New Contest...........TNs Best Liar!!!

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Man TreasureTales, that was some really nifty "twisting of the judges arms" at the end of that yarn! Well done! Hence, I bow my head at your feet, but only momentarely! lol

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

treasurejack said:
Man TreasureTales, that was some really nifty "twisting of the judges arms" at the end of that yarn! Well done! Hence, I bow my head at your feet, but only momentarely! lol

Thank you TJ. But I would prefer you kiss my jewel-encrusted ring instead.

I anxiously await your newest entry in the contest. Alas, I'm not so sure "TN's Best Liar" is a title I want. How could I ever have any credibility in the Rubber Room again? Sigh.

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Hey guys, just finished up the prize fer the contest................thought Id show it off & feed the fire a bit, lil motivation! Muhahahaha!!! ;D :D


Who will be the lucky winner? ;)

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Look Northeast hunter you promised not to tell any one about the coin till it was long since sold Ya'll please disregard "our find"


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Mighty AP said:
Hey guys, just finished up the prize fer the contest................thought Id show it off & feed the fire a bit, lil motivation! Muhahahaha!!! ;D :D

Who will be the lucky winner? ;)

MightyAP, that's a mighty purdy digging tool. Too jewel-like to wanna get dirty. HOWEVER, if luck smiles upon me and rewards me with the red wonder, I'll be a-using it on my next trip to seek the treasure of the Sierra Madres Nevadas.

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Mighty AP said:
Hey guys, just finished up the prize fer the contest................thought Id show it off & feed the fire a bit, lil motivation! Muhahahaha!!! ;D :D
Who will be the lucky winner? ;)

OK, just jerkin yer chains..........heres the real prize. This is the actual tool that will be awarded to the biggest liar. I may even leave all the wheaties in the handle fer the lucky winner! :)


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

HOLY CRAP!! That's the most aweome digging tool I've ever seen. And I'm not lying. Sweeeeeeeet.

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

The lying fires are burning as we speak! lol

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Prepare to be totally stunned! hehehe......

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Years ago my great-great-grandfather was telling me the story of the Dragon treasures. I'm sure most of you have heard of it but for those that haven't I'll briefly explain. Many, Many years ago in Wales (located in southwest of Great Britain) there were 2 Dragons that protected individual treasures in the same cave. The only difference in the appearance of these Dragons was their color. One was gold and the other silver. Well as legend has it, the Dragons destroyed anyone that attempted stealing either treasure. This went on for many years. Eventually the Dragons became bitter with each other and fought constantly. The fighting between the dragons ended with the death of both of them. Treasure Hunters learning of the demise of the Dragons soon raided the cave and looted all of the treasure (or so they thought). 2 priceless statues of the Dragons (one silver and the other gold) were still believed to be there.

I've been researching the unknown location of this treasure for around 15 years and figured out the location of the cave. I set out 2 weeks ago on my expedition to find the treasure. It took 3 days of hiking just to reach the opening of the cave.

cave entrance.webp

After several hours of wandering through this endless cave, I believed I could hear water flowing. As I went through a long tunnel I came across this wonderful waterfall.

inside cave.webp

I quickly realized that this beautiful scene was going to change. There near the waterfall was an enormous Dragon.

dragon cave.webp

I was not going to let this deter me. As terrified as I've ever been in my life, I knew that to get the treasure I must slay the Dragon. Armed only with my hunting knife I slowly made my way to the top of a rock beside the beast. When he wasn't looking I leaped onto his back and started stabbing away. My knife was covered in blood but I knew I had to keep stabbing to kill this massive beast.

drew knife.webp

Finally after what seemed to be hours of fighting for my life, the beast was slain.

dead dragon.webp

Knowing that the Dragon had to be protecting some sort of Treasure, I started with my metal detector. I went hours before finally hearing a beep then suddenly my detector went off like a rock concert. I began digging. I kept digging. I was checking the hole every 12" or so.

deep hole.webp

After digging a hole around 5 feet deep I discovered one of the treasures. The golden dragon statue.

golden dragon.webp

And wouldn't you know it, after rechecking the hole with my detector I got another loud signal. Another foot and I uncovered the other treasure, the silver dragon statue.

silver dragon.webp

This was truly a great accomplishment for me, my first gold and my first silver on the same day.

I was truly pumped about these finds so I continued MD'in all through the cave. While I was swinging the detector I started thinking, If the 2 dragons killed each other than where did the one I killed come from. About that time I got a 'penny' signal on my detector. I started digging wondering what else I may find in this cave. At last I found what was causing the signal.

copper dragon.webp

A copper dragon statue. OK now I understand, there were actually 3 dragons to start with and one survived (til it met me at least)

Happy Huntin.

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Mighty AP said:
Hey guys, just finished up the prize fer the contest................thought Id show it off & feed the fire a bit, lil motivation! Muhahahaha!!! ;D :D

Who will be the lucky winner? ;)

Is that GENUINE plastic? Hmmmmm, I'm gonna have to get with it if I'm gonna beat TT. >:(

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Before my seventh birthday my family moved into our new home in Knightsbridge. Being away from home most of the time as a resident of the Academy for Excitable Boys I had only time to explore the estate piecemeal.
My brother Garush being sadly injured at birth the tongs used to pull him into this world having caused irrepairable damage. Having spent several years wandering the catacombs beneath the grounds of Greayshawk Manor he became intimately familar with every fork and turn. Our Nanny viewing this excercise as harmless, little could she have guessed what would become of it.

Having established new all time acedemic and sporting records during my last year at the Academy I began to lust for a major change this being fueled by images of the beaches of Florida a state of the USA across the pond. Unstoppable in my quest I was finally granted travel with the resigned blessings of Mum and Sir quite agast at my choice of educational institution. Having applied and been hastily accepted at the University of Florida I boarded a mighty bird then soaring to race the clouds I fell into a tossed sleep.

