Show me where Supreme Court says it is their job to protect the citizens I can show where they ruled it is not...
Again: That statement means you can't sue a PD for "failing to protect you".
I can't be any plainer, and if you choose not to understand, I can't make you do so. You can't even pretend to spin it; it can't be spun.
My Sheriff's Department is protecting me right now.
They are patrolling and looking out for criminals. They will apprehend them since they are proactive in seeking them out. They are required to do that by their duly elected Sheriff (you need to look up the history and duties of the Sheriff in the USA) and took an oath to do so. They are fulfilling that oath. They go in harm's way since they are dedicated and sworn officers of the Sheriff.
They will enter a hostage situation or school shooting and take fire to protect their citizens. They will respond to a call from me, or any citizen, for protection. They train for that all the time. With firearms. I know, I've trained with them. I've seen them act in those situations, and reviewed their actions later.
They are dedicated and courageous men and women, and they will take issue with any statement that it is not their job to protect us.
Here's the spin, from Posse Comitatus web sites:
If the police don’t have a duty to protect us, then what is the point in having them? answer:
Revenue enhancement and donut sales."
Someone has to shoot the dogs. "
Really? Like I said before, that is an insult to these professionals.
"I agree with this decision. As citizens, we do not and should not have a “constitutional right” to government services."
"Okay, that means we all must protect ourselves and we need our guns to do that in a lawless society the Satan now leads"
"Then we shouldn’t have to pay for them, right?"
"We have police because someone has to do the paperwork after a crime has been committed."
"'s not Fascism when WE do it, and the Constitution and law mean what WE say."
"There is no duty to protect > there is no obligation of negligence > there are no citizens > there is no body politic > there is no State."
Do these sound like reasonable positions?
"There is no State"?
These people are making an excellent argument that they should not have firearms, sedition being among them and lacking only action to become treason.
Come on now, say it with me:
I Pledge Allegiance to the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.