New site?...with different clue versions?
Quote Originally Posted by somehiker View Post
I've posted links to John "Pegleg" Tumlinson's history, as well as to where he was written about in "Coronado's Children" in a number of related topics previously. It's been discussed many times here, and on the other sites as well. Pegleg was a "treasure hunter", like most of us here, and had a collection of maps, aka derroteros (waybills), again like most of us here. I and a few others have speculated that one of these might have been what brought Travis T. to the Sups, and was used by him to find the stones. The answer to that is still up in the air, since the family has never said that to be the case. The "ground map", as RG called it, might be be the one that fits the bill. However, despite his claim that it has been authenticated by the Jesuit Order, it very well be a fake as well. He had a gridded and clearly self-drawn map of the sups that covered a larger area from below Florence Junction to well north of the mountains, and east of Roosevelt Lake to near Phoenix in the west, same as the ground map was described by RG. This I suspect, may have been Travis' "blueprint" for the GM, just like the drawings of the small stones were used by Travis to carve the small witnessed and described by family members in past testimony.
Thanks, Wayne Great info on that site. It seems that Travis had to have some involvement in some way. Wayne the thing that always gets me is when people say they are fake define fake in what way. To my way of thinking is it is not that important who did them, whether that is Travis or someone else. I believe there is a 60% he did the big ones and 80 %+ chance he did the smaller grey ones...... that being said, am I the only one that is concerned more about what is on the stones? The information on at least 2 I said one earlier I meant 2 stones are relevant, absolutely, so our question is, ok who supplied, the original, information. We have an Idea because of what have and feel with a lot of digging in the future someone may be able to figure that out. I probably, should not even go there, because I am going to get prove it and we will, and honestly I can hardly wait. I think the place to look to find the map maker is very early, Tomlinson ( Way before Travis) and especially early Rangers and who they had associations with. I feel there is a 65% chance that that would point to the old mapmaker, and possibly lead to the first Anglos to find the Alpha mine. AAA Maybe a year from now I will have time and look down that road, I just have no time right ' and I need to stay off here so I can get some other things done....
Until someone is truly interested in New Information concerning the LDM, newer people like myself will be shunned by the so called experts of the LDM. I could be 100% honest and draw everyone a picture of what is where in the canyon I have found, possess a full array of photo's to back up everything and Video... I'd still be told by the so called Experts that I was Crazy. Ok, so I'm crazy and what does that make y'all since all you do is talk about something you've never seen?? Travis Tumlinson was just another yahoo out to make a few bucks BUT, no one has ever thought that "Maybe he did find the stones". But, no one has taken the time like they have to humiliate him. Unless someone gives the experts everything you have on your find, basically you are labelled CRAZY, Liar or even worse "You Don't Know What You Are Talking about". arcana-exploration you're percentages are irrelevant. The fact is all the stones are a set and everything on them leads to a real story. I should know, I've been to the canyon that these stones were made in.
"authenticated by the Jesuit Order", well since only 1 person did the authenticating then we have to go by what that person said, HOGWASH ! You don't just take the first word that goes by as truth. You locate others to see if there is another explanation. I could tell all of y'all everything I have seen and read but to some it doesn't matter.
Has anyone found the entrance to the tunnel used to get into the canyon where Waltz's mine is at? Did you locate the Stone Carved Elephant Head at the entrance of the Tunnel? No, I don't think any of you have even gotten that far. In Mrs Corbin's Book about the LDM and Waltz, she produced a story line where Jacob Waltz said "I closed off the tunnel with a Large Stone so no one could get in". Jacob Waltz made it clear after that, If you had to get into the canyon you had to climb upward. There are numerous clues on How to get to the LDM but only a handful of them are truly written by Waltz. I've been inside the North Trending Canyon of Waltz as well as the Jesuits, it is so wonderful inside. Plenty of pictures carved into natural rock it is a place of beauty as is a place of wealth.
I will be returning to Arizona and to the Greater Phoenix area soon, I have to finish my chemo and Intestinal Cancer treatments, out patient surgery. Maybe Mid to Late Summer. I have found that I love Arizona more than my home state of North Carolina. I can endure the heat a lot better as long as there is no humidity with it,lol. The 2 people I respect more than any, the ones that gave me a chance to tell my research to and the ones that didn't tell me I was crazy they are Clay Worst and Thomas Glover. They gave an ear and an open mind to "what if" I was right. Those two men will get to see everything I bring out on my next trip first hand. I'll make my point to the rest later. Hagd