Are you saying that Mesothermal Quartz can somehow change its' crystalline structure and become Epithermal Quartz a few feet further down? See, one of the ways to identify LDM Ore is the type of quartz the gold is held in. I don't know how Telluride typically distributes itself in a Quartz Matrix, but that is a way to (help) identify future specimens as being from the LDM.
There is no 1 Way to look at a specimen and say "AHA! THAT is from the LDM!" If it is a certain type of quartz, that has certain mineral impurities, came from a mine in a certain area, and in the mine there are two veins (one quartz and one hematite) that are gold bearing, one could say the circumstantial evidence is strong for that person having found the LDM. It could also have come from one of several mines the Peralta and Gonzalez Families possessed in the area. this piece that came out of the SWA many years ago:
View attachment 1734506
a softball sized specimen that shouldn't exist according to GEOLOGISTS (what is your degree in again?). And here, I'll repeat my LDM Mantra: "Geologists say that 50 million years ago, three volcanic calderas puked up 300-400 feet of non-mineralized Dacite and Basalt, which says the LDM can't exist in the SWA. So, with some of the richest gold mines in the history of the US on the West Side of the Supers, and some of the richest silver mines on the East Side of the Supers, and the distance from the East Side to the West Side of the Superstitions is only seventeen miles, and 50 million years of wind and water erosion, earthquakes, and landslides that none of the underlying mineralization could have been exposed?"