AZDave wrote
Thanks Dave that is pretty much what I thought. You still get the points for it though!
Gollum wrote
Nope. I didn't have
any desired outcome of the DAI examination because I wasn't aware of it until after it happened. Also for our members here thinking that DAI was "working to produce an outcome for pay" they were doing it for NOTHING, that is what PRO BONO means.
I don't pretend to be an expert in determining the age of rock inscriptions. DAI does have some expertise in that field. What is your own training and qualifications to support your conclusions?
Potbelly Jim wrote
FOUR scientists examined the stones for AZ Highways at DAI, not three, all had the same conclusion that they are modern frauds.
Before this gets further off the rails,
Arizona Highways magazine was the outfit that requested for Desert Archaeology Inc to examine the stones, NOT the Flagg Foundation or anyone else. And it was done for FREE.
Then we have members of Travis Tumlinson's own family stating that Travis himself carved the stones, and the other carved stones done by Travis at the family homestead. (The treasure chest, the Spanish galleon etc) I don't care if you (anyone believing in the stone maps veracity) wish to use them as treasure maps, please do and I won't mind a bit if you come back on here and post photos of the treasures you found by following the stone maps. However the red flags are flying, and if you end up empty handed, don't try to blame it on me for not trying to talk you out of it.
Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.