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SUPREME COURT RULING: Police Have No Duty To Protect The General Public
January 28 2013
People who don’t understand taking responsibility for your own safety often ask me why I wouldn’t just call the police to stop a crime instead of drawing a gun. Well for one, a great police response time would be 1-2 minutes, but most crimes take place in a matter of seconds. Two, police have no duty to protect me, or you.
Based on the headline of this article you might think this is an important new ruling, but it’s not. The court has kept this stance for over 30 years.
The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that police officers at all levels of the government have no duty to protect the citizens of this country.
It is the job of police officers to investigate crimes and arrest criminals.
We are on our own for protection.
While we are quite sure most police officers will help someone in need when required, just remember the next time you feel you might need protection that police officers have no duty to provide that to you.
2005 SCOTUS Ruling: Police Not Constitutionally Bound to Protect Citizens
by AWR Hawkins 11 Jan 2013
A 2005 Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruling that received little attention when handed down, but which is extremely pertinent to today's gun debate, found that police officers are not constitutionally bound to protect citizens.
The case originated in Colorado, where Simon Gonzales violated a restraining from his estranged wife in order to kidnap and kill his three children. In between the time of the kidnapping and the murders, the mother of the children, Jessica Gonzales, repeatedly called the police to report the whereabouts of her children.
After her children were killed, she sued on grounds that the police did not react fast enough--and therefore did not protect her children from harm.
After an appeals court reversed a lower court ruling throwing out the case, the SCOTUS ruled that police officers are not, in fact, constitutionally bound to protect.
This is important because so many people are under the delusion that we can all give up our guns, and if anything does go wrong we can just dial 911 and everything will be fine.
No. We are responsible for our own lives, our own families, our own property.
This is no slight against police officers, whom we ought to support 100%. It is just a reminder that in the real world, our defense and the defense of those we love is in our own hands--literally.
2005 SCOTUS Ruling: Police Not Constitutionally Bound to Protect Citizens
While most police will go out of their way to protect the citizens, as stated by the US Supreme Court they are not obligated to do so, it is our jobs to protect and defend our familes and ourselves, it does not mater what it says on the side of the Police Car, in the end our families and our defense falls on our shoulders......It takes over 15 mins for most 911 calls to be responded to, I can have my fire arm out in less than 15 seconds ready to defend my family and myself if needed as is my right by the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution....