Hey, Wayne thanks for the information and input. As far as the book, I am not going to get into much on the stones, other than the information that is contained on them. The stones are a book in them selfs. I really find it interesting, but I am more interested in the info contained on them, which I will discuss in the book. But as far as Travis and RG and all that stuff, I am not going to get into, because it does not matter, and has nothing to do with the map value of the stones. (the parts that are valid). This has been my point, what we have found has nothing to do with TT and RG. As the saying goes " To close to the trees to see the forest". If finding something credible is the goal, then that information really on who did what is not so important to us. We have found a place that will shock a lot of folks I am sure, in fact just yesterday I made a significant discovery that again fits the stones. I know talk is cheap, and for now, It will have to stay so. My goal is not to be a dame expert on every dame thing related to the LDM (an expert on every little thing a master of none). My goal, in the beginning, was to have a plan for research that came at it from a different view. Surprise, it worked. Wayne what I am trying to say is that are book will be as accurate as possible from what we are doing, and finding and to put those facts out there sometime in the not too distant future. What I am saying is we will put out there what we have and documentation to go with it. To do that I will tell our journey (Arcana Exploration), and how it all evolved, It will be truthful, the bad and the best. I know we could find a stash of tools with Jacob Waltz marked on them and some folks still would not believe. So again the only thing I really would like to know is who did the original map info on the stones? WE may never know that? But I think that info is buried somewhere. So again I am not and have no need or interest in knowing every little contradicting tibit on the stones. What we have found had nothing to do with all that TT and RG stuff, it is useless and meaningless to us. I will lightly touch on the history of the stone in the book but will focus more on the info on them, and how it directly matches to the Alpha site. You know having the site for several years and having about 1400 HD photos of the whole site has allowed me to reverse engineer many things. What I found yesterday has had me puzzled for about a year, until a day or two ago, when I photoshopped a photo and blew it up, and found something. Howard and I had breakfast today at Bob Evans and I showed it to him. He smiled and shook his head and said make sure you save this for the book. Wayne, it was something on the Preist Stone that I thought was probably nothing, but again the PS actually is credible and actually does tell a story that is more complex than I originally thought but at the same time is not interpretive, but factual, and can be verified. To those who say the info on the stones is not crediable ( I am saying the map value info) they will have to go to rehab. Time for my 2am walk. Wayne Thanks for your input. Jeff.