I don't really think it's a fair comparison- Hull's intent was to create a spectacle by which he could profit from the attention, within a short amount of time, like you said, by having it "dug up." He didn't wait for someone to accidentally dig it up. And even then he was quickly outed as a fraud.
Nobody has ever conclusively proved that the Stone Maps are a fraud.
And as far as the giant "7" and the "4" further up on the cliff, nobody has ever taken advantage of either, to create attention, or to lure investors, to my knowledge. far as most of us EXPERIENCED ldm hunters are concerned the stone maps were proven to be fraudulent many years ago..way before rg went to texas..what he found there was just icing on the cake..and i know you think you know everything that took place in texas but believe me you don't..if you did you would wash your hands of this stone map nonsense and go on to something else..i've invited you to the rendezvous on different occasions but you never show..take my invite this will learn much