Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!
A few years ago I was watching a documentary on T.V. about a crime boss and his un-recovered stash. The story went on to tell of his life of crime, his death, & the clever way he outsmarted everyone by stashing the loot before the Feds caught up to him.
His name was Giovanni Pizzaria. He was not a well known crime boss. He did not work the large cities such as Chicago. He based his operation in the small town of Kankakee, Illinois which is about 70 miles south of Chicago.
Giovanni Pizzaria
For working such a small town, he amassed quite a fortune. The Feds had been after him for over 20 years. They got close a few times but never could catch him.
Giovanni knew that his time was coming, and he knew he had to hide the moolah. He had a couple of his nephews load the entire vault onto a truck and hide it somewhere. He told them to make sure it was far away from Illinois.
The nephews did as he asked and told him that they hid the stash in a small town in Virginia. They buried the vault and only the 3 of them would know of its location.
Well, sure enough, the feds caught up to the Pizzaria gang. A huge shootout followed. They did not manage to capture any of them alive & the loot was never recovered.
So that got me thinking. The only people that knew where the money was buried, were now dead. I have been searching for this buried loot for the last 2 years. Up until last week, I was running out of hope that I would find it.
I was metal detecting an old farm site in southern Virginia, when I realized that I had made the find of a lifetime. I'll be the first to admit that it was a lot of hard work, but I was thinking it was worth it.
After renting a crane to help me with the unearthing and loading, I finally had the vault onto my truck.
I went back to the site to fill in the hole (ethics), when I was approached by a couple "good ol boys".
Something told me that they could have been related, but I couldn't put my finger on it. One of them said, "atcha doin?" Thank God I can think on my feet very quickly. I told them, "One of my buddies hid my last Budweiser & I'm using my metal detector to find it". I said, "It isn't in this hole", which was the one I was now filling back up. They told me not to worry about it cause they had a cooler full of beer in their truck. I now felt obligated to follow them to their truck and down a few. Finally, a few hours later, I was back in my truck & heading home with my find.
I took a picture of my find after I unloaded it in my yard (so everyone would believe me).
It took me a couple of days to drill through that lock. But I finally got it open. Man was I amazed at the money inside. I couldn't get the vault into my basement so I had to unload it and carry the cash in by hand. It was quite a job & quite a pile.
Now it was time to count the cash.
I hadn't even reached $200 when I heard a loud knock on the basement door. I quickly covered the pile back up and went to answer it. Upon opening the door, I was immediately questioned by three gentlemen. One of which was waving a badge in my face.
Dang, it was the I.R.S. One of them stated that they knew of the discovery I had made & that they would make sure I received the part of the money that I should. I did not want any trouble from the Govt, or anyone else, so I gave in and turned the money over to them. Once they took taxes out, other fees, and I paid for the rental of the crane, I wasn't left with much.
About $1.56 !!! Oh well, I guess I still have my memories of the adventure. Not to mention a little stash I hid as well.
Thanks for lookin & Happy Huntin.