Being the only passenger in Gentry class seating the flight attendants were constantly extending the most lavish of attentions upon me for the entire flight a wonderful 2 hour non stop of course.
Disembarking I was swiftly born to my waiting Bugatti Roadster thoughtfully shipped ahead for me by my ever so thoughtful family.

Adaption to American football was I must be quite frank somewhat of an adjustment that became less of a priority after a chance meeting with the goddess that would become my wife. We happened to meet in a most peculiar and all at once a most startling manner. It was my habit to haunt the student union building just to take in the birds that would hang about there. This is where the event was to occur.

Early in April of my first year in Florida a letter arrived from Nanny back at Greayshawk Manor with an inclusion penned by my dear brother Garush. Nanny expressed that this was an urgent communication and instructed me to please find then pay particular heed in regard to an inclusion. In his manner Brother described what had been a quandry for some long while. He wrote that on the 20th day of the month preceeding he had decided to write me to ask my assistance. It seemed that deep in the passages he so enjoyed perusing was discovered a slab making up a portion of the floor precisely at the end of the ninth right fork of the passage after reached after passing through the tomb halls of Sir Arthur. Thinly covering this concealed rectangle of marble laid finely ground host stone of the tunnel walls. Having read in the library next to the great hall of a trove said to be of the Templar Knights a distinct possibility began to part the curtains of my thoughts. In all haste I went across the way to the union building to procure a remedy for my already dry mouth so great was my excitement I failed to notice that a large beverage had been spilled my footing I was unable to regain and sliding found myself on a collision course with my wife to be. Unable to halt forward travel my shoulders striking her heels the result of which action found her sitting squarely upon my frame me looking up into her eyes breathlessness prevented an utterance of any sort from me. As our eyes met across the vastness of this encounter something of a bright star graced my gaze so instantly promising all a bond could be.

As you can well imagine the plot was assuming the viscosity of a cold plum pudding. Now the lure of two treasures placed a 1000 stone weight on my belabored mind. Seizing upon a rare opportunity I chose to hazard a statement of some rare form not lost on the victim of my accidental carom across the snack bar tiles. We were an instant Adam and Eve as right as Eversharp ! I decided there and then to have the pleasure of her company for all time. As was prudent I told her of the need for my travel to examine the discovered slab. The lure of wealth untold can ensnare even the doubtful in the fullness of time.

Having secured a flight upward then decending we soon heard the bullfrog chirp of the tires being spun up to speed by the unmoving tarmac. Wasting no time we crossed the moors via our hoverjet forthwith entering the bastions of the old home by the entrance beneath the moat bridge arriving just in time for tea. Much excitement ensued when family was presented with my future bride. The confusion was evident in they eyes of all around the table as we enjoyed a the pleasant repast of our luncheon.

Having our pleasantries now concluded Carol, Garush and I retired to the anteroom to devise our plan. Armed with the proper implements of destruction we decended the hewn stone steps into the dank darkness we so hoped held treasures not beheld for many generations. It was the custom of the house to have the latest model torch available on the market ours casting a crisscross weave in the ancient dust freed from beneath our hurried gait.
Just as Garush led us this way and that finally passing the halls hurrying on to counting six,seven then passing the eighth then into the ninth fork. The flourlike covering fairly lept from the blades we bore yeilding a surface so highly polished we were forced to avoid shining our beams at such an angle as to blind our gaze. Filled still with dust appeared an inscription scribed deep into the surface. Upon examination we took note but could not decipher the meaning left thereupon. Further excavation revealed notches in the lower edge of this unlikely sculpture. Inserting an iron bar and the force of two men the marble yeilded it's post toppling aside. Recovering our torches we hesitated then in unison cast their beams into the stone box at our feet. What was revealed in the quivering 3 disks of light will be known only to The Order. The other and most important treasure found by this writer may not be found to grace these pages however interested parties may see her likeness here:

Garush has assumed his rightful place as Master and Lord of the Manor. My bride and I can be found back in the USA enjoying its' delightful clime and most cordial populace.

May forever the passion live among the diggers ! Long may you beep.

Old Home.gif

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I never realized how many talented we had in this forum. I thought this was going to be really easy to pick the five finalists....but with each new story job gets harder and harder. Some of you are such great writers that you should be publishing books......
I get involved in the story and forget its a lie....
I will do my best to pick the five that stand out as best Liars , but if any of you readers think that there is an outstanding one, I would appreciate your comments in helping me choose. Just dont post it here....PM me instead.
So keep up the good stories and May the best Liar win!
Thanks Everyone
The Queen of Rust

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Old Bill and King of Swing, you guys are making this competition even more difficult. But having run out of TRUE stories to tell, I will now sit on the sidelines and await Gypsy's final decision. May the best liar win!! Good luck to all...and especially me. hehehe

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Well...I'm gonna vote for myself, of course! :D That diggin tool would have made recovering all those gold bars a whole lot easier. ;)

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I can see you folks don't know the judge very well. First I'll post my bribe, and then, if bribe is accepted, the story. This bribe will last 3 nights and 2 days. Will include all meals, drinks and feather-fanning. "See Below"


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

HAH! Packerbacker, the judge can't be bribed. She can be bought, but not bribed. You're gonna have to come up with a Brad Pitt or an Indiana Jones if you want to get her vote - the guy in your post is not her style. LOL ;D ;D ;D

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

You got her all wrong. Gyps is a Green Bay Packer loving, beer drinking, brat eating, deer hunting, fish catching, dirt digging, treasure hunting, give me a man with a carcass on his head kinda woman. No'll see

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