D.B. Cooper ?


Gold Member
May 29, 2005
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St. Louis, missouri
We all have read or seen the storis about D.B. Cooper ! But nowhere has anyone gone any further in solving this story . To me it is not possible that when DB showed the "bomb" and said he was hijacking this plane to Mexico that the FBI wasn't notified immediately of this high jacking attempt. The FBI would have notified their closest office and a jet or a helicopter would have been immediately sent to where the plane was being refueled . Who's to say that ALL police departments weren't IMMEDIATLY notified and put on alert to be ready to assist in the tracking /arrest of D.B. if found . the evidence that was found (some lose $20 bills info that was reported on different shows had different locations where the $$$ was found and by whom ? So , could someone of authority be keeping some or all of their story secrete to prevent D.B. or some treasure hunter a lead , OR did the F.B.I. actually caught or know who D.B. is or was incase of his death ? None of the recorded $20. was ever found other than the lose bills found on the Columbian River . that's hard to imagine that NONE was ever found or spent in all these years to me! :coffee2: Someone would have picked him up on that cold and rainy night or he would have exposure problems to these elements.

It was too bad the hair samples and his cigarette butts weren't available to collect his DNA.

Hair samples​

FBI agents found two hair samples in Cooper's seat: a single strand of limb hair on the seat, and a single strand of brown Caucasian head hair on the headrest. The limb hair was destroyed after the FBI Crime Laboratory determined the sample lacked enough unique microscopic characteristics to be useful. the limb hair possesses too few unique microscopic characteristics to be of value.  However, the FBI Crime Laboratory determined the head hair was suitable for future comparison, and preserved the hair on a microscope slide. During their attempts to build Cooper's DNA profile in 2002, the FBI discovered the hair sample had been lost.

Cigarette butts​

In the armrest ashtray of seat 18-E, FBI agents found eight Raleigh filter-tipped cigarette butts. The butts were sent to the FBI Crime Laboratory. The Laboratory is also requested to examine the ashtray contents and specifically process any Raleigh filter tip cigarette butts for possible fingerprint identification or comparison, but investigators were unable to find fingerprints and returned the butts to the Las Vegas field. No latent prints of value developed contents of ashtray. In 1998, the FBI sought to extract DNA from the cigarette butts, but discovered the butts had been destroyed while in the custody of the Las Vegas field office.

A chute can be shelter or cloak . Even both.

I wonder how well he stuck the landing. It could affect the next move.


Considering the time of year and the kind of country he parachuted into, I'd put money on some hunter or hiker eventually finding a skeleton and a parachute hanging in a tree.

To me it is not possible that when DB showed the "bomb" and said he was hijacking this plane to Mexico that the FBI wasn't notified immediately of this high jacking attempt.
It was 1971. Communications weren't nearly as quick then as they are now.

Some great points and questions. My questions are Was everything told us. I also feel there are many things being held back and not told the public

The dude knew what he was doing. I’ve watched tons of shows and read books on the subject. I’m thinking ex-military who didn’t do it for the money, but did it to see if he could. He probably had help, someone picked him up or whatever.

I think they know who he was. For some reason they are keeping everything under wraps.

The government MIGHT have a very good idea but can not prove it ?

If he survived, did he purposely throw $5,800 of the $200,00 into the Columbia River to create the belief that he didn't survive?

If he survived, did he purposely throw $5,800 of the $200,00 into the Columbia River to create the belief that he didn't survive?
Maybe. I think it later came out that the people who found it had some sort of sketchy backstory, not the kid but the parents

Jeff posted this last year...

The family held on to the parachutes and his gear he used. The family did not want anyone to get arrested. Pretty sure the case was solved.

Cooper was arrested and killed during a prison escape.
  • United StatesApril 7, 1972: United Airlines Flight 855, from Newark, New Jersey, to Los Angeles, California, carrying 85 passengers and a crew of six, was hijacked by Richard McCoy Jr. during a stopover in Denver, Colorado. This was a copycat hijacking, modelled on the D.B Cooper 1971 hijacking of Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305, less than 5 months prior. The aircraft was a Boeing 727 with aft stairs (the same equipment used in the D. B. Cooper incident), via which McCoy escaped in mid-flight by parachute after giving the crew similar instructions to what Cooper had done. McCoy obtained a $500,000 cash ransom, but following fingerprint and handwriting matches, he was arrested two days after the hijacking, convicted and sentenced to jail.
Richard McCoy Jr.

Old News,
The FBI just didn't want to Advertise it. I don' know why people act like it's still an unsolved case.
Pretty bold planning and execution of plan, though.
Probably would of gotten away with it if he did'nt try it again.

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Considering the time of year and the kind of country he parachuted into, I'd put money on some hunter or hiker eventually finding a skeleton and a parachute hanging in a tree.
He survived, got away for awhile. He used the lights from cars on the freeway to navigate his position.
Landed in a park on top of a hill. there is a park bench right next to his landing spot.
Backtracked towards Seatle, Washington, dumped some money in the River probably while taking a leak, to throw the authorities off his tracks.


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He survived, got away for awhile. He used the lights from cars on the freeway to navigate his position.
Landed in a park on top of a hill. there is a park bench right next to his landing spot.
Backtracked towards Portland, Oregon, dumped some money in the River probably while taking a leak, to throw the authorities off his tracks.

Is that just the current theory, or is there some actual proof that's never been revealed?

Best guesses placed him north of Battle Ground, WA, meaning he was on the north side of the Columbia. Have you ever seen the Columbia River where I-5 crosses it? Quite a bit of current, and the water is ice cold, so he would have had to have a wet suit and the energy to try and make that swim, walk across the bridge, or get a ride in a car to cross.

I still believe he's hanging high up in a tree...deader 'an Custers pecker.

That McCoy guy is a dead ringer.

Is that just the current theory, or is there some actual proof that's never been revealed?

Best guesses placed him north of Battle Ground, WA, meaning he was on the north side of the Columbia. Have you ever seen the Columbia River where I-5 crosses it? Quite a bit of current, and the water is ice cold, so he would have had to have a wet suit and the energy to try and make that swim, walk across the bridge, or get a ride in a car to cross.

I still believe he's hanging high up in a tree...deader 'an Custers pecker. View attachment 2191559
McCoy went to alot of trouble with all that planning and preparation, Do you really think he would skydive into pure wilderness, with a dificult river crossing ahead of him to get out?

He nailed his landing spot. The guy was a seasoned pilot & skydiver. Probably was on the highway, heading back to Seatle a half hour after he landed.

He had a car parked, waiting. Hard to believe, he hit his landing spot perfectly. Incredible Execution.
Pretty sure the spot is out in The Two Rivers area
Been awhile since my research

Not too far from the highway bridge he threw the money off of.


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I want to know what McCoy did with the marked bills. Blew it in Mexico maybe?

I want to know what McCoy did with the marked bills. Blew it in Mexico maybe?
Probably turned it over in Vegas, or had somebody wash it in Vegas. Possibly Tahoe, Reno.
Who actually looks at serial numbers?
1000 black, 1000 red
Maybe he washed it in Mexico?

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