Me and Goio were attacked today by a theif trying to rob us!!!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2008
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Golden Thread
Chicago IL
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Minelab_Excal_II Minelab_Explorer_SE_Pro w/ SunRay pinpointer & Garrett_Ace250
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
We went to our normal hunting spot in a Chicago public park like any other day. Everything was cool.
I found a 1920 Merc, that is the end of my 71 day silver coin drought so I was happy.

I was detecting when I saw Goio saying something to me. I took off my headphones,
when I saw a young guy maybe 16 - 20 years old throw a bottle at him. It missed him, but not by much.
The guy was like 15 feet away from us. I guess Goio was diging a plug when the first bottle came sailing
right passed his head. Everytime he threw a bottle he tried to rush up on us. He prolly thought we would
drop our detectors and he could run up and grab it. Well he got really close like 10 feet from me and whipped
another bottle at me, I saw it coming right for my head so I blocked it with my forearm. Just as before he tried
to rush me. This time I raised my shovel up and said "I'm gonna cut your %$&*@# head off!!!" well he took 1
step forward then ran off. He had another buddy off like 100 feet or so. Prolly ready to call his boys if anything
happened to him.

I wish I could of got my hands on him, I would of messed him up good. But my luck, he prolly is underage and I
would go to jail!!! He was whipping those bottels hard like he played baseball or some thing. The bottle that hit me
didn't blowup on impact, it bounced off. But now I have a big lump on my forearm, but that better than a broken
nose!!!! God I hate thiefs. The thing that bothers me most is that he tried to smash a bottle on Goios head when
he wasn't expecting it. Coward!!!! I atleast knew that a bottle was coming at me.

Oh yea, we still have all of our gear - he got nothing from us.

here are the pix that I took of todays hunt.







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Goio said:
Thanks everyone for all the advice and concerns, We did not report the incident to the police yesterday cause there where none around! we usually see cops either walking, bike riding or driving around all the time but yesterday was not to be. Weird!! If TF is willing to hunt tomorrow, the plan is to go back to the park, different spot but same park and report the incident to any police officer we meet.

Yea, thanks everybody for all the advice and concerns:thumbsup:

Yea bud - I am all for going back tomarrow, but yea, staying in a more populated area. :tongue3:

hogge said:
Shaw, I'm with you on this. Whenever I detect alone I ALWAYS CARRY. We detect alot of places where we are in the DEEP woods. Better safe than sorry. A rabid fox or coyote, sow with her cubs, there are, in fact, many reports in our area of mountain lions. I have personally never seen one, but there are many people who have. Our own Environmental Police,(game wardens), do not dismiss or even deny such claims as fictitious. There have been several articals in local papers on them. Every once in a while I will run across huge padded tracks you can't ID. I have hunted all my life and know, and can ID, animal tracks. Then you run across the 2 legged kind. You never know these days what is going through someones head. My Berretta 9mm should discourage that! Glad you're both safe. HOGGE

Same here, we have a lot of deep woods areas with deep woods people in there some times.

You should see some of these swimming holes in the afternoons. Everyone in there makes a full set of teeth!

Be careful out there!

txkickergirl said:
If you carried you could of drawn shot the bottle and told the NEXT???

But then again this advice is coming from a Texan and we aren't the most understanding breed.

Glad you are ok though.

LOL, True enough!

I think they are trying to pass something that we can just carry freely on our hip again like the ole west!

Crazy stuff

I carry a badge and a Sig 229 .40 cal it seems to work!! Sorry you guys had to put up with this kind of loser while you were trying to enjoy your hobby. Just remember always keep your eyes moving and be safe!!! HH Bighead

Nice find, but you should have taken a picture of the Thugs and posted it and also gave it to the POLICE. We hate theives also.

I carry when i mountain bike,think i will carry when i hunt alone. glad you guys are ok be careful out there fellow hunters. oh good finds.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience but I'm glad nobody was seriously injured and congrats on the Merc.

Sometimes I hunt during my lunch breaks in Newark, NJ which can be a pretty rough area. I try to stay where there are people but I've wandered off into some pretty scary areas. When I feel someone is casing me I usually move in a different direction and always keep my head up. I think the only thing that keeps me out of trouble is that I'm usually wearing dress slack, a white dress shirt and tie. I think that most of the poeple either think I'm a detective or just plain crazy. Either way it seems to work for me.


I say you organize a "hunt" and hit that park pretty regular for a week or so. I think finding some more merc's and kickin a thug @$$ or two would be helluva good time!

After something like that, you should definately get ccw.
A baton or knife is ok,but if the "gang" decide to overpower you a gun puts distance between
you and them, the knife is too close for comfort.

You guys could have been seriously hurt, maybe put a bayonet on the end of your detector :P

Man that pis*#s me off.Be safe out there.

BTW, did you make a police report? It's not too late,you should be able to describe the pos
and the cops can keep an eye out and beat, I mean, prosecute him..

I am a deputy sheriff and carry a glock 27 just about every where I go when I am off duty. For those of you who cant or don't want to get a weapon permit I would suggest a taser very effective ( I know I had to take a ride on it to carry it it hurts really really really bad) when you get hit with a taser not only does it hurt but it also stops all muscle control making you drop in your tracks. The cool thing about it is there is no real injury. The only problem is price about $1000 for the taser and $25 per set of probes. You can get probes in 15 20 and 25 feet.

This really burns my tail !!!

Nice pictures of suspects with handy dandy digital camera that was obviously available would have been smartest thing to do followed by a phone call on them handy dandy cell phones they got nowadays, followed by some editorials to local newspapers would have been efficient enough to get your point across to them. If that didn't work them knee pads on the elbows along with gloves that leave no fingerprints would have been equally effective enough for me. I'd a followed them home and slapped the crap out of the parents.

Sorry to hear about your incident. Looks like a decent park with school kids around based on the buses seen. To bad punks and undesirables have to ruin every good thing we have left in this world.

All this talk of guns is very disturbing and shows the mentality of many a people in our nation right now. Any man that needs a gun for protection isn't much of a man in my book. If your that afraid wear a vest don't go running around with guns putting the rest pf us at risk. I'd suggest calling the cops on them but don't have much faith in goverment agencies when it comes to justice ... seems they forgot what that was long time ago. I find they exist to protect the weak man who already running around protecting themselves with guns and killing us off with the white collar crimes.

World's going to hell in a ham basket and it only going to get worse IMO. I'd never make it in the big city...... To much filth, trash, punks , ingrates , degenerates, undesirables to eradicate .... I'd never have time for Treasure Hunting.

Stay safe remain strong and stay true to yourself. The day a man walked all over me like that would be the day hell freezed over.

People really get jacked for metal detecting gear? That's insane !!!

Midnightrider08 said:
This really burns my tail !!!

Nice pictures of suspects with handy dandy digital camera that was obviously available would have been smartest thing to do followed by a phone call on them handy dandy cell phones they got nowadays, followed by some editorials to local newspapers would have been efficient enough to get your point across to them. If that didn't work them knee pads on the elbows along with gloves that leave no fingerprints would have been equally effective enough for me. I'd a followed them home and slapped the crap out of the parents.

Sorry to hear about your incident. Looks like a decent park with school kids around based on the buses seen. To bad punks and undesirables have to ruin every good thing we have left in this world.

All this talk of guns is very disturbing and shows the mentality of many a people in our nation right now. Any man that needs a gun for protection isn't much of a man in my book. If your that afraid wear a vest don't go running around with guns putting the rest pf us at risk. I'd suggest calling the cops on them but don't have much faith in goverment agencies when it comes to justice ... seems they forgot what that was long time ago. I find they exist to protect the weak man who already running around protecting themselves with guns and killing us off with the white collar crimes.

World's going to hell in a ham basket and it only going to get worse IMO. I'd never make it in the big city...... To much filth, trash, punks , ingrates , degenerates, undesirables to eradicate .... I'd never have time for Treasure Hunting.

Stay safe remain strong and stay true to yourself. The day a man walked all over me like that would be the day hell freezed over.

People really get jacked for metal detecting gear? That's insane !!!
Do you mean to tell me if someone kicked your door down in the middle of the night you wouldn't take him out to protect your family.....GET REAL!!! It's just not confined to the City!!!

I keep my doors unlocked and I don't own guns and yes I wouldn't hesitate for a minute to take anyone out who intruded on my property in the middle of the night but they wouldn't get to the door to begin with as I'm awake 20 of the 24 hrs in a day atleast.

Maybe it's a difference in the areas of the country or something but for my state I live in a rough area and I've never had to deal with anything like described above while in a public park or any place for that matter.

I think it happened cause it was allowed to happen is all I was trying to say and I don't feel carrying guns is a rational reaction to the incident.

Midnightrider08 said:
This really burns my tail !!!

Nice pictures of suspects with handy dandy digital camera that was obviously available would have been smartest thing to do followed by a phone call on them handy dandy cell phones they got nowadays, followed by some editorials to local newspapers would have been efficient enough to get your point across to them. If that didn't work them knee pads on the elbows along with gloves that leave no fingerprints would have been equally effective enough for me. I'd a followed them home and slapped the crap out of the parents.

Sorry to hear about your incident. Looks like a decent park with school kids around based on the buses seen. To bad punks and undesirables have to ruin every good thing we have left in this world.

All this talk of guns is very disturbing and shows the mentality of many a people in our nation right now. Any man that needs a gun for protection isn't much of a man in my book. If your that afraid wear a vest don't go running around with guns putting the rest pf us at risk. I'd suggest calling the cops on them but don't have much faith in goverment agencies when it comes to justice ... seems they forgot what that was long time ago. I find they exist to protect the weak man who already running around protecting themselves with guns and killing us off with the white collar crimes.

World's going to hell in a ham basket and it only going to get worse IMO. I'd never make it in the big city...... To much filth, trash, punks , ingrates , degenerates, undesirables to eradicate .... I'd never have time for Treasure Hunting.

Stay safe remain strong and stay true to yourself. The day a man walked all over me like that would be the day hell freezed over.

People really get jacked for metal detecting gear? That's insane !!!

Crackheads/gangbangers in Chicago will jack you for your shoes, let alone a very nice looking piece of equipment they can go pawn straight away for a fix :wink:

Midnightrider08 said:
I keep my doors unlocked and I don't own guns and yes I wouldn't hesitate for a minute to take anyone out who intruded on my property in the middle of the night but they wouldn't get to the door to begin with as I'm awake 20 of the 24 hrs in a day atleast.

Maybe it's a difference in the areas of the country or something but for my state I live in a rough area and I've never had to deal with anything like described above while in a public park or any place for that matter.

I think it happened cause it was allowed to happen is all I was trying to say and I don't feel carrying guns is a rational reaction to the incident.
To each his own......Peace!!!!

In Texas you could have just shot him and went about your buisness

Just to clarify ... It's not the police I have lack of faith in as much as it is the court systems. We all know law enforcement are overworked under paid and stretched to the limit as to what they can and can not do to protect us from us. Often they get a bad rap for a court system which is the real blame. They make an arrest send them to court and the courts let them out again to repeat the process . I hope my remarks did not offend anyone as that was not my intentions and I do apologize for not being clearer in my original post and maybe comming off as donkeys rear.

I never thought about pawn shops as a place to look for a good used piece of equipment and wonder if they have any to begin with that work. I figure most people who pawn detectors would do so only if they had a malfunctioning issue or were just plain on the crack and needed a quick fix.

My theory on stealing is .. It's not going to happen to me while I'm present and if it happens to me when I'm not present then they needed it more then me to begin with and I hope it betters themselves if for just the fleeting moment in time.

I watched the same couple steal from my shop on 3 seperate occaisons and let it happen cause I knew they needed it and weren't druggies. I fear the more and more we struggle here in the states to make ends meet the more and more of this petty type crime is going to happen.

I think pepper spray is a good solution and might be a "tool" we all should carry. Although I admit I'd feel mighty silly holding a little can and spraying it at someone in a defensive situation... We already are looking in the ground for who knows what ... I'm sure we are seen as crazy to begin with in many a eyes ... This would have been the perfect oppurtunity to play the psycho detectorist card and just gone mid evil on them ... but that's just me.

I was the maybe almost victim of a jacking in Florida one time while driving to Naples . Luckily our truck was bigger and I simply drove them off the road as they pulled up along us on interstate and had us at gun point... with a pea shooter non the less. When I asked my passenger wtf that was all about and what they were thinking he told me VT plates in Florida are like a bullseyes for crackheads who don't know no better. .

I'll be staying away from Chicago !!! I'm to old now to be walking around barefoot and to young to die over a pair of rubber barn boots.

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