dude who bought either some sort of strange detector or LRL (I forget which exactly). After reading the instructions, he took it out in his yard to try it out. It gave an indication signal right in his yard ! So he began digging. The hole got bigger and bigger. But every time he'd turn the device back on to try again, he would keep indicating inside the hole. As if deeper. So he kept digging DEEPER. Convinced the device was telling him something was buried there.

Days went by, and he was now in over his head ! It got to where he couldn't continue with manual means, so he brought in some heavy equipment. At this point, neighbor's began to gawk. And the public works utility people were called. He was in some sort of violation of not getting permits (as this now constituted construction, or under-mining the street or sidewalk, or ... whatever. )

Whenever someone. his wife, etc... would ask him "Gee Bob, why are you digging this giant crater in your yard ?" He would just shoo them away. Fully convinced he was on to something big! The machine would beep or point or whatever each time he turned it on. Thus: Must mean treasure, eh ?

Eventually, the curious on-lookers, neighbors, city officials, etc... convinced him that ...... no ...... there was nothing there. And with tears in his eyes, he filled in this giant crater, worried that a treasure might have been "just out of his grasp".

Now ...... I hope you can see, that this guy was mistaken. I hope you can see that he was using the detector wrong (steel toed boots? etc...) or a magic wand LRL that was only snake oil in the first place, that simply tilts where you tilt it. In ANY case, that is an example of where .... yes ...... people can be UTTERLY convinced of a treasure, (even devoting their lives, calling in the media, hiring heavy equipment, etc...), where ........ truth be told: There was a more plausible explanation.

They have the tv ratings simply put because there is nothing else on tv to watch. Anyone likes to watch children play in the mud. There is no way they can prove, find or recover any treasure from beneath hundreds of feet of mud, boards rocks and trash that have been turned over and over. Now if they go surface hunting they may luck up and find treasure. Everything of value they have found has been with a metal detector. How much has been recovered by boring drilling and excavating absolutely ZERO. They may keep fans interested by going over old test that have been performed over the past 200 years but they will never recover any treasure. They have no documents, no locations nothing to tell them where any treasure is located. Now if they take that same equipment and dig up the beaches of Florida, they will find tons of gold and silver.

Hmmm. Maybe. Maybe not :)

Not to mention when there are investors to satisfy and a contract for x number of minutes of footage to film per working season. You have to turn in something to keep teachers happy.

I fast forward the shows when they come to something they have already filmed in another show. I can watch the entire show in less than 3 to 5 minutes.

Tom & b3y0nd3r, I understand where you are both coming from now on the topic. Tom, taking another look at my argument, I agree it’s a fallacious argument; however, I think there still is a point to be made from it, but it needs be reworked in order to be logically sound. But the fact is no matter how I try to rework the argument, it cannot disprove the OI Legend. In one of my next posts, I will provide an alternative interpretation of the 1790 letter from a believers perspective. I am of the belief that in order to fully understand something you need to examine it from all angles.

Below are few interesting links about Dr. David Lynds, a member of the Onslow and Truro Syndicates (Edited):

*Use Ctrl F and search "Lynds"

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..... the fact is no matter how I try to rework the argument, it cannot disprove the OI Legend....

Yes. And the same can be said of ANY element, fact, point, data, etc.... that a skeptic tries to provide. There will ALWAYS be a workable "end-run" around them. Some way in which the legend *could* still be possible. Eg.: given enough slaves, enough years, enough conspiratorial reasons, etc.....

..... Although it is true that most people would not go to such lengths to deceive their family, you can find stories scatted throughout history where people have done some very deceitful things to their own family. ...

dmg-2016, don't forget, that "deceit", "lying", "faked", etc... Don't have to be the cause of these things. A person can/could be totally sincere. Totally believing in what they propose & advance & do. Hence they would not be: "lying", "faking", "deceiving", etc..... In their mind's eyes, the story and their efforts and their money-raising can all be noble, good, meritorious, worthy, true, etc.... Yet they could, as we know, be totally mistaken.

Hello dmg2016...And Welcome To The Show!

Tom & b3y0nd3r, I understand where you are both coming from now on the topic. Tom, taking another look at my argument, I agree it’s a fallacious argument; however, I think there still is a point to be made from it, but it needs be reworked in order to be logically sound. But the fact is no matter how I try to rework the argument, it cannot disprove the OI Legend. In one of my next posts, I will provide an alternative interpretation of the 1790 letter from a believers perspective. I am of the belief that in order to fully understand something you need to examine it from all angles.

Below are few interesting links about Dr. David Lynds, a member of the Onslow and Truro Syndicates (Edited):

*Use Ctrl F and search "Lynds"

Looking forward to your...Theory...To this Mystery!

Looking forward to your...Theory...To this Mystery!

Robot, it may be a little while before I get around to posting my actual theory. I got a new collection of newspapers and other documents from 1700 to 1840 this afternoon. I also learned of a letter that may be related to the 1790 article I posted a few days ago. Nevertheless, I leave a theory that could only be accepted by producers of The Curse of Oak Island.

:dontknow::lightbulb:My reckless Theory of the Day:lightbulb::dontknow:
The Greeks: Bud-Ok (Oak) Iſland
Mineralogia Cornubiensis; a Treatise on Minerals, Mines and Mining

Robot, it may be a little while before I get around to posting my actual theory. I got a new collection of newspapers and other documents from 1700 to 1840 this afternoon. I also learned of a letter that may be related to the 1790 article I posted a few days ago. Nevertheless, I leave a theory that could only be accepted by producers of The Curse of Oak Island.

:dontknow::lightbulb:My reckless Theory of the Day:lightbulb::dontknow:
The Greeks: Bud-Ok (Oak) Iſland
Mineralogia Cornubiensis; a Treatise on Minerals, Mines and Mining

You have found the very reason for the mines on Nova Scotia and possibly Oak Island. The Templars had made large scale discoveries of copper, tin and manganese in the New World. A very profitable enterprise as your found book describes. Good job.

.... The Templars had made large scale discoveries of copper, tin and manganese in the New World....

Surely you jest ! This was one of the "salacious story line plots" of the America Unearthed show. And has been totally debunked. However, this thread is about O.I. If you wish to carry on a conversation about this other subject, let me know the thread-link location.

Debunked I do not think so. I know it to be the truth. But back to OI, yes there were mines on Oak Island. Just like there are all over Nova Scotia. Gold mines, tin, manganese, silver and other minerals.

Debunked I do not think so....

Franklin, if you have a web-forum thread, where this is discussed, I would be happy to take it up with you there. Lest we "muddy up" this thread and forum-subject section, which is meant for O.I.

But , alas, I forewarn you: That too could turn into the same psychology : Where the theory/supposition/legend (copper mining in the USA by European ancients) is tossed out there. A skeptic shows how *unlikely* this is , by showing "more plausible explanations" to the salacious details offered by the believers. Then the believers only-need show *some* theoretical conspiratorial contingent method by which it still might be true . Given enough slaves, enough years, enough conspiracy details, etc... And presto: The ball is tossed back to the skeptics court. Right ? In other words, if I can't DIS prove it, then the theory stands as rock solid true. Right ?

Anyhow, if you have a link for a separate thread, I'll try to take time to address that too.

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Probably you should not be allowed to vote.

Although you seem to think in generalities and absolutes, just because I feel one way about a subject, doesn't mean I feel that way about all subjects, or were you making a joke at my expense?

.... or were you making a joke at my expense?

b3y0nd3r, this was your statement he was commenting on :

"... It is fact until disproved...."

I think he was trying to draw the comparison, that if this statement were applied to other facets of life (like Politics), that it wouldn't hold water. Eg..: "claims during politicking" and subsequent voting decisions. And as you can see, your statement doesn't seem to apply there, for normal claims that people can toss out in conversations, speeches, etc...

So too should the same apply to anything else. Even treasure legends. Carl was just horsing around to make a point.

Although you seem to think in generalities and absolutes, just because I feel one way about a subject, doesn't mean I feel that way about all subjects, or were you making a joke at my expense?

In general, it's a dangerous way to think, about anything. I am deeply bothered by people who apply this approach to "other facets of life," especially when it has a direct impact on me.

In general, it's a dangerous way to think, about anything. I am deeply bothered by people who apply this approach to "other facets of life," especially when it has a direct impact on me.

I guess the same can be said for you as well? People that use generalities to put other people into a categories they deem as dangerous was used by a certain party in the 1930s and we all know how that turned out.

Freedom to think the way you approve of, is not freedom Carl.

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