Top of the morning to ya Dave:
Were you up and about before dawn, or do you wait until you can see the sun rising in the East before you roll out of bed ?
If that's the case, maybe that's why you're so grumpy this morning. LOL
While I'm sure that out of the many who have had some interest in the stones, or the LDM, there have been a certain number who have brought misery upon themselves, I seriously doubt that number would total more than a few 10's, not hundreds. Faith though, certainly plays it's part in what degree of persistence each person may apply to their quest for greater knowledge and answers, not just about the stones or Jake's mine, but many other chapters in the history of those mountains. I know that's one of the factors which finds me returning year after year. I've never been one to let attendant risks put great limits on my love of the outdoors, sports, or any other legal pursuit that I found challenging. Evidently, you live and see differently than I, which of course is your right, and I'm fine with that. But if you really believe there is only the beauty of the mountains to be found out there, why are you wasting so much time posting on a website for "treasure hunters", instead of one for nature lovers ?