I've posted links to John "Pegleg" Tumlinson's history, as well as to where he was written about in "Coronado's Children" in a number of related topics previously. It's been discussed many times here, and on the other sites as well. Pegleg was a "treasure hunter", like most of us here, and had a collection of maps, aka derroteros (waybills), again like most of us here. I and a few others have speculated that one of these might have been what brought Travis T. to the Sups, and was used by him to find the stones. The answer to that is still up in the air, since the family has never said that to be the case. The "ground map", as RG called it, might be be the one that fits the bill. However, despite his claim that it has been authenticated by the Jesuit Order, it very well be a fake as well. He had a gridded and clearly self-drawn map of the sups that covered a larger area from below Florence Junction to well north of the mountains, and east of Roosevelt Lake to near Phoenix in the west, same as the ground map was described by RG. This I suspect, may have been Travis' "blueprint" for the GM, just like the drawings of the small stones were used by Travis to carve the small stones....as witnessed and described by family members in past testimony.