No apologies necessary ... this thread is a tangled nest of fishline no matter how many different ways we try to unravel it. And it's my fault. So I take full responsibility for causing it to get side-tracked in the first place.
I have a theory of my own which I encouraged my three children to utilize at an early age, and one which I employ myself, which is that no matter what the subject is, and no matter how important it may seem at any given time to express an opinion, there are ocassions when it's perfectly okay to say ... "I don't know!" This is my surefire scapegoat whenever someone ask me if I believe in Bigfoot, flying sausers, or the Loc Ness monster? I just say I don't know and leave it at that. Because I really don't know if any of those things are real or not. Nor do I feel it necessary to always express an opinion one way or another.
In other words, I think we are in over our heads here and it may be time for us to admit we really don't know squat about old photos and figure out some other way of solving this thing. Remember, the primary focus was an attempt to try and identify what I thought might be a famous person. But I think we all agree that it isn't. So I think trying to dissect it into how it was made, when it was made, who made it, etc, etc; is likely to do nothing more than just drive us crazy. I also think we need expert help of some kind to even achieve that much. That's why I submitted it to the photo detectives with the hope they could help us out. But even that is starting to look like a crash and burn situation.
So where do we go from here? Answer: Nowhere! I think it's time to cash in our chips and call it a day. That is unless some unknown person comes along, stumbles onto this thread, and says, "Hey! I know exactly who that guy is. He's ..."
And that's exactly what I hoped would happen on page one. And now here we are on page three and still scratching our heads. Okay, so we got skunked. No big deal. There are worse things in life. Things like; "What in the hell was I thinking anyway when I bought that old picture in the first place? With the $15.00 I paid for it I could have bought a really cool soda bottle instead."
Now I'm the one who needs to apologize for getting up on my soap box and making absolutely no sense whatsoever. Oh well, there are worse things in life!
Later alligators.

I'll let you know if/when I hear from the photo detectives. But I wouldn't hold your breath! And a great big thank you again for all the help. It's been an education to say the least. We threw a bunch of stuff against the wall but not much of it stuck. That's okay with me. At least we tried, and at least we know now who it "isn't."
Thanks again,