Me and Goio were attacked today by a theif trying to rob us!!!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2008
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Golden Thread
Chicago IL
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Minelab_Excal_II Minelab_Explorer_SE_Pro w/ SunRay pinpointer & Garrett_Ace250
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
We went to our normal hunting spot in a Chicago public park like any other day. Everything was cool.
I found a 1920 Merc, that is the end of my 71 day silver coin drought so I was happy.

I was detecting when I saw Goio saying something to me. I took off my headphones,
when I saw a young guy maybe 16 - 20 years old throw a bottle at him. It missed him, but not by much.
The guy was like 15 feet away from us. I guess Goio was diging a plug when the first bottle came sailing
right passed his head. Everytime he threw a bottle he tried to rush up on us. He prolly thought we would
drop our detectors and he could run up and grab it. Well he got really close like 10 feet from me and whipped
another bottle at me, I saw it coming right for my head so I blocked it with my forearm. Just as before he tried
to rush me. This time I raised my shovel up and said "I'm gonna cut your %$&*@# head off!!!" well he took 1
step forward then ran off. He had another buddy off like 100 feet or so. Prolly ready to call his boys if anything
happened to him.

I wish I could of got my hands on him, I would of messed him up good. But my luck, he prolly is underage and I
would go to jail!!! He was whipping those bottels hard like he played baseball or some thing. The bottle that hit me
didn't blowup on impact, it bounced off. But now I have a big lump on my forearm, but that better than a broken
nose!!!! God I hate thiefs. The thing that bothers me most is that he tried to smash a bottle on Goios head when
he wasn't expecting it. Coward!!!! I atleast knew that a bottle was coming at me.

Oh yea, we still have all of our gear - he got nothing from us.

here are the pix that I took of todays hunt.







Upvote 1
That sucks!!!!! I am glad you guys are ok! :) Nice job on the mercury dime!!! :thumbsup:

Nice merc! Nice job fending off the bottle. If you can't carry a handgun in the parks in your area, get an ASP two broken kneecaps and a broken collarbone in 3.5 seconds. ;D Slows em down a bunch till PD gets there ;D

I always figure having a sharp spade/trowel in your hands might make a thug think twice. I also have wondered whether the cops might see such an implement as a danger(to them) as well. But most of the police I come across always wave ( and I of course wave back.) I mostly feel comfortable in my surroundings, but I do constantly look around. If you need to protect yourself , it doesnt matter the age of your potential assailant, protecting yourself is more important.


i find the digger i use should be a formible opponent against most things beside a gun maybe..serrated on one side clean blade on the other.

Man, I am sorry to hear you guys were attacked!! I sure am glad you didn't get hurt. Those kind of pukes can really ruin your day. It's really sad to see what drug abuse has done to our society. The vast majority of the users prowl around all night long stealing stuff from innocent victims so they can get their fix for the night, sleep all day long then get up as the sun goes down, it is just an endless cycle. Most are cowardly and roam around in packs for intimidation effect.Thats why if I want to hunt questionable areas I will go early in the morning and try to bring a buddy for an extra set of eyes.

I have also found that the Lesche knife style digger looks intimidating to people. I usually try to hide the blade part while walking so as not to scare nice people. It came in handy one day when I saw a questionable looking person slowly checking me out from a distance. When the individual quickened his pace and came straight towards me I exposed the blade, moving it back and forth so the sun would shine off the blade. 8) Needless to say the person immediately changed his course and and I never saw him again. I usually don't have a problem with thugs being that I am a large person, but sometimes everyone needs a little edge. ;D

Much luck to you guys, and keep an eye out,

I award you the " silver merc medal" for putting down a frontal assault........... :violent1:

Glad nothing serious happened.........from the pics, the park seems to be a nice place...

Be well.......and keep swinging......oohrah..!

well here's some choices in batons i recommend the one in the middle its my newest and the best so far i love it. it's made by modadnock its there new auto lock the other expandable is an old asp it is good to but like my new one when you expand it the sound detours most offenders and if it doesn't the first strike will. the PR-24 which is the one with the side handle was nice once upon a time is still effective but as times change so should our tools and most expandable batons weigh no more the a good digger. theres an old saying it's better to have and not use than need and not have...but if anyone gets one they should get some training with it there not designed to be used like a bat.and knowing how to use it properly it is very effective well i guess that's all of my 2 cents


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Damn!!! Fiend! You and Greg are pretty lucky!!! I carry a couple of different blades with me for different things! It would of turned out different for me though, I would have put down my machine, then I would have opened up him and his boys! then with my diggin tools, buried them!!!! who's to tell!!!! :icon_jokercolor:Nobody and I mean nobody F**ks with me!!!!!! it would be so sweet!!!LOL Jimmy carries a gun when we go anyway!!!!!! DUH-TEKTORS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HH, QUICKSILVER(appletree) PS. Congrats on the Merc! Whats up Greg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you get your hands around the neck of this little critter another day.

Be careful out there.

..surprise... a Marine with a shovel... ;-) get some...

You guys have carry permits up there?? or.. have you seen the new Ka-bar?? ;-)


USMC 1984 - 1985 ..and should have stayed in!! WHAT was I thinking????

pays to hunt in pairs /partners :thumbsup:

You guys look like you could handle yourselves fine and sounds like you did good. I agree that the coward trying to hit your buddy when he wasn't expecting it is the worst part. I'm zoned out with my headphones on sometimes. I'll have to be more aware. There's a good lesson here.

I would call the cops with a description of the two kids. A local cop may know who they are and they could definitely be prosecuted for that.

Thanks for sharing.

we'll have to get the guys together to hunt for some garbage

Very Light and very loud. Mine has a small clip that runs down the side to clip on the inside of your pant line, back pack or whatever you choose.

Its not the most accurate piece on the earth but most altercations happen at 10' or less.

I don't like to carry but I feel the need sometimes and its better to be safe than sorry.


  • kel-tec_pf9-1.webp
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had that been me the outcome would have been way different. im originally from s. philly and ive been hit with bottles, car arials , d- buckles, rocks, bricks and even took a bat to the face and still kept fighting.even got stabbed in the arm with an ice pick.( old gang war days) hitting me with that bottle would have pissed me off and nothing would have stopped me from running him down and f@$#ing him up. and if i didnt suceed then i would have gone back when he least suspected and ambushed his a$$. might have even brought a few of my goon buddies and had a good old time. my friends are nuts and live to hurt people who prey on helpless people. knowing us we would have gone back on numerous occasions until him and his boys decided it was safer to move to a different area or look for a different line of work. either that or they would be making numerous trips to the hospital.
to this day i still sit in a restaurant or bar with my back to the wall and one eye on the door. you never know when things will turn ugly and you must be prepared. no one protects you but you. good luck and be safe.

Yeah, that was a scary situation. While I was digging a target I saw those two teenager scouting us, not like the other people we have met at the park before wondering what we are doing. I saw these guys with the intent to do something so I kept my eyes on them. One of them approach me and ask for the time so I gave it to him and then he left, about 50 feet away I spot them looking at us again with that look like he wanted something. I was still on my knees covering the plug when I heard a whoosh pass next to me and I quickly turn around to see what it was and saw a bottle flying across the field! then I saw this guy running pass me so I got up and then he called his body to come over. they guy picked up another bottle and he was just staring at me, I pulled my digger out to scare him off but that didn't help, he was just standing there ready to aim. at this point Treasurefiend was still working on a target! I kept working my way toward my buddy's sight not keeping my eyes off this this guy till finally TF saw me and I could let him know that we had trouble. This guy was persistent, It was the two of us with shovels on our hands and lesche diggers but he kept coming!! Not Good. I have hunted the same spot plenty of times by myself with no problem, no more! :o

Well here are my finds. Thanks TF for letting me dig your bloody silver!! :thumbsup:


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Shaw, I'm with you on this. Whenever I detect alone I ALWAYS CARRY. We detect alot of places where we are in the DEEP woods. Better safe than sorry. A rabid fox or coyote, sow with her cubs, there are, in fact, many reports in our area of mountain lions. I have personally never seen one, but there are many people who have. Our own Environmental Police,(game wardens), do not dismiss or even deny such claims as fictitious. There have been several articals in local papers on them. Every once in a while I will run across huge padded tracks you can't ID. I have hunted all my life and know, and can ID, animal tracks. Then you run across the 2 legged kind. You never know these days what is going through someones head. My Berretta 9mm should discourage that! Glad you're both safe. HOGGE

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