Goldwind ~

Very interesting.

It's amazing that people were able to communicate at all back then. I don't know if it's me or what, but I had to read the message at least ten times, and I'm still not sure exactly what was being said. Something about taking measures and hurrying up. If it was me making the decisions back then, and we had to hurry, we would have been wiped out before I even knew what the orders were. Lol

All things considered, I see red G's" and blue "Y's". So now I'm thinking our mystery letter could either be a "Y" or a "G"

Geez Louise! This whole thing is starting to make my brain numb. :BangHead:




  • Old Photo - Civil War Letter.webp
    Old Photo - Civil War Letter.webp
    21 KB · Views: 342
Food for thought or more confusion? The lower left word must end in one of the following. What other combinations of letters could there possiby be? Unless the letter next to the b isn't an i ... but surely it is because it's dotted. :dontknow:

birceg biueg biweg
birces biues biwes
bircey biuey biwey


  • Old Photo Pencil Writing On Top.webp
    Old Photo Pencil Writing On Top.webp
    11.6 KB · Views: 343
  • Old Photo Pencil Writing On Top.webp
    Old Photo Pencil Writing On Top.webp
    11.6 KB · Views: 340
2's an "i" or the dot is a "period" for the sentence above...more confusion!!

Okey dokey ... then let's try these!

brueg bweg
brues bwes
bruey bwey


  •  Magnafying Glass.webp
    Magnafying Glass.webp
    4.5 KB · Views: 287
My Bad!! forgot to explain CW letter...Dear Genl- I telegraphed to Bragg and suggested to him to take measures to hurry them up at Bethel & Henderson & his reply I sent Hindman Brigade use of Woods Battery also a Regiment & four c-------- of Calvary from Johnston at Corinth All appears going well Yours T. J. (Thomas Jordan)...
But you are right..Y&G are both possibilities...speaking of have 2 mentions of codings in this picture...Lair=stronghold for outlaws or enemy soldiers...there are numbers hidden in # is a coincidence, 2#s is a strange coincidence, but there are a lot of numbers...the above letter sold for $1200. and it wasn't in code...sorry...just keeping all the options open...

texastee2007 said:
Goldwind said:
2's an "i" or the dot is a "period" for the sentence above...more confusion!!

what if that word was ?linirz or ?linire
It's possible...the lay of the sentence would suggest somebodys name...

I have been playing around with that partial word search program and tried almost every combination I could think of for our mystery word, and the only one (so far) that even forms a word or makes any sense at all is ...

Embrues (Which is spelled two ways - "Imbrues" being the other). With the definition of ...

Embrues/Imbrues = "Stains"


Goldwind said:
...speaking of have 2 mentions of codings in this picture...Lair=stronghold for outlaws or enemy soldiers...there are numbers hidden in # is a coincidence, 2#s is a strange coincidence, but there are a lot of numbers...the above letter sold for $1200. and it wasn't in code...sorry...just keeping all the options open...
This is only my opinion and please dont take it any other way but I believe strongly that there are no hidden code numbers. Its like seeing something in the clouds that is not really there.

While the old military letter is very helpful, there is nothing to suggest that this studio photo portrait is military and its doubtful to even be Civil War era thus comparing prices (to a CW item) is irrevelant.

Just my opinion and keep researching. :icon_thumright:

texastee2007 said:
texastee2007 said:
Goldwind said:
2's an "i" or the dot is a "period" for the sentence above...more confusion!!

what if that word was ?linirz or ?linire

here is a long shot....the first word on the bottom line is the same as the one missing some letters in the top second word. look at the very beginning of the bottom can just make out the top of another letter just ahead of it by a looks very much like the word above it.
...clarify..I don't understand..

Main entries similar to: imbue(s) / imbrue(s) / embrue(s)

absorb, animate, assimilate, bathe, coat, color, condition, cover, dab, daub, diffuse, dip, glaze, gloss, grain, hue, illuminate, imbrue, implant, impregnate, lacquer, lave, leach, leaven, overrun, overspread, paint, parget, penetrate, percolate, permeate, pervade, pigment, rinse, run through, saturate, season, seethe, shade, shadow, shellac, smear, soak, sodden, sop, tinge, tint, tone, transfuse, varnish, wash, whitewash. :help:


  • Old Photo Pencil Writing On Top With Imbrues.webp
    Old Photo Pencil Writing On Top With Imbrues.webp
    11.3 KB · Views: 283
Is that last word with or without ?

Cy ~

It's definitely ... with - (dash) There is no fading or erasing on the end. Please go back and see the changes/additions I made to my last post.

Looks like a possible fit :icon_thumright: but unfortunately no clue to the persons ID.

"from negative # 6" looks esp. good.

Have you figured how Mal No6 could fit in to this scenario?

No, not yet. But I don't think it's a name. Surely it is related to the other # 6 . I am thinking if "negative # 6" is even likely, then "Mal" may be related to negatives - prints - photos - etc, - and may be some form of "studio/workshop abbreviation." I have searched "Mal" but did not come up with anything worthwhile.

SBB...maybe..whoever was painting this pic would need the imbrues(tints) necessary to do the job along with the picture...I like this train of thought...

Cy..just allow me to keep an open mind and persue more than one avenue of thought...Bob used a Easyshare camera or uploaded on 6/24/2011 @ 10:04:01AM with a Lens Focal Lenght of 6.0,DPI 96, ISO Speed 80, F-Stop 2.7...Just because you don't see the info does not mean it is not there..

according to, MAL could stand for Mouth And Lips

Goldwind said:
Cy..just allow me to keep an open mind and persue more than one avenue of thought...Bob used a Easyshare camera or uploaded on 6/24/2011 @ 10:04:01AM with a Lens Focal Lenght of 6.0,DPI 96, ISO Speed 80, F-Stop 2.7...Just because you don't see the info does not mean it is not there..
But that is not true Goldwind. I told you that I do see it, but IMO its like looking into the clouds and seeing something. Ask Bob again what he thinks. He has the item in person.

I can also see the same camera information when I hover my mouse over his picture. Is there any other reason why you think this studio portrait is secret code embedded and/or military related?

I really do like to keep an open mind but at some point in the process it helps to eliminate those most likey not to fit. And this is very not likely IMO and its only my opinion. I hope I am allowed to disagree. I believe Bob also gave his opinion on the tiny numbers but you may have missed it. Or maybe I misunderstood.

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