You should have at least some doubts Dave IMO.
Since most, if not all of the more recent evidence indicates that Travis carved 4 or possibly 5 small stones with various symbols on them, not the HP, trail, or heart stones. And that he used another map inherited from his Grandfather "Pegleg" to determine what he wanted to include on them.
As described by the family, on video and in correspondence with other researchers, these were all done on a grey/white stone that Travis obtained while in Texas.
They have maintained from the very beginning that Travis' stone maps were much smaller and not the same as the stones we have been debating all along.
And they also claimed to have seen him carving them, while visiting his mother in Truro, Tx.
There was too much in the accounts from each side, Mitchell's and the Tumlinson Family's, that didn't add up for me. So I took advantage of the almost daily telephone calls I was receiving from RG that lasted as long as five hours, and included several conversations with family members, to ask quite a few questions of my own. Some were older questions I'd never found answers for, and some were based on the people and events being brought forward and discussed at the time. Many of the answers, along with some of the stuff he forwarded to me during that period, led me to a much better understanding of what I now believe to be the true story....
But it's gotten late, so I will have to carry on later. Probably in several short posts.