Coming from a fellow New Yorker (Brooklyn) Snitches get Stitches. As if the prison's and holding cells aren't over crowded enough, now the hospitals will be the They will learn the hard way that having people being rats will cause more problems than they have now. The only thing I know and forgot where I heard it, "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns"
Once good ol Rudy Guiliani (not sure of his respect due anyway) destroyed all the good neighborhoods by locking up all those protecting them, and when area's that were safe, started becomming a place you had to look over your shoulder, one by one our whole family started buying in New Jersey. Best move we ever did. It is unfortunate there is always some @$$, trying to make a name for themselves, doing something to hurt the well being of others. Don't get me wrong here, I love Brooklyn, I am proud of where I was born and raised,
It made me and my husband and family members what we are today, I regret not having my kids know and be familiar with the streets of home like we are, but to have them raised in a much safer enviroment like we are now is very satisfying to us.
Each and every city and state have their problems, what they don't realize is they start at the bottom where its easy, sometimes succeed and then they are the greatest thing ever because they ""Fixed"" part of the problem. If you really want a name and make a difference, start at the top, break that down and everything else will fall into place, but they know they can't handle that. I can sit here and tell you stories all day about things my husband and I have seen,(especially my have no idea) things we had happen and done, and most of the time, it was the fault and doing of the "officials" Just crazy how times have changed for the worse.
Sorry, all just our opinion and thoughts and perhaps too much expieriance on both sides of the fence, combined with some venting and going slightly off Just saw the posting and it brought it all back..lolol