Kind of.
Just about all your discrimination vlf, multi frequency all do the same things and can be used for both purposes. Some may see a bit better in mineralised ground and pick a bit better amongst the trash. Take my Xterra vs an Equinox 800. The Nox I personally didn't find open up old hunted out areas enough to convince me it was doing an overall better job. Rather it was more I returned to some sites and found a few things I missed. Its like with gold, a new detector comes out and a person gets it then returns to an old spot they found gold. They then jump up and down if they get any saying how much better it is.
Often it was just missed or now found due to changed ground conditions, wet, dry, hot, cold, more or less emi from various sources including sunspot activity.
Most increases over the yrs overall have been minor, creep up, with the exception of a few things. Though compare an old machine from the 70s to today's there is a significant difference adding all the creep ups together.
If one doesn't care about discrimination then a PI will go the deepest on relics.
Good grief Iv dug 4 feet for old iron things like pick heads.
Your F75 is a decent all rounder and would work just fine around old home sites. Keep in mind if your thinking of making the jump to another detector that Nokta is bringing out 2 new Pulse Induction detectors this yr, its looking mid this yr now. One is for gold nugget hunting and the other for coin and relics.
If I was a coin and relic hunter primarily I would be pretty excited to hear about an imminent release of a dedicated coin/relic pulse induction detector. If its good it could turn the industry on its head